Blogs from Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 4


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire August 4th 2010

Well, a month from now we'll have begun our adventure. We have made lists, spreadsheets and even a risk assessment so nothing can possibly go wrong. Elaine and Alan have already started and are currently languishing in Greece, we'll meet them in Sussex soon for their son John's wedding before going off. The plan is to cross at Calais and pootle down France where we'll stay at Carcassonne for a week, then we hope to make Barcelona for the 'Festa de la Merce' at the end of September. After that it's a very leisurely meander round Spain and Portugal and return home sometime at the end of October. The only major risk on this trip is , as our friend Andy charmingly puts it, they'll be all 'Sally'd out' after a week or two. I can ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford April 15th 2010

Thursday 15.4.2010 day 183 Volcanoed in the UK Today there was a Volcano in Iceland and due to the ash in the air drifting across the UK and Scandinavian all air space in the UK was closed so no aeroplanes could take off or land after midday today till at least tomorrow. We do not know when they will be able to fly again and it will take a long time to shift the back log of passengers. We are hoping it will not affect our flights in 4 days time. There are 1300 flight out of Heathrow a day so that is s lot of flights to catch up and that if saying they can fly tomorrow. Instead of going out today we keep an eye on the news, worked on our computers and I ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford April 14th 2010

Wednesday 14.4.2010 day 182 6 months (in a leaking boat?) We have been on our round the world trip for 6 months now. We are ½ way there. We are so excited to get out of the UK and to the next part of the trip next week. We sent some extra things back home and went to Dean Forest. There was lots of sheep everywhere we also found an Inage mine that we had a look around. ... read more
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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford April 13th 2010

Tuesday 13.4.2010 day 181 Catching up on jobs Today we repacked our bags to send back home and did some searching on the next for the cheapest way to send it home. We also book our last 3 nights. ... read more
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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford April 4th 2010

Sunday 4.4.2010 day 172 Easter Sunday We woke up and turned on the TV to see the Formula 1 in Malaysia as we have been to that track only about 6 months ago it was fun to see it again on TV. It was also good to see Mark Weber come second and Red bull get one and two. Today we had a look around the area that we are staying we drove to Herford which is our closest big town everything was closed for Easter but the streets were busy. We needed a few things so we stopped at a servo and got things and then went home. When we got home we did some washing and started to pack up a bag to send back home as we will not have a car for ... read more
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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford March 7th 2010

We spent the weekend in the rolling hills of england in the forgotten country of Herefordshire. Adam, Myles, Kara, Jonson, Scott and I headed off Saturday morning for The Stagg Inn, a famous gastro pub as it has a Michellon star. It was a grey old day which made the drive very dramatic. Our first stop was Ludlow to see the black and white houses and Ludlow Castle, lovely. Apparently Ludlow's street has been voted one of the prettiest in the UK. It was nice but I do wonder how it won that vote, maybe the overcast sky was to blame for me not seeing it. We arrived at the Stagg and quickly checked in down the road at the Vicarage, a stunning stone building with beautifully renovated rooms. Sixies in the lounge with a coal ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford October 16th 2009

England is a strangely backward place, where people say ''Nice Day'' even if it is raining. The English invented the rules for every major sport, yet rarely win any international awards - football, tennis, even cricket. We despise foreign places even though we had an empire that circled the globe - today, the most popular dish is an Indian invention of Chicken Tikka Masala. The English never say what they mean, preferring to say the opposite as a joke and hope you will understand - they will be overpolite to people they dont like and rude to the people they love. Even the weather can't make up its mind here. Summers are notoriously damp and cold, the winters rarely shudder with snow or storms. And so somewhere in between these wet summers and warm winters lies ... read more
River Wye-29
River Wye-43
River Wye-31

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire August 15th 2009

Hampton Court was originally the residence of King Henry VIII. It is located around 30km up the Thames from London. I took the train from Honour Oak Park to Clapham station, changed trains and went directly to Hampton Court. The guided audio tour was excellent. Hampton Court was the home of a number of monarchs, each adding their individual personal touches.... read more
Hampton Court
Hampton Court
Hampton Court

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire » Hereford April 19th 2009

‘Why exactly did I choose to come here?’, I ask myself as the solemn sounds of a gong wake me from slumber at 4 am. I crawl out of bed, have a quick wash and shuffle to the meditation hall in the dark, rain dripping down my face. I find my place in the dimly-lit hall and settle down for a two-hour meditation session before breakfast. Today is my first day at a Vipassanameditation centre in Herefordshire, and I am about to start a ten-day course of silent meditation. The first time I heard about the practice of Vipassana was about four years ago, when a friend told me that he was going to attend a course that involved meditating for eleven hours daily. He talked about 4 am starts, strict silence, no reading and writing, ... read more
Mr S.N. Goenka
Mr and Mrs Goenka

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Herefordshire April 11th 2009

Once again we had a pleasant flight, this time from Denmark to London by BA. We were pleasantly surprised with Heathrow Terminal 5. There were no crowds like those that are experienced at Terminal 3 and the customs lady was chatty and pleasant. We nearly fell over with the shock. Last time we were at Heathrow, the customs lady was very cranky and we weren't looking forward to the same experience! Things however did go awry at the Europcar (hire car) office. Some how or other our booking for a car for 12 days had been cancelled. No amount of wheedling, cajoling or otherwise would convince them that we had already paid. So about an hour and £800 later we finally set off for Ledbury in a Picasso car (not to be confused with a painting). ... read more
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