Blogs from Oban, Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 6


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban April 10th 2007

3.45am Good Friday morning was the start of our first trip out of London. Talk about getting the most out of your day :) We had to be at the airport bright and early (obviously), us and about 20 million other Londoners who were getting the hell out of London in search of sunshine (amusing considering London experienced beautiful weather over the break). Our first experience with check-in & security at Gatwick airport was that they were very thorough - I didn't even set off any alarms and I still had to take half my clothes off and get patted down! And I've never had my photo taken so many time between getting to the airport and getting on the plane. So after HOURS of security and crowds and god knows what else, Adam and I ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban April 10th 2007

Hey everyone!! Sorry if this e-mail is brief or vague but i just responded to my e-mails in my inbox after not checking for a week (so if you wanted more detail blame Sophie as she had sent me 3 e-mails!!!). So anyway when i last left the post i had just spent some time in Colchester with my Aunt and Mum and had travelled down to Mersea for some really nice seafood (I had a big bowl of mussels!!) and a walk around (where there was sand Daniel ... SAND!!). Anyway the next few days were mostly spent organising trips to various places which i'll tell you about as they occur (wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!!!). I was going to go somewhere over Easter but to travel was really expensive and everything was ... read more
The Mussels
Me and Mum in Mersea
SAND in the UK, Daniel!!

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban February 13th 2007

Got on the way from Oban and went up and travelled basically on the edge of all the lochs, Linney, Lochy, and Oink, went passed Bein Nevis the highest mountain, got out at a local stop and had some free single malt whisky. We stopped at this bridge were there was a story about the two rival clans the MacDougles and the MacDonalds and a wedding story, anyway there was a local saying that the river will make you beautiful for the next 10years, so we all proceeded to put our heads in this freezing cold river for 10sec, quite fun woke us all up. It was then another uphill hike to a great lookout just before Flodigarry, great scenery. We got down to out hostel in the middle of nowhere (suprised about the lack of ... read more
Im gettin beautified
IJust near where we stayed in Skye, stunning

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban February 12th 2007

On the 12th headed to the Haggis station and got on the yellow bus with 17 others (mostly Aussie) and Fergis the Scotish guide/driver. He has heaps of little stories that Icant remember perfectly so will just have to tell u when it triggers my memory. We got to Sterling and went up the 10 min vertical walk (loved that at 9.30 in the morning) up to the William Wallace monument. Views wearnt that great because of the weather but cleared the lungs well. At the bottom they have a replica of Mel Gibson, not well recieved by the Scottish folk as the film is nothing like what actually took place. We then went through the valley of Glencoe which was pretty spectacular. A few castles latter we are in the largest town were going to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban January 11th 2007

Wow!! I owe you all my apologies it has been a long time coming for this entry!! I'm still kicking about and want to wish you all a very belated Merry Christmas and all the best in 2007!!! I've been hard at work for the last two months now so not too much to report..... I've managed to sneek in a few pictures of my working destination on one of the few days of sun! Yup for the first 30 odd days that i arrived in Loch Goilhead nothing but rain....the worst they've seen in years i'm told!! Just my luck!! But all the same i spend most of my days inside working so it's not like a waste of a sunny day!! I arrived here jaw dropped at the gorgeous scenerie and seclusion of Drimsynie ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban September 15th 2006

Last night, while talking to my mother, I said, “Our first Scottish tour guide was named Doug. The next one was named Dave. Our third one will probably be named Alec or Alan.” I was just joking, but today I almost burst out laughing when our Rabbie’s Trail Burners guide introduced himself as Ally. Too bad there’s no Number 4 - he would have been named Jamie, Gordon, or Angus. Rabbie’s is the service taking us on a four-day tour of the Highlands and Islands, starting today. This name is not to be confused with Rabbis or Rabies, but is instead a nickname for Robert, as in Robert Burns, national poet of Scotland. Honestly, I’ve seen ten-pound notes, pubs, museums, and gift shops dedicated to the man - now tour agencies - what’s next? That’s ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban September 4th 2006

Today was another day of misty rain on and off. We headed into the town, and decided to take the Cruise to the Isle of Mull, which passed Seal Rock, where the locals appeared unphased by the boat passing them by!! When we got to Mull we ventured into Duart Castle, which had impressive views from the towers!! Whilst in the hall, we noticed a sign with some pics from the filming of “Entrapment”, there was even one of Catherine Zeta Jones!! On our way back, the weather turned a bit nasty, and got a bit rough. The little Westie on board (named Misty) that was with an old couple cuddled up to Nic for a bit before going back to its owners. Didn’t go much on the rough seas, but no doubt our girls would ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban September 2nd 2006

Today we travelled to Oban via Fort William. Seemed to be a very nice place, walked through High St (there’s one in every bloody city!!) got a few souvenirs and naturally, the Orkney Ice cream which is downright beautiful!! On leaving Fort William, we headed across the west coast to Eileen Donan Castle. The scenery was fantastic, you could see how brilliant the glaciers had made the mountains, with many little streams running down the mountainside. Luckily Nic was able to get a few pics on the way, despite the rain that found us when we hit the highlands. When we got to Eileen Donan Castle, there were a fair few visitors, despite the rain. We also found out this was where parts of Highlander was filmed. After the photo session, we headed to the café ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban August 26th 2006

So here I am in Oban, a small little town with not a whole lot to do but still cute as hell. Despite the mass tourism in Scotland, I really like the way it's able to just soak it up so you still feel like you're discovering a small little town where the traditional ways of life still prevail. Nice. Yesterday was a day of bludging and not much else, which is actually kind of good after days of hot-footing it from one attraction to the next. Lazily walked up to the ruins of Dunollie Castle, and up to McCaig's Folly at the top of the hill. I've only taken about a million photos of Oban harbour, because I just can't get over how quaint and pretty it is. Fish and chips for dinner, because it's ... read more
Oban harbour

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Oban August 3rd 2006

Weather Report Predictably sunny to begin with although cloud had reached Craignure by mid-morning. Warm and sunny as travelled from Oban. Efficient decamp - must be getting good at this. Walked down to MacGregors and waited for the 11am ferry. The journey will take two days because although the first bust and indeed first train from Oban reach Glasgow in time there is not a ferry from Mull that arrives in Oban in time for either. Integrated transport system, eh ? Pleasant 45 minute ferry journey to Oban. Simple collection of coach ticket from TIC by which time I was feeling distinctly overdressed as it was warm and sunny. Coach arrived in time and set off through western Scotland. I cat-napped through some attractive countryside. Arrived at campsite about 3pm, erected tent and went for walk ... read more

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