Blogs from County Down, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 6


Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor July 24th 2008

A super-busy day today! We headed out this morning to begin going door-to-door with the gospel meeting invtiation cards. We had a crew of seven canvassing the neighborhoods. I would estimate about 1,000 of these invitations have been distributed to date. One thing we have noticed is the meticulous way in which the yards are kept here. The grass is lush and green, and it seems to always be trimmed to the point that you could putt a golf ball. Kelly continues to be amazed at the vibrant colors of the flowers here...this coming from a girl who, by her own admission, doesn't exactly have a green thumb. Ryan did stumble across a thistle plant. He was thrilled, however, to be poked by a REAL Irish thistle (see photo)! After we put in a few hours ... read more
Three Amigos
Takin' It To The Street
Beautiful Feet

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor July 23rd 2008

After a good night's sleep, we were beginning to adjust to the five-hour time difference. Does anyone else sleep better when there is cool, fresh air wafting through a window? You can do that here in the MIDDLE OF JULY! Daytime highs in the middle to low sixties (farenheit), and evening lows in the fifties. Airfare...$900 Fish & Chips...£7.00 Sleeping with the window open in July...PRICELESS!! Today was supposed to be our first day of passing out the invtations to the gospel meeting in the community. The printer did not yet have them finished, so we made the best of it by touring the beautiful town of Bangor. We walked the Wednesday outdoor market and met several locals who were invited by word-of-mouth. Again, tremendously friendly people. Since we were unable to carry out the plan ... read more
In The Market
The Orange Order
The Orange Order, 2

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor November 4th 2007

It has been a couple of weeks since my last post and for that I do apologize. However, one universal truth that one must come to understand is that no matter where one goes life eventually returns to some form of a normal routine. With that said, it isn't that the past couple of weeks haven't been wonderful but rather that I have fallen into the routine of going to the class sessions necessary for my degree and reading the required material for those respective meetings. Those things of course and running. Instead of writing in-depth entries about class lectures and debates I figured it would be best to wait and sum up a couple weeks worth of time here in Northern Ireland. So now, quite simply, my time in Belfast since my last entry has ... read more
Amongst the Mournes
More of the Mournes

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor October 14th 2007

I was so taken with my time in the Mourne Mountains last Sunday that I decided today I would return to what is thus far my favorite place in Northern Ireland. On this excursion I was fortunate enough to be accompanied by one of my good friends, Frank. We left Belfast this morning on the first bus to Newcastle and arrived about 11:00 this morning. After picking up a couple more food items we made our way to the mountains. We agreed that today, rain or shine, we were going to climb Slieve Donard the highest mountain in Northern Ireland. It stands at 2,786 feet which sounds relatively modest for anyone who has had the pleasure of climbing any of the romanticized and daunting peaks of the Rocky Mountains. Though the Mournes are not quite the ... read more
The Mourne Wall
The Distant Mournes
Descent from Commedagh

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor October 7th 2007

To cut straight to the chase, it has been quite a week. Tuesday's class, "Modernity and Its Discontents", played host to a discussion/debate that had the class divided. We were attempting to break down the arguements of Immanuel Kant, Michel Foucault, and Horkheimer & Adorno with regard to the Age of Enlightenment, as well as the subject of enlightenment in general. It was without a doubt the best class session thus far, and left the room mentally exhausted and unsure of my own personal views regarding the subjects. I suppose that is a good thing. Break down the foundation and rebuild it with greater strength. Outside of the classroom I am volunteering at a local book shop called, No Alibis. It is quaint but certainly delightful. The shop specializes in murder mysteries, hence the name, yet ... read more
Irish Sea Horizon
Town Among the Mournes
Atop the Mountains of Mourne

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor August 6th 2007

This is the start of a beautiful relationship, I can feel it... Me and you, dear reader, are about to embark on a magical quest into the unknown... Well, that's not quite true... I know where I'm going, but it's going to be a surprise for you, my friend. OK so thats sounds a bit creepy and not really fair, as I dont wont to lose you before we even begin, I will give you a brief detail of my trip. On the 29th August, yes only 23 days away, I will board my first plane on my RTW to New York, where after a quick detour to see my friends in Toronto I will make my way across to LA, After im all american out, I will head for Paradise, in the form of the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Bangor July 30th 2007

We experienced our first day in Bangor today...and it was nice to chill out and slow the pace down. Mum and dad have been living the good life here...quiet days, yummy food and the odd game of bridge - yes, they signed up here too! Are they addicted or what?? Iz and I both had a good night's sleep in our cute attic room, then a yummy breakie with the family, including Grandad Stan, who was bunking down here too. There are lots of yummy breads to try here, and KB is totally hooked on wheaten bread, but there are loads of others, like soda and potato...if you're a bread fan, watch out! I'm not a big one...lucky to eat two slices a week if that, so hopefully I won't become addicted. After breakie, we took ... read more
Statues of Liberty?
Westie Cutie

Geo: 54.9778, -1.61323We awoke in Edinburgh to the nicest, sunniest day yet. That wouldn't last for long. After missing our turn, we were nearing the castle before deciding to turn back and walk quite a distance downhill to the train station. It had no garbage cans. Jeannette broke the law by being charitable to a pigeon (aka "flying rat"). Fortunately, she escaped arrest and/or ejection. After a short breakfast we boarded our GNER train bound for York. We were seated on both sides of table facing one another, which was quite nice. Unfortunately, our car's HVAC was not working, so it was a bit stuffy, especially for Barb and Jake, who were sitting in direct sun. They announced numerous times that anyone caught smoking would be ejected from the train. What a strong word, but funny. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Down » Downpatrick September 5th 2006

I would like to dedicate this journal to a great conservationist and professional enthusiast; STEVE IRWIN. I absolutely love his programs on discovery channel, and although some things he has done might have been controversial, he definitely has done a great deal for the conservation of not only australian wildlife, but also worldwide. Just watching his shows always gave me a boost, his energy and enthusiasm comes flying of the screen. When i was in his zoo in beerwah, queensland, i remember asking one of his staff if he was like that in real life too, and she gave me a definite YES. It is absolutely sad, and i hope his legacy will continue thru the development of his zoo, and thru television, so that many young generations to come get to see what this planet ... read more
straw bales
st. patricks hill
st patrick statue

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