Blogs from Germany, Europe - page 969


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich March 13th 2003

hello friends, first and foremost - thanks for the replies... we love hearing from you. - HAPPY BDAY JIMMY, HAPPY BDAY MRS. CHI, HAPPY BDAY RICH, HAPPY BDAY STEVE! well we're really upset right now because we typed a whole long update and the computer deleted it... so forgive us if this email is half-ass and not as detailed. here goes... we've done a lot since we last wrote. mainly- - st. goar, germany - munich, germany - innsbruck, austria - venice, italy ST. GOAR ========= left amsterdam and went to germany. we stopped ina little town called st. goar, about 20 km from wiesbaden! this is where my brother was born. mom and dad, this is right by koblenz. the town is run by the mafia... no joke... three familes own every business, home, hotel, ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Hanau January 22nd 2003

I was stationed in Germany three times. Once when I was single from 1983 to 1984 at Schwienfurt. The second time in Wiesbaden with my brand new family from 1990 to 1993. And the last time was from 1996 to 2003 at a small town of Hanau, about 15 miles south of Frankfurt. Fleigerhorst Kaserne used to be a German Air force base during the second World War. It survived the war because the Allies could not pinpoint the air base from the sky and therefore could not bomb it. The secret was water. The Germans would pump about two inches of water into the airfield when an attack is imminent. From the sky it appears to be a lake. Germany has a lot of history, castles medieval fest and beerfest. On weekends we would drive ... read more
mainz krismarket
burg eltz

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 4th 2003

How do you spend a day in Berlin? First of all, hearing the conductor on the train on the way to Berlin saying that "it's 18 degrees below zero" is kind of a turnoff. Upon arrival, one option is to buy a daily public transportation pass and go around on random, getting off at random stops. This works for a while, at least until you have seen Alexanderplatz, the only place you really know. Then you realize that this is not very efficient. So a better method is to call an old-time buddy you haven't seen in over 5 years, bug him in his final exam studies, and make him lead the tour. That's when you’re getting somewhere. Reichstag is a good start. Interesting architecture, with an upside cone hanging over the deciding politicians like the ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 3rd 2003

There is no doubt that he's Italian. At first sight, he could be an important business man with his nice suit and greasy hair. Turns out he is not. He's on vacation from his job as a truck driver. He has visited his girlfriend in Denmark over the Christmas holidays. A girlfriend who lives in Sweden, due to bad politics in Denmark...!?! Wonder if he got that right... But again, wonder what is the language of communication between him and the girlfriend, considering his English is still pretty early in the developing stage. Nicholas offers me a piece of his orange. I decline the offer. He won't take no for an answer. Late orange dinner it is. Learning practical stuff seems to have had a low priority in his life. Like finding the way to the ... read more

Europe » Germany December 22nd 2002

Sunday (Temp. 8deg. Raining) Very slow, boring day. Here a day longer than we needed or wanted to be. After breakfast went to train station to reserve seats for tomorrow. Then welked back to Marienplatz & Residenz (Royal Palace), didn't go in. Raining, very annoying! Saw lots of very good musicians in streets, wanted to buy bust of Mozart but all shops shut, only Christmas markets open. Back to hotel to boring TV. Thought about going to a bierhalle but didn't. Had McDonald's for lunch, supermarket closed too. Watched more TV. Went down to bar for dinner, yummy pasta, communicated with nice bar lady somehow. More people in bar this time. Back to room, more CNN, BBC, CNBC & Eurosports.... read more

Europe » Germany December 21st 2002

Saturday (Temp. 8deg. Rainy) (No hairdryer!) Had breakfast in nice breakfast room after terrible sleep, too hot & saggy bed. Walked to Marienplatz, saw Glockenspiel at 11am in old town hall, very cool. Went into big, very busy book store, no English books. Went into little cuckoo clock shop, lots of markets again, like Strasbourg & Lyon. Found an Australia 'Ned Kelly' Bar. Too many people out, very busy shopping. Back to hotel for awhile. Went back to Aust. Bar for lunch, very Australian, great to be in a 'familiar' surrounding & have a hot meal. Barman was Aussie. Looked for English movie cinema, couldn't find it, back to hotel. Down to hotel bar for coffee, too hard to order food again, back to room about 6:45pm. A bit bored, watching winter sports again.... read more

Europe » Germany December 20th 2002

Friday (Cold & overcast) Caught train at 10:57am after breakfast (nice lady when we checked out...finally!). Fairly long ride on rickety old train. Germany looks very different to France. One minute we hear French everywhere next minute it's all German. People bigger too & seem more 'like us' in manner & dress. Arrived 3:14pm, found hotel (Germania Hotel), very close to train station. Lady at reception spoke English! Daggy old room but bar & good information downstairs. Waiting for bar to open at 6pm to check it out & maybe get a hot meal! Went down for drinks, only ones there. Didn't order food, too hard. Ate all our snacks in room.... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 21st 2002

Phew!!!! The only real way to descrýbe the last couple of weeks. Apologýes ýn advance for the poor typýng......Turkýsh keyboards are a lýttle dýfferent. sýnce leavýng Securýcor (whých was only 11 days ago) so many thýngs have happened. Fýrstly I have to thank everyone who made ýt to my goýng away drýnks at ONeýls ýn Shep Bush......great nýght......of course you all dýd your best to ensure that Shan and I dýdnt sleep and sure enough we ended up at a frýends house at 2:00 am......the bus to Stansted left at no týme for sleep straýght from house to bus to aýrport to plane to Salzburg whých I can hoýnestly say was a very rude awakenýng.....I admýt I felt rough very rough......We wýsely decýded that there was no possýble way I could drýnk any more ... read more
The Glockenspeil
Beer & Pretzel
Me, Paul & Joey

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bochum August 1st 2002

PUT YOUR CURSOR ON THE ABOVE MAP, CLICK & HOLD AND YOU CAN MOVE THE MAP AROUND TO BETTER ORIENT YOURSELF. YOU CAN CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE IT, THEN GO BACK TO THE JOURNAL OR GO THROUGH THE PHOTOS (CLICK ON THE NUMBERS AT THE TOP) IN THAT ENLARGED FORMAT. Again, this is part of my attempt to chronicle our five years of living outside the USA (June 2001 - June 2006). I've already done our final year, which was South Africa (click on "Previous Entries" top left of this blog page and you can see other blog entries). Now I'm going back, looking through old journals and photos to put our adventures, one by one, into blog form. Germany Originally written in 2002 - 2004 We moved to Bochum, Germany from Leiden, The ... read more
Heidleberg w/Castle
Mosel River
The Fischer Family

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Stuttgart June 7th 2002

Whilst the UK partied over the Queens Jubilee weekend I decided to miss this oncein a lifetime opportunty and head to Germany for the long weekend. The main reason for the trip was to catch up again with Jeorg, a friend I'd met travelling in SE Asia, but also to try to see a little more of Germany rather than the Bier Gardens and Bier Halls which had so dominated my previous trip. Before Germany however I had to manage to successfully overcome a Friday night in London. I was faced with a dilemma. My flight left Stansted at 6:50am. Stansted Expres starts running at 5:00 and takes 45 mins to get to Stansted......which would get me to the airport about an hour before the flight.....that was tight. The problem I faced though was that Hammersmith ... read more
Jorg & Daggie
Fishmarket - Erfurt
Wartburg Castle - Eisenach

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