Blogs from District of Madrid, Spain, Europe - page 160


Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 9th 2006

Not only is the lazy syndrome taking over, but I’m starting to become an angry elf. I think it’s really time to go home. Yes, I’m pmsing (which is unusual for me) but I need to go home. I need to have things my way. I want what I want when I want it. It’s an easy concept really. It’s so frustrating because I have so much to do, and I can only do it at school. I want to look things up, but I can’t do it at home because the computer is slow and everyone else in the house needs to use it. And I’m sick of doing work in my room because I always fall asleep. I get so bored. Ugh…things I need to complain about. Why Concha, do you ask me what ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 9th 2006

My weekend trip to Spain was so much fun. I love that country, and I want to go back. We flew in Thursday evening. I had to rush from my last class, but I made it to Heathrow with time to spare. We got into Madrid pretty late that evening, and the Metro closes at midnight, so we took a taxi for half of the way. Friday morning we went to the NYU Madrid centre, which is really spiffy. It's in a very nice neighborhood, and Kelsy took us her to soup restaurant afterwards, called Sopa. Afterwards, we took an extremely crowded Metro to the modern art museum, La Reina Sofia I think, and my phone was pick-pocketed on the way. It has so frustrating! We were packed like sardines in the metro, and I thought ... read more
Mel and me in the park

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 8th 2006

Oh…gotta love Mondays. I don’t know how many more of them I can take. This school thing is getting so old. I fell asleep on the bus ride to school and Annie says I was snoring. I don’t even care anymore. Everyone knows I don’t get sleep, and even when I do, I’m still tired, so whatever. College has taught me how to sleep through anything and Spain has taught me how to snore. These are just a few of my life lessons. I really wanted to get my Colloquial test back today. Monday suck anyway, so there’s no way she could have made it any worse. She’s so ridiculous though. First she asked us if we thought the test was hard, and then told us we were idiots to think it was. She gave us ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 7th 2006

I had set my alarm for 8:15, but it didn’t work out so well. I guess I heard it and turned it off because it was lying by my head when Anita came and work me up at 8:30. I don’t remember a thing. I don’t know what I would do without that chica. I got up and got ready as quick as I could. I showered, ate, and packed in 30minutes. Yes, I am amazing! We got to where we thought we were supposed to be and no one was there. We didn’t know where else to go, so we just stood there! Finally we saw Oscuro cross the street and Alex come out of the metro. I was trying to get my phone to call Lavoie and another unthinkable thing happened. My water bottle ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 7th 2006

In just a few days, it will mark the beginning of my new life in Europe a YEAR ago!!! I am in shock! So much has happened. I have learned how to appreicate more in my life such as family, friends and life goals. I met the most incredible man, ever! I have learned to sharpen my skills as a teacher and became independent in a country I couldn´t call my own. I learned how to order Chinese over the phone.... I learned how different Mexicans and Spaniards really are..... I learned that in just a weekend you can travel to at least two other countries. And most importantly, I have learned that it is possible to slow life down and to live in it in its purest form. I have met a lot of characters ... read more
Ken, Jen, Heidi
Segovian Woman!

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 7th 2006

Considering we need to get ‘home’ every night by 7pm at the latest to ensure that Kaspar doesn’t melt down we are pretty happy with what we are managing to get in everyday. If you ever take the advice of the Lonely Planet or a local tourist office walking tour, and you are able bodied and your mind and camera can take it, you can probably take in about 3 days worth of sights in about 8 hours! Today was no different for us. We took the unique opportunity of being here on a Sunday to go to church…nah, just kidding, we went to the Madrid flea markets. On the way to the markets we stood in the middle of a reasonably full metro. It was great fun to watch both sides of the cab compete ... read more
feel the love
Need the glasses
bad hair day

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 6th 2006

What a difference a day makes! We happily abandoned the car and went for public transport while in Madrid. A 2-day pass on metros and buses is only $6 euros which is about the same as a couple of hours parking and a damn sight easier when there’s a stop right outside your hotel. And we have proven to be much better users of public transport than we are drivers (well, in Madrid, anyway) so it was an easy choice. We hadn’t done a whole lot of homework about Madrid and didn’t really know what there was to do or see, so we started at Madrid’s ground zero, Puerta del Sol, the point from which all road distances are measured. As you would expect it’s a busy (mostly pedestrian) intersection and a major metro hub, with ... read more
Impresco Fresco
curvey church

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 6th 2006

I was so tired! I didn’t wake up until 12 and then I fell back asleep until 1:30! I slept good though. I didn’t wake up at all during the night. Shoot, I doubt I even moved I was so tired! Hahaha. It’s amazing what a little alcohol will do to you. I woke up and did a little homework. I told myself I had to do a lot this weekend so I wouldn’t be killing myself during the week and so I could start working on my projects that I have to have done by the end of the semester. Then it was lunch time. Pablo, Oscar and Marisa ate with us. We had squid with black rice. It was actually really good, but I couldn’t eat a lot of it. You don’t realize how ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 5th 2006

Just as finals are starting and i'm stressing out like crazy... my big brother Mike stops by with his chica, Meggan to travel Spain. He arrives, we go to a bull fight, then he leaves for Barcelona for a few days. When they come back, we got to some nice restaurants and museums, and just walk around the city. It's great to be around family!!!... read more
With arms wide open...
M & M in the stadium...
Opening ceremony...

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 5th 2006

We went to the Reina Sophia for Arte today. It’s a really nice museum. I like it because it’s nice and small. There’s a lot to see, but it’s not an overwhelming amount. I came home and I had only planned to sleep until 2, but I slept until 4! I probably would have slept longer if Alla hadn’t come and knocked on my door. I was knocked out. Alla and I ate lunch together. We had this amazing vegetable pasta. I stuffed myself way too much, but I couldn’t help it. When it’s new and good, I go crazy! I tried to be productive and do a little homework. That only lasted an hour, but I thought an hour was good for a Friday! Hahaha. I had to watch some Grey´s because it’s been two ... read more

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