Blogs from Quebec, Canada, North America - page 7


North America » Canada » Quebec » Mont Tremblant August 11th 2020

Lévis, 11 août. Jolie petite boucle en bordure de la zone boréale québécoise pour terminer cet été particulier. Cap à l'Ouest vers la Mauricie, Lanaudière, les Laurentides et l'Outaouais. De l'eau, beaucoup d'eau sur ce territoire, plusieurs grands cours d'eau y prennent ici leurs sources. Pas mal de belles baignades tout au long du périple, avec quelques belles randonnées en prime. Réservoir Taureau (source de la Mattawin), Parc du Mont-Tremblant (le camping de la chute aux rats et la grimpette à la Corniche au dessus du lac Monroe, mémorables!), Réservoir Baskatong (source de la Gatineau, même si officiellement c'est le réservoir Gouin), vallée de la Gatineau, Ottawa (une petite excursion hors-frontière) puis retour par les vallées de l'Outaouais et du Saint-Laurent, les découvertes furent nombreuses et je suis ravi! En vous souhaitant une année 2021 pleine ... read more
Réservoir Taureau
Parc des Sept Chutes, St-Zénon

North America » Canada » Quebec » Terrebonne July 31st 2020

Last trip was in Nicaragua and I had to cut it short because of possible closing of borders due to covid-19 pandemic!!! I did well because some canadians were stuck for 3 months and more abroad which is not always easy or practical. :-) I came back in mid March, at the end of winter. Quebec's government took strong confinement measures at the beginning of the pandemic, but because of a combination of factors, it was the most affected province of Canada. At one point, all regions of the province were closed , but now we are free to move within the province, but always wear a mask in public places. Many took vacations in the province, and many regions showed camping, or house rentals completely full. Some went to these regions anyway, without reservations, and ... read more
Beautiful moth
moisan lake

North America » Canada » Quebec » Levis July 29th 2020

Lévis, 29 juillet 2020 Pour les bourlingueurs comme vous et moi, ce minuscule petit truc a pour le moins bousillé une part de nos rêves de découvertes estivales. Étanchéité frontalière oblige, les Québécois se ruent hors des centres urbains vers des contrées plus aérées, une sorte de retour à la nature après ce difficile printemps. C'est ainsi que nos yeux se tournèrent vers le Québec maritime, déjà parcouru, mais ô combien riche en lieux extraordinaires! Depuis le Bas-St-Laurent, ce périple bordé de mer nous mena de la Baie des Chaleurs à la pointe de la péninsule gaspésienne, où trônent Percé, l'île Bonaventure et le parc Forillon. Après l'ascension du Mont Jacques-Cartier en Haute-Gaspésie, la traversée du fleuve depuis Matane nous mena sur la Côte-Nord, vers Pointe-des-Monts, Sept-Îles et Havre Saint-Pierre. Notre journée dans l'archipel de Mingan ... read more
Mont Saint-Joseph, Carleton sur-Mer
Mont Saint-Joseph, Carleton-sur-Mer
Mont-Saint-Joseph, Carleton-sur-Mer

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal June 13th 2020

Comme tout le monde cette année, j’ai mis les voyages sur pause. Et ce n’est pas facile, ça fait plutôt mal! Déjà depuis plusieurs mois, habituellement à pareille date, la préparation de mon voyage d’été se fait dans le plaisir, l’enthousiasme et l’excitation du départ prochain. Et quand arrive juillet, je ne peux plus attendre pour embarquer dans l’avion. En 2020, ce sera l’année différente des autres, la spéciale, celle dont on se souviendra pour le reste de notre vie. On dit que le bonheur n’est pas une destination mais plutôt une façon de voyager. J’entreprends donc cet été un moment de bonheur, celui de me poser dans mon jardin, de nourrir mes oiseaux, de cultiver mes fleurs, de simplement regarder la vie. C’est étrange comme justement elle se charge de nous faire prendre notre temps... ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec December 7th 2019

I'm writing this final entry after the fact, clearly. We had a whirlwind weekend. Friday evening we again were out exploring Quebec and it was getting colder and colder. We also realized our hotel has three restaurants which, in comparison to the skyrocket prices around the hotel, offer better food for less money (overall). So, we made reservations for dinner in one of the hotel restaurants but we still decided to walk around some of the side streets tonight. The hotel, by the way, has steadily increased in traffic daily. Thursday evening the check-in desk was backed-up with people everywhere. Tonight, the lobby is packed full of people coming and going and then we see later on.... there's a ball in the ballroom!! They had a red carpet setup and "security" in tuxes so only those ... read more
Typical Menu
Convenience store

North America » Canada » Quebec December 6th 2019

We have been out and about today so I'm writing my blog for today early. It's basically dark now so we'll go back out in a minute. It is completely dark by 4:30pm here every day. The lights start coming-on outside around 3:00pm. I was up semi-early today and took a shower and was ready long before Kamie was at 11am. That seems to be our "get out and about" time on this getaway. Good for us. We need the rest. First off today, we checked on the Toboggin ride they have outside our hotel. It was not open and running today. We would have froze to death anyway. It was 6 below freezing out this morning. We took the Funicular - which is a moving elevator - down the hill to the shops of Old ... read more
The lobby of the hotel is beautiful with several sitting areas
Today's weather - 6 below freezing
Our hotel has been around since at least 1602

North America » Canada » Quebec December 5th 2019

We had a full day of sightseeing yesterday and it was glorious! I was wearing my new boots which are super cute (that's mandatory, right?) and comfortable too but after nearly 9,000 steps and walking up and down hills all day, my poor feet were warm but tired by the time we finally came back to the hotel room around 10:30pm last night. First, we returned to see the Christmas Markets at night. We walked through every area of the markets we could find. The Christmas Markets are in association with the Bavarian region of Germany and they have 80 to 90 vendors from Germany selling various items - hats, gloves, soaps, ornaments, hot chocolate, nougats, jewelry, etc. I've purchased two ornaments so far but their really hasn't been anything stand out to us as something ... read more
Our hotel
Entrance to our hotel

North America » Canada » Quebec December 4th 2019

Welcome to the North Pole! This is the greeting we were given by a jolly man with a white beard when we flew into Quebec yesterday - we weren't even in the airport yet - he was waiting for passengers as we got off the plane and started our walk down the "hallway" that leads into the airport! We then walked directly into the airport staring at a Café Starbucks which I was really in need of to simply stay awake for a couple more hours. Kamie was off to the restroom while I listened to Christmas music overhead, noticed the airport had a kids (and adults) area setup with The Grinch movie showing on a giant TV, and adjacent to that was a Lexus SUV wrapped in a big red bow. This small airport sang ... read more
Kamie smoking outside Toronto airport

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal October 29th 2019

“A youth, who bore, ‘mid snow and ice, a banner with the strange device, Excelsior!” Excelsior, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow October 29. Classy start, huh? We certainly began in snow and ice – so, sorry, Edmonton – even if no one is likely to mistake me for a youth. Except maybe in a raging blizzard. And as for boring . . . Hm. Strange devices was yesterday’s non-weather theme, enough strange devices yesterday to justify the rest of the quote (and, yes, I know that “device” in the poem refers to what is displayed on a banner, but where’s the pun, er, fun in that?). First, the airplane was delayed for almost a full hour for “maintenance issues.” Something they did not bother to to tell those poor eager sods who chose to stand in line for ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal » Downtown September 30th 2019

Today's the flight to Tokyo but not until 3:00pm, so I figured I'd wander around the area of my Hotel in Chinatown in the morning before checking out and going to the airport. Nothing particularly eventful happened, except on one street a shabby man turned and started following me. I can never tell if these type of people are people that have some sort of mental disability or are on some sort of drugs so I continued on cautiously aware of him while going about my business which was just wandering. I feel like he could have been after my phone if it was in my back pocket but i had already removed my phone from my pocket before entering the neighbourhood and put it elsewhere. I entered the supermarket at one point just to look ... read more

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