Blogs from Northern Norway, Norway, Europe - page 23


Europe » Norway » Northern Norway July 3rd 2011

Narvik, 03.07.2011. Eigentlich wollten wir in Narvik den 1 km vor der Stadt gelegenen Campingplatz anfahren. Doch, da wir noch keine norwegischen Kronen hatten und zudem unser Wohnmobil durstig war fuhren wir in die Stadt zum tanken und Kronen aus dem Automaten ziehen. Das Tanken verlief nicht ganz so problemlos, das heisst der Tankvorgang an sich verlief ganz normal, doch als ich mit meiner Mastercard an der Kasse zahlen wollte, streikte der Automat und behauptete mein Pincode sei falsch. Da erinnerte ich mich an die Information die mir Ferdi in La Manga gab; er sagte mir damals, dass in Norwegen nur 4stellige Pincodes funktionieren. Wir hatten deshalb noch in der Schweiz Annemaries Karten auf 4stellige Codes abgeändert. Und siehe da, Ihre Karte wurde akzeptiert. Das Gleiche war an der ATM-Maschine und am anderen Tag im Supermarkt. ... read more
Der erste Troll
Nach der Grenze

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway May 28th 2011

Our guide Trygvor picked us up at the hotel and before leaving we poured over the latest meteorological charts downloaded from the local Weather Centre’s website just 30 minutes earlier. “It’s not a great night for the Aurora” was Trygvor's very frank and somewhat disappointing summation “but, if we head south away from the clouds then we will find the Northern Lights”. With renewed vigour, we jumped into the warmth of Trygvor’s car and headed out of town. As we drove south away from the Arctic Ocean we were told to keep our eyes peeled, not on the Arctic firmament but the roadside. “An interesting Northern Lights viewing strategy” we all thought in unison “our guide is obviously stark raving bonkers”. Fortunately, he clarified his position. “There’s a ghost” he explained “a German soldier who died ... read more
Aurora Borealis

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway May 13th 2011

Finally it was time for us to explore some more of our own amazing country, Norway! As we drove north from our home in Oslo, excited about being on the road travelling again, we first had to make a few stop-overs on the way; first Børre’s family in Otta, then a pitstop at the beautiful cottage “huttan” in Rødven (Romsdalen), and Marianne’s family in Kristiansund (Nordmøre). We arrived just in time to celebrate Norway’s national day (May 17.) which is a huge thing here in Norway. After all these visits it felt great to continue our travel up north! The first day we drove from Kristiansund to Steinkjer. Further from Steinkjer we had to decide whether to continue driving the highway or the scenic coastal road “Kystriksveien”, we went for the first one, (the boring one) ... read more
Sunset at Rødven

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway April 28th 2011

April... de vogeltjes beginnen te fluiten, de bomen kleuren groen... tijd om de knusse winter op te zoeken. Bestemming: het noorden, meer bepaald Westelijk Lapland, de Noorse en Zweedse streek boven de poolcirkel. Alles is wit en nog steeds in een diepe winterslaap. Op sneeuwschoenen trekken we door een ongerepte bergwereld vol rondzwervende rendieren en magisch, nachtelijk noorderlicht. Het ene ongerepte gletsjerdal in, over diepgevroren meren en arctische bergplateaus, het andere gletsjerdal weer in. We dwalen heen en weer over de grens tussen Noorwegen en Zweden. Geen sneeuwvlok die er naar kraait. Voor de Noorse kust ligt een archipel met imponerende eilanden vol fjorden, waar granieten, messcherpe pieken uit de zee oprijzen, gepolijst door de weggetrokken gletsjers en eeuwige westenwind: de magische Lofoten. Kleurrijke vissersdorpen kladden de wanden in... read more
Smelly fish
Who let the dogs out?

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø April 8th 2011

Tonight will be my last night in Norway! I am extremely sad to leave the mountains and VHSS, but very excited to get back to Canada. Ironically I am staying at the same hostel tonight that I stayed in the first night in Norway. Today's goodbye was touching, everyone was so nice and I got to have cake (the self-proclaimed best cake in the world).. that's what it's called... and waffles with the staff and played a game of "cub" with my group - an old viking game where you have to throw little pieces of logs... basically.. it rules. The weather is getting nicer here which makes me even more excited for the spring awaiting me in Canada! When I go to list everything I have learned, it doesn't seem like much, but every little ... read more
I love you Norway

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø April 5th 2011

It's pretty funny how similar older people can be to teenagers. The issues in the green group are very similar to the issues that I had in class back on practicum. Classroom management, inappropriate comments, apathy, sass, refusing to do work.. it's kind of funny really. This group, as I mentioned yesterday, if VERY different than the blue group. In many ways, no just age. As some of the instructors told me, one of the most important things at VHSS is the community. Every group that comes here comes in a group. Then they stay for 2, 3, 4 weeks, depending on the group. The point is that they come, stay, eat, and sleep together the entire time they are here (their rooms are in the same hallway- so close. they don't actually sleep together.) The ... read more
There's still a tiny bit of snow..

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø April 4th 2011

I spent my first weekend here at the center this past weekend, and believe me had I known that brunch included WAFFLES and FRIED EGGS WITH BACON... I would have stayed here every weekend. You see, Norwegians like to eat cold things for breakfast - cold bread, cold meat, tomatoes and cucumbers, fruit, cheese, sometimes cereal and sometimes porridge... this may not seem like a big deal but when you go this long without big delicious eggs, waffles, bacon, toast or something hot other than coffee in the morning, you start to go a little crazy. Granted, I was a little sketched out when I saw them putting sour cream on the waffles, but, if you believe it.. if you mix the sour cream with jam it's glorious on waffles!!! - plus they're shaped like little ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø April 1st 2011

That's right, that's just one of the many Norwegian phrases I now know. It means goodbye (but - as I have learned, if you are just saying something like "see you" you just say Ha Det) Today was the big goodbye for the blue group. The day started out well for my girl, as she got to ride the dog sled again! Those dogs are the best too, they aren't racing dogs and THEY'RE SO FLUFFY (aka they let me pet them. it was nice). After that we all went to a course for a little wrap up race. Once again they organized it in a way so that everyone could succeed. The object of the race was to go around the track twice and try and get the exact same time both times. The girl ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø March 31st 2011

The Blue group's stay is soon drawing to a close, as they leave tomorrow. It has been a very different experience, being able to watch many of the kids as an observer, unable to hear what they are seeing yet to be able to communicate with them on some level. Part of me really wishes that I could speak norwegian because it would have given me a whole new relationship with the patients, yet at the same time it was very interesting to see it from a foreigner's point of view. I have at least gotten to develop a relationship with the girl I have been assigned to, as she speaks english. Today we swam in the pool for almost 2 hours! The pool is great with her. She talks about how she hates that she ... read more
New view from my window

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø March 29th 2011

That's right.. it's exactly what you think... well maybe not quite. Today was "expedition day!" Since our group is a ski-focused group, today we had an all day ski trip! Since the patient I work with has more advanced Cerebral Palsy than the others, we got to take a dog sled to the place where we set up camp. These dogs were small huskys, but they were so friendly (very well trained). She sat in the sled, with the driver behind her.. while I was attached behind them on my skis, holding onto a rope (just like water skiing). It was so much fun! I started out down a hill and narrowly avoided eating my ski poles and from there on it was smooth sailing! When we arrived at the camp, it was at the side ... read more
My skis

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