Blogs from Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, North America - page 6


North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco June 8th 2007

After spending a beautiful day at the beach, it finally happened ~ after more than 12 years of international travel and 20 countries ~ a theft occurred. Carlos and I enjoyed a day trip from his home town to Acapulco, but the day did not end as we had hoped. We enjoyed the entire day at the beach and it wasn't until around 5:00 p.m. that we turned our back from our cabana for minutes. In an instance both of our bags, containing everything we had come to the beach with, including many other important items for an international trip with were taken. I am not going to bore you with the items though. We suspect it was our waiter because he was the only one that had access. We quickly scavenged the beach, but ... read more
La Playa
La Playa en Acapulco
Las Brisas

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco May 24th 2007

I found myself in Acapulco during the week of college spring break. I’m not sure how I managed that one. I haven’t been to Mexico for spring break since freshman year of college. And in all honesty I had no intention of returning. However, when I found out some of my good friends from NY were going to be there, I jumped at the chance to catch up with them after 8 months away. And to be fair, this wasn’t a Holiday Inn kind of week. A private home in the guarded community of Las Brisas was our exclusive domain, repleat with a staff to cook, bartend, and clean up after us. Hell, we even guys with machine guns at the corner of the block! Day one was a private affair with my cousin Jeff ... read more
The Gang

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco April 27th 2007

Hi and big love to everyone… We finally left Puerto Vallarta and took a sleepless 21 hour bus journey down the west coast of Mexico heading for the bright lights of Acapulco… The journey on bus was touted at taking 18 hours to get there - 3 x 6hr drives I thought and we are done! So the18 hours came and went and we are still weaving up and down the mountains in the bus going south… A mosquito has decided my feet look like a good place for a bite and I’m trying to doze off as the sun is starting to rise. People had said to us “you’ll not like Acapulco as much as Puerto Vallarta” so with this in mind we approached Acapulco 21 hours later, dazed and confused… We jumped in a ... read more
Cliff Divers at La Quebrada
Claire Looking Beautiful
Claire & I

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco April 26th 2007

I know it has been too long since I updated this blog. And the worst part is not for lack of time! I have tons of time on my hands....but the internet on the ship is pretty I wait until I'm at port...and this is our last week in Mexico before we head up to I've been busy having some adventures before we head to the cold. So here is a summary of the last few weeks....I went Bungy Jumping in Acapulco last week from a 50 meter tower....all by myself. Then I went swimming with dolphins in Puerta Vallarta. I went Parasailing in Cabo San Lucas too. It has been a few weeks of adventure! It has also been a really difficult few weeks. We got news that my Dad has pancreatic ... read more

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco April 19th 2007

There are no trains in this vast country, not one, which is becoming a challenge, so we had to get another coach, an estimated 18 hours of travel along the bendy coastline. The journey started at 13.00pm, we should have been sensible and stopped at Manzanillo alleged to be famous for golf and mangroves or stopped off anywhere else on route as this journey turned into a 21-hour epic. We arrived at 10am the following morning feeling like shit. From the bus station (one of 3) we grabbed 1 of 5000 old Herbie style Volkswagen taxis which did all have minds of their own, heading downtown, which was not down anywhere as we ascended up and up very steep hills. We looked at the cabbie in trust that he was taking us somewhere near to where ... read more
Cliff Divers
Cliff divers limbering up...
Herbie cabs

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco March 5th 2007

Got the bus from Mexico city on friday...suprisingly easy to negiotate our way there, bought the tickets and landed on board...what a great bus??beats the goldliners hands down - altho we ready to get off by the time we reached acapulco as the films they showed where dubbed in the worst mexican accents you can imagine.... The drive itself took us through some nice scenery - really desert like, but through huge mountains and across massive suspension bridges, with a river rollong below...jen reckons she seen john wayne at one point??!!! we tried to take photos and capture that kodak moment but the good scenery was either on the wrong side of the bus from us or jen was too slow with the camera, and instead caught an image of a tree or two along the ... read more
The beach
Fat Yanks

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco February 26th 2007

Nothing much new to report, just posting some extra pics, We visited the Acapulco Museum ´fuerte San Diego´ its a fort set into the hilside built to protect the port from pirates etc. we learnt all about the spanish trade routes to asia, it was like being back at school! got some good panoramic pics from the roof aswell. we went back to that club the other night, had the same crappy music on untill the foam party started, they barricaded off the dance floor so it got realy full up!! jack nearly got kicked out for sneaking the people outside the club on the beach drinks and we got semi chatted up by some mexican girls (they were trying but we cudnt understand alot of it) maybe i should have learnt some spanish before coming ... read more
model of the fort
View from the fort
The inside of the fort

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco February 23rd 2007

We havent realy done much since i last posted, except go to see the ´world famous´ cliff divers of acapulco, they had to climg the cliff from the water and then dive down into a narrow gully where the surge was HUGE, it all looked very dangerous. we got our moneys worth aswell, after the first show we climbed over the wall and got a better view for the next show. luckily nobody noticed we were still there so we got 2 for the price of 1. other than sitting on the beach the only other thing we have done is go clubbing. wow is it cheap. a whole night out including bus there and taxi back cos us 255 pesos which is under 13 pounds!!! and that was in the expensive part of town. We ... read more
The Cliff
Cliff Diver
Jack in da club

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco February 17th 2007

yesterday we woke late, returned for the third time to climb the bell tower of the cathederal only to be told we had to be in a group of 4 people. we gave up and wondered about some more. Outside the Zocalo there was a Robot mime statue guy (EXACTLY like the one in the film eurotrip. i put some money in his collection box and he shook my hand..... and didnt let go!!! so we wondered about abit and then collected our bags from the hotel and tok the metro their equivalent to the underground which only cost 30p to the bus station. jumped on a nice luxury bus to acapulco which took 5 hours, very comfy though the seats reclined miles and there were leg rests and everything! we were on our way to ... read more
acapulco by night
The beach hangout

North America » Mexico » Guerrero » Acapulco February 10th 2007

Today we explored Acapulco which was a treat! After a nice breakfast on the ship we headed down the the docks and caught a cab. I should say that the cabs catch us down here. The second you exit the ports of entry down here, you are bombarded by taxi drivers wanting to whisk you off to the far reaches of the town. A lady Acacia met by the pool said that on previous trips to Acapulco she had stayed at the Princess resort (confusing, but no, no connection to Princess Cruise Lines). Then again, when we asked Marian, our waiter, what the best place was on the island, he suggested the same. The downside is that the cab ride was aprox 30 minutes and cost $35 (no, not Mexican... US!). It was worth it! The ... read more
The beach at Princess Resort
The beach at Princess Resort
Princess Resort waterfall

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