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The Importance of Travel Insurance

Why get travel insurance, and what can it cover?
14 years ago, July 9th 2009 No: 1 Msg: #79030  
Your trip can take months to save for and only seconds to ruin. Vacations can be quite the investment and if something were to go wrong you could lose all that you invested. Many travelers fail to realize the security that comes from purchasing travel insurance.

If anything were to go wrong, the insurance can protect your investment as well as provide you with coverage for medical expenses, trip cancellations/ interruptions, baggage damage, emergency medical treatment while traveling, medical evacuation, weather, delays, legal assistance, personal liabilities, rental car damage, etc. It is important to note that obtaining medical treatment and hospital care abroad can be expensive, and medical evacuation to the U.S. can cost more than $50,000. In addition, U.S. medical insurance is generally not accepted outside the United States, nor do the Social Security Medicare and Medicade programs provide coverage for hospital or medical costs outside the United States.

Such protection is offered and highly recommended by your travel agent. For more information on planning the vacation of a lifetime and protecting that investment, please visit !
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14 years ago, July 10th 2009 No: 2 Msg: #79076  
Hello Sue 😊

I am quite cynical about travel insurance. I dont have much faith in it working as expected. I have heard too many stories from people who only retrieved a fraction of the cost of what they lost from their travel insurance companies. And the insurance people seem to put people through a lot of hassle to claim for their losses. Not really worth the trouble in my opinion. Best to just buy new stuff. I would only ever bother with medical insurance, and only when medical care in the countries I am travelling in is very expensive.

Being robbed by a little old lady.

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14 years ago, July 10th 2009 No: 3 Msg: #79115  
B Posts: 11.5K
Agree with you there Mel - the benefit in travel insurance is more for health emergencies rather than replacement of material possessions. Reply to this

14 years ago, July 10th 2009 No: 4 Msg: #79116  
I often wonder how much those health emergencies would actually cost. Maybe having something like a broken leg fixed is affordable in many countries. The only really unaffordable thing might be having some terminal illness treatment that goes on for a long time.

Does anyone know what health services cost in reality? Have you ever had to pay for something yourself when you did not have insurance? We buy insurance, but do we ever consider the alternative?

I had to have a root canal in one of my teeth in Germany. I had no insurance I payed 1400 Euros. I would consider that a medical emergency because I couldnt possibly live with such an uncomfortable tooth.

Also, to those who have claimed from their insurance for a medical emergency, did the insurance company pay the entire cost or did you have to pay for some of it yourself? What medical treatment did you receive and what did it cost?

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14 years ago, July 13th 2009 No: 5 Msg: #79317  
Since returning back to the UK after 2 years on the road. I have worked as an ambulance medic with a company who specialise in insurance company repatriation of those sick or injured while abroad. I meet people at UK airports in my ambulance and take them to various specialist hospitals or as part of the continuation of patient care we take them home to any where in the country, that is if the hospital has cleared them to travel in the first place and then only if they have been cleared by the travelling doctor who is always British and who stays in the same hotel as the patient before travelling. They then sign them off to me.

For as little as £18 to cover medical incidents, this small sum has saved the patient/traveller thousands of pounds and much heart ache. I have met 15 year old snow boarders who broke legs, arms, pelvis. One 19 year old girl told me she had a last minute feeling to get medical cover, first day out surfing she broke her back in 2 places, her hospital bill and transportation back to the UK ended up in a private plane came to around £195,000.

I have met people my age (40's) who developed heart problems and have suffered a full on heart attack or severe asthmatic problems, these people were normally fit and well. I have helped couples who lost early pregnancies while on a 2 week cruise, with serious complications and had to get flown out to the nearest A&E in a central American country.

One lady fell seriously ill while in Mexico, amazingly the local hospital identified a long term condition that had not been diagnosed correctly in the UK and in turn saved her life. This story was amazing as again the couple got medical insurance as the last minute, the bill they got for 4 weeks of hospital care, hotel for the husband, a mobile phone to keep in touch with the insurance company 24 hours/7 and transportation home was in the region of $388,000, their UK home was not worth this, they had no savings of this magnitude, they would have been bankrupted by this event had it not been for this insurance. They felt truly blessed all round.

I know of a young lad who was uninsured and died in a terrible accident while in Europe, this cost his family thousands in hospital fees, and then flying his body home was traumatic to say the least as there are rules the airlines adear to for this kind of situation.

The insurance company will honour medical emergencies, some cases have had to wait up to six days for the insurance co. to agree to cover the costs, but this is rare. The insurance company do do checks with your medical records back home, especially if you are of a certain age group, and the incident is in US territory and sounds as if it could be an existing condition, this is why you need to be honest on the forms as to any prior conditions you may have I believe there are also ways around cover for a pre existing condition.

During this time, especially central-south American regions the hospitals will try their best to get your credit card from you, they will make you feel guilty and bad, but don’t give in. I now understand that they cannot do this while the insurance company is doing these checks. But the pressure to do the best for yourself or your loved one in emergency situations is immense. Once the insurance company agree then its 1st class treatment all the way. The insurance company will usually agree there and then and assign an agent to you.

During very trying and sometimes heart breaking experiences in a non-English speaking country, I have heard first hand great stories about insurance companies honouring the claim and coming through for the client/patient 100%!e(MISSING)specially with translators.

So, on a medical point of view I stress for everyone to buy even the most basic medical insurance, but still read and understand all small print.

As Mell you have highlighted one of my personal stories above for personal effects insurance, that is something I would probably not buy again in the future, as you can always get back the stuff you lost, but you can not get back your health or life is something goes wrong.
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14 years ago, July 13th 2009 No: 6 Msg: #79318  

One 19 year old girl told me she had a last minute feeling to get medical cover, first day out surfing she broke her back in 2 places, her hospital bill and transportation back to the UK ended up in a private plane came to around £195,000.

What if she just stayed in a hospital where she was until she was well enough to fly home?: I think if I broke a leg or whatever, I would just stay put until it was healed enough to fly and then buy another plane ticket. This is probably a stupid question, but I really dont understand much about medical costs and what insurance pays for at all. I have been lucky enough to have needed hardly any medical care in my life.

Last time I needed major medical care was in Ireland when I was pregnant with my daugher. I didnt have insurance. All the treatments I got including doctors visits and a C section etc were free of charge for me. I think in Ireland they make these things convenient and free for all women, because they want to encourage women to have their babies instead of going to other countries for abortions(illegal in Ireland).

I have met people my age (40's)

I always thought you are around 28 or early 30s at the most. 😊
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14 years ago, July 13th 2009 No: 7 Msg: #79319  
I am currently having an insurance problem at the moment. Maybe somebody can help. Information from foreigners who live in Germany would be particularly welcome.

Here is my problem:
Me and my boyfriend want to get married. It is impossibly complicated paperwise to get married in Germany. We are going to get married in Denmark. To do this, we need to have medical insurance in Germany in order to get a residence permit for Germany for me, in order to get married in Denmark.

We are both foreigners here, but my boyfriend has medical insurance to cover him and my daughter. I dont have any because I dont work here. In order for me to be covered by my boyfriends insurance we would need to be married. In order to get the necessary papers to get married I need to buy medical insurance that starts last January. There is one company that charges 200 per month, but we have been waiting for them to call us back for a few months now, so dont know if we can get that insurance. Maybe my being a foreigner makes it complicated. The company that insures my boyfriend is out of the question because they would charge 8000 Euros.

Anyway, does anyone have any solutions to this heap of BS. We have been trying to sort out this getting married thing for the last 3 years. This is just the latest paperwork complication that is standing in our way, but thankfully it is the last paperwork problem, unless Germany create more laws before we manage to get married. Reply to this

14 years ago, July 13th 2009 No: 8 Msg: #79321  
Your too kind mel!!

She was 19 a student backpacker, she could not have afforded to stay there for months in a proper hotel to accomadate her special needs to heal, she was unable to sit up or walk or buy another ticket back home with an airline that supplied a flat bed and medical supervision, she broke her back....she paid £65 medical insurance, which in your mind is the cheaper safer option? Breaking your back in 2 places can take months to heal and months of physio which would be covered by medical insurance. She was in a country that had no free hospital care. If that was your daughter which would you rather she did?

We are so lucky in UK with our NHS, this is why many other nationalities try to get treatment here as most places in the world its not free, you need medical insurance. Costs can run into thousands. The doctors and insurance company made sure she was stable and fit to travel (while flat on her back) to UK to continue her care in a UK NHS hospital. Which is where we took her direct.

With respect Ireland is in the EU and has modern facilities and doctors. This preganant lady was near South America where things are far different and very scary. She could have died, believe me.

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14 years ago, July 13th 2009 No: 9 Msg: #79328  

If that was your daughter which would you rather she did?

Somehow, I think it is more important for my daugher than it is for me. I would likely throw myself off a cliff if it would save her life. Exaggeration, but only a slight one! :D But, what I mean is, when it comes to my daughter the choices become more defined. There is no way I would take risks with her. She has medical insurance for Germany and also world wide.

I feel a bit silly buying the 18 pounds insurance for travel though, when I have no medical insurance at all here in Germany. But when this getting married thing is sorted out, I will have top worldwide medical insurance. My boyfriend is covered by one of the most reputable insurance companies in Germany.

But, would the most rudimentary medical insurance cover take somebody back to their own country? It seems like a more fancy insurance cover would be needed for that.
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14 years ago, July 16th 2009 No: 10 Msg: #79822  
Forget the staggering medical costs that could potentially bankrupt you...what if something comes up that prevents you from going on your vacation in the first place!
As we all know life is unpredictable, things come up and in this economy, people loose their jobs. What if you book a trip, then decide for some reason that you can't go...the proper insurance can get you back most of your deposits and airfare...whereas without it, you would really just be SOL. Trust me, it's worth it... Reply to this

14 years ago, July 16th 2009 No: 11 Msg: #79825  
B Posts: 847
I was never one for travel insurance before.......until my Nanjing misadventure. First day in Nanjing, and a misstep ruined our entire holiday. I tripped, the right side of my face hit the pavement so hard it broke my eyeglasses. Worse, a piece of the plastic lens and a tiny screw got lodged right below my right brow. I spent nearly 3 hours in an O.R. of a hospital where no one seems to speak a word of English.

I did not spend much, as the Nanjing hospital only charged me for the meds. (They're kind to tourists here) But can u imagine how much I would have paid --- i had no travel insurance then -- if that misadventure happened elsewhere, say in Europe or America? Reply to this

14 years ago, July 16th 2009 No: 12 Msg: #79827  

...what if something comes up that prevents you from going on your vacation in the first place!

I would lose the price of a flight. Disappointing, but not the end of the world and not something worth having insurance against.

Trust me, it's worth it...

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14 years ago, July 16th 2009 No: 13 Msg: #79828  

But can u imagine how much I would have paid --- i had no travel insurance then -- if that misadventure happened elsewhere, say in Europe or America?

That is the thing I am trying to figure out. What would it actually cost? Also, maybe it ends up costing more, when hospitals know it is the insurance who will be paying than it would if we payed ourselves. There might be not much difference between the result of the fancy treatment the insurance pays for and the less fancy but necessary type.
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14 years ago, July 17th 2009 No: 14 Msg: #79899  
I have found a genius who is a travel trip adviser he seem to have a lot of answers about insurance covers, what to do what not to do, just twitter or facebook this name stevedasseos the trip insurance guru....as there are too many examples on his blogs/sites to list here....

It seems he agrees about not getting personal insurance for lost laptops and cameras but does agree with medical cover, but as I say he goes right into each detail. I hope this helps. Reply to this

14 years ago, July 17th 2009 No: 15 Msg: #79903  
Thanks Claire 😊
Maybe he happens to know about insurance for when actually living someplace as a foreigner. Thing is, even if I buy medical insurance for travel and it covers taking me back to Germany after an accident, then I may not be able to pay for the treatment I need once I get to Germany. As it stands, I might as well just stay put if something happens to me while travelling until I am well enough to travel.

This reminds me, I had better get onto that insurance company again. Dont know what is taking them so long to sort this out. Dont they want to sell their product or what? Apparently they are a reputable company.
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14 years ago, August 21st 2009 No: 16 Msg: #83903  
I think I am getting a handle on how to get the right travel medical insurance. The things to watch out for that the insurance covers evacuation if you are going to travel in countries without a certain standard of medical facility and they also should have a number you can call reverse charge from anyplace in the world, so they can do an immediate assessment of your situation and they should pay the hospitals etc directly rather than the customers having to pay themselves and put in a claim later.

Now, the big question is, which insurance companies provide that at an affordable price? Which ones do everybody else use?

I generally buy whatever the travel agents etc toss at me under the title of insurance, without checking at all what it is about or how I would use it. Maybe it would be useless if I was stranded in Uzbekistan or outer Siberia or someplace like that with some life threatening ailment. Reply to this

14 years ago, August 23rd 2009 No: 17 Msg: #84022  
travelgaurd.com looks pretty good. I have never used it, but it might be exactly what I am looking for. I need medical insurance for expatriates in Germany and am having a hard time getting it. I think I will try Travelguard, since they have already been recommended by one person here on TravelBlog so far.

So, I need expatriates insurance to get my residence permit here in German, in order to get married. I presume I also need some type of insurance to include evacuation for the times I am travelling in other countries. I dont do risky sports so wont need that part. Does anyone know if there is some kind of expat in Germany who does some world travelling of 20 to 60 days per year combo package? If they can really send me this thing within 2 working days after I apply for it, I will be very happy, because it will beat any of the services I have tried so far.
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