Blogs from Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 28


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield September 27th 2010

27 SEP 2010 - MONDAY SHOPPING IN MEADOWHALL, LAST NIGHT IN SHEFFIELD Another cold and wet day in Sheffield. With Mark away for the day at work, Tracy and Jean introduced us to Meadowhall shopping centre - or “Meadowhell” as the locals call it. There we were able to discover the delights of English department stores - Primark (“Primani”), Marks & Spencer, Debenham’s, H&M, and more... Little Cocky found a Busby outfit (Queen’s Home Guard) for his Build-a-Bear, and we found Possy’s Christening outfit in Monsoon. Poppy found a soft monkey for Possy in Mothercare, she loved it and snuggled straight into it for a sleep. Our last dinner in Sheffield was cooked for us by Mark, with help from Cocky. Buritos and nachos, with fancy ice-cream for desert, mmmm!!!! We gave the kids a fairly ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Hathersage September 26th 2010

FROM GOANNA: Mark led us on a drive around the scenic Peak District, taking in beautiful forests, villages and views of the area. We made several stops, the first being Man Tor, a Roman hill fort. While the wooden fortress itself is long gone, the earthworks associated with the fort are still clearly visible in the hillside. On a fine day, the climb to the top would be well worth the view. Our second stop was Peverill Castle, not far from Man Tor. The castle was built around 1060, with a later tower and castle walls remaining on the site as ruins. The climb up to the castle from the village of Castleton was steep, but once there, we had heaps of fun wandering around and pretending to be medieval knights, prisoners and damsels in distress. ... read more
Man Tor
Peak District

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Chesterfield September 24th 2010

LITTLE COCKY’S COMMENTS: The houses were really small and tiny, and they were all two storeys tall. We felt squished compared to being in our own house. Our Sheffield family was very nice, I liked playing cars with my little cousin Alexander and Playstation 3 with his Uncle Matt. FROM GOANNA: Our first day in Sheffield was a quiet day for the travelling Cockys, as we were all feeling a little jetlagged. The weather was cold and rainy, which was fine as we were happy being largely indoors. After making a slow start on the day, we eventually managed to get our act together aometime around lunchtime, and headed around from Mark & Tracy's house where we were staying to Mick & Jean's house (Tracy's parents) for a proper round of meetings and reunions. Goanna's brother ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Ilkeston September 9th 2010 back to Aunt Sandra and Uncle Alans place in Ilkeston about 6pm...and straight inside for a cuppa tea and a shower! Sandra and Alan have gone caravaning to france for the last 2 weeks, and they are due back sunday... Just had an early night tonight because the old knees are feeling the weight of the backpack! Friday 10th. Had a bit of a sleep in this morning, then up for a cold shower and a cuppa tea before walking into Ilkeston and getting the bus into Nottinghma. Had lunch at this chinese buffet restaurant (only $10!) and ate waaaay too much! Had another walk around the city (mainly to walk off the lunch) then heading back to Ilson (as the locals call it) for another cuppa tea and a sit down before heading "uptown" ... read more
Into Derby...
The Walkabout ....
Iron Gate...

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Long Eaton September 7th 2010

Ye Gods! We live! To appease your wrath for being such poor correspondents for the last couple of months, I'm just gunna launch right on in with a joke: What did Sushi A say to Sushi B? Wussa-bi?! Ha. Jo here by the way. So, a quick recap - we left you (or perhaps you left us), way back in July, in Cardiff, with Spain scoring against Paraguay. We all know how THAT turned out. After a merry few days in Cardiff we jumped on a coach (aka a bus, in normal, non-UK terms) and wheeled our way to Nottingham, as the home of Robin Hood was to be our home for the next five weeks. Well, kinda. The wee town where our summer school was based was actually about 40 minutes out of Nottingham, in ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Matlock August 27th 2010

Again, on the recommendation of the Lonely Planet, we spent a few days exploring the English Peak District and were not disappointed. Really just wanted to post a few photos of the area around Matlock, a stone circle we found with a surround mound, and the curious land-locked 'seaside' town of Matlock Bath where we stopped looking for a bakery and only found a thousand fish and chip shops.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Ashbourne August 15th 2010

I can't say that we were sad to leave Barnsley. I would say that the fact that we were on the road by 10am says a lot about how eager we were to be at our next destination. We were staying on a site called Callow Top. We have visited it many times before in a tent but this would be our first time in a caravan. It has its own traditional pub which brews its own award winning ale - nothing to do with why Andy enjoys visiting - honest! We had been especially looking forward to coming here this time as our good friend Mandy and my god son George were visiting for a few days. They are from Shrewsbury so this would be the last chance we had to spend some time together ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Moira August 12th 2010

Well, there’s not too much more to do now - we are almost packed and ready to go. We’ve had a few last minute hiccups to deal with but that’s to be expected - our bank were their usual unhelpful selves and we thought the doctor was going to let Graham down with the amount of tablets they were prepared to let him have but eventually they relented and now he’s got a good supply. We’re a bit sad that our stay in Moira has come to an end for now - we’ve really enjoyed our time here and grown to like the area a lot but we have especially loved having the company of Sarah and Darryl for the last few months - as everyone knows they are a fantastic couple. We had a great ... read more
Mum knows what she's doing though
Don't forget to feed the fish!
Slimmer and a bit fitter we hope - Tiger

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire » Edale July 4th 2010

One of the best things about the UK is how easy it is to get out of London and spend a weekend in the great outdoors. If I'm not hiking through a national park at least once a month I start to feel a little enclosed. The national parks here are fantastic and vary so much depending on which part of the UK you end up in. I never thought I'd get such a lift from spending hours walking up and down hills, (ok I still prefer the down), but the views are amazing no matter what the English weather throws at you. If the sun is out it's a miracle and if it's overcast you get amazing skies, the heavy rain is not so much fun, but gortex solves anything and there is usually a ... read more
the gang
me again
stone walls

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Derbyshire June 21st 2010

When the sun is out, England shines, and the Peak district with the breathtaking landscapes and historical heritage is one of my favourite places to be. We stayed in a beautiful inn, the Norfolk Arms in Ringinglow on the northern edge of the Peak National Park, with local ales to enjoy in the evening and full english breakfasts to start the day, I was happy regardless of the weather. We spent the days walking through the countryside and villages, taking in the spectacular scenery. The days are long at the moment, something you miss living in Australia, with the sun setting at around 10pm we could take our time on some lovely long walks. This area is very popular with mountain bikers and rock climbers as its right next to Stanage Edge () and we had ... read more
Sharon decides to have lamb for dinner
The solitude of an evening walk
The Norfolk Arms, our hotel

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