Blogs from Petra, South, Jordan, Middle East - page 20


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra September 5th 2008

27 Aug - today we visit Petra, an extremely famous UNESCO site and eighth wonder of the ancient world / one of the Modern wonders of the world. We have a guided tour in morning with our guide Ibrahim. Even the approach to Petra is spectacular with out of this world rock formations. Petra is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabateans. Walking through the Siq is like walking through a huge canyon but steeped in history. After a few hours walking, Ibrahim takes us aside and spins us a story about looking for gold, we are so distracted that we follow his every is of course a well-known plot for tourists so that we step back and face the iconic view from the Siq looking on to the ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra September 4th 2008

Jordan vet sannelig hvordan. Det er kveld i Midtoesten, solen har just gaatt ned, og alle er i full aktivitet med aa fylle opp tomme mager og roeyke inn tomme lunger etter nok en lang og varm fastedag. Siden forrige gang har vi forflyttet oss ganske langt. Og dere som frekventerer bloggen vaar, vet at saa snart vi flytter paa oss, kommer det gode historier. Denne gangen er intet unntak. Mandag morgen pakket vi sekkene vaare, sa ha det til alle vaare nye venner fra Paris (her i Midtoesten treffer vi av en eller annen grunn mennesker fra Paris) og trasket bort til busstasjonen. Vi gikk selvfoelgelig feil, og sto plutselig midt paa en voldsomt traffikert bro. Men vi snudde, saa paa kartet, tenkte oss om, og fant fram. Planen var aa finne en saakallet shared ... read more
Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 24th 2008

Patrick and I hired a taxi driver named Moosa to take us from Aqaba to Wadi Rum. He was a really nice guy, but a bit too talkative at times. He took us to his brother's restaurant for breakfast and we ate virtually for free. The drive to Wadi Rum was great. It was through the desert and very scenic. Once we arrived in Wadi Rum, we went into town and Moosa dropped us off at our guide's house. We then met a Swiss brother/sister duo and they joined us for our night into the desert. The four of us rode in the back of a pickup truck for a four hour tour of the desert before arriving at our camp. This is Lawrence of Arabia territory so we saw Lawrence's house (which was nothing more ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 21st 2008

Today was a fun day... a fun day in retrospect, but rather traumatic while it happened. To whet you're appetite, lets just say today's blog includes an ambulance and a lot of yelling. It all started out with the well intentioned nagging of myself, harassing Melenie to 'carpe diem' and see Petra, despite Per feeling absolutely horrid from a rather vicious bout of gastro. Yes, she was throwing up every hour, had skin that ached like a migraine, a sore throat from being dehydrated, and all while being required to exert her scarce energy trying to nurse our 4-month old. Yes, it was bad, but this was our last day in Petra, and, I coaxed, perhaps we could take it real slow to allow her to see just a bit of this world famous destination. Brave ... read more
Some random panoramic view
Just another random Petra photo
The narrow Siq

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 20th 2008

I'm surprised at the number of people who have no idea what Petra is. You know, that mystical city that was lost from civilization for 6 centuries. The centre of the great Nabataen civilization; that great Arab force that for some time controlled world trade thanks to its strong control of key east-to-west trade routes. That rose coloured city that was carved 2600 years ago from sandstone drenched in an array of red hues. No - most people look confused. And let’s not begin to talk about the looks regarding the Nabataens - "Naba what?". Of course, then I tell them, "you know that place in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - that stone temple at the end". And then the sparkle returns to their eyes together with an exclamation of "oh wow!". Of course, ... read more
Full view of the treasury
A cave dwelling?
An attempt at being artistic

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 17th 2008

Today we returned to the ruins at Petra and tonight we are invited to a BBQ by on of the guys at the hotel.... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 16th 2008

We made it to Petra yesterday. Didnt do much after the flight and trip except eat and sleep. Today we got up early and checked out the ruins.... read more
Us and it

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 8th 2008

I left Egypt on a hot evening and arrived in Jordan on an even hotter night. A quick word of advice to everyone: try to avoid going to the Middle East during summer time. I have no idea what I was thinking. One nice thing was the lack of tourist which made it easy to get around and really enjoy Petra in peace and quiet. I spent two days in Amman seeing the sights and researching a good tour to take to Petra (one of the new Wonders of the world) if you have never heard of it then google it or watch "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". I ended up taking a bus down the Kings Highway which ran through an assortment of Castles and monasteries and breathtaking views of the Dead Sea. After ... read more
Dead Sea Scrolls
Temple of Hercules

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 7th 2008

MYYYY LAAAAAASSSSTTTTTT DAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo I headed back to Diala's house for my last night...tear! Apparently Wednesday nights are dead in Amman so we didn't last long and just headed back home to eat pita and lebanah! (this amazing cheese-like yogurt) It was perfect though because we had to wake up at 6am this morning to catch a ride to PETRAAAA!!!! (yes yes, the lost ancient temple in the 3rd Indiana Jones haha) Petra was amazing!!! THE SECOND WONDER OF THE WORLD!!! Took a few hours to get there but totally worth it! We hiked through the rock to finally get to one of the ancient temples of the 12 kings from back in the day. It was the only house of the 12 kings that got finished and took about 6 years with 20,000 workers..unbelieveable! If ... read more
do you see what i seeeee???

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 2nd 2008

I walked the 7 continents the last 6 months...and today, I'm visiting my last 7th Wonder of the World. I've been waiting a lot to come here. This is a pilgrimage to one of my dearest was simply an amazing visit of human architecture in an astonishing natural site. I departed yesterday morning from Cairo to Aman on Royal Jordanian. In front of the plane for some style, and I must admit I've been very surprised by the brand new aircraft, big seats for a small aircraft...and great service. Once in Queen Alia airport in Aman, jump on a taxi for what is supposed to be the 3 hours drive...that we did in 2 hours and 10 minutes! Sand, sand, stones and rocks...this is the 230km to Petra. Arrived in the middle of the afternoon ... read more
Treasury at 7.15am

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