Blogs from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Europe - page 90


Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 27th 2005

The German word for today is, Kartoffel. Now that I know what this word means I seem to be seeing it everywhere. Which makes sense since “Kartoffels” seem to be a very important part of the German diet and are prepared many different and delicious ways. Earlier this week was dinner in a town called Ladenburg. Only a few kilometers north-west of Heidelberg this town is spectacular. It was after dark when we arrived so I hope to go back one day during daylight. It has cobblestone streets, gingerbread houses and I’m told there are actual roman ruins there. We ate at a restaurant called “Kartoffel” which literally translates to “Potato”. It was built in 1683. Needless to say, the potatoes were fabulous! But the highlight is the steak that you cook for yourself on a ... read more
Church In Ladenburg
Ladenburg map
Kartoffel Sign

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Stuttgart January 23rd 2005

I took the ICE from Amsterdam to Frankfurt and then had an easy change to Stuttgart. The ICE reached 300 KmPH once we were in Germany. This would have been worth a picture had I not just been on the MagLev in Shanghai going 431KmPH. I met my friend Nieves in the train station and then wandered the downtown area while she had a class. We had a great dinner at an African restaurant near her house. The next day we went to the Daimler museum and to a small town Esslingen with her boyfriend Marcus. We went there because it is a cute town, but it turned out that they were having a festival and there were many groups of people dressed in costumes. We had hot wine, white sausages and crepes, all yummy. That ... read more
Manu & me

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 18th 2005

Hello Again After my last post I had a lot of questions and a request for more pictures. So here they are. Yes, I have laundry. It's a combined washer/dryer unit (which I still haven't figured out how to use) right in my bathroom (yes...I have a bathroom too). ... read more
Also, out my Window
View From The Windows
The W.C.

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 18th 2005

Since nothing is open on Sundays in Germany it’s a good time to take advantage of the activities available in the great outdoors. I decided to take a hike on the Philosophers Walk (Philosophenweg). Philosophers Walk It’s located on the opposite side of the Neckar River from the old town and consists of 12 or so hiking trails that weave around up and down the hillside. From the old part of town, cross the river, take your second right and it’s a steep uphill climb past the physics and astronomy department buildings for the University of Heidelberg. Unfortunately there was mist hanging over the city so the view was a bit obstructed. But the pictures are still pretty. I’ll definitely be taking this hike again. ... read more
View Of The Old City
Rest Stop
The pathway

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 14th 2005

Yes…I have arrived. Only 4 nights in Deutschland and I think I know which way is up. The first few days where a little rough as I adjusted to the time zone, a new city, a new country and a new office. And, yes, I have been a little lonely but I’m starting to feel comfortable. Since I did not go in to the office on my first day I spent the day wandering Heidelberg experimenting with how many times I could get lost and still find my way home. I have a few key landmarks and as long as I can find those I know how to get back to my place. Speaking of my place, I’ve attached some pictures. Its small (bachelor apt) but it’s cozy. I have my stuff strewn everywhere so it’s ... read more
Living Space 2
My little kitchen

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 9th 2005

So I made it through security with minimal sniveling on the security people. One lady was very nice…the guys just pretended not to notice. ;-) Hopped the 15 minute flight to Montreal and now I sit in the lounge chatting with my friend, Gil, from home (Nova Scotia) whilst sharing a beer over the internet. Where were we before the internet?? I’m thankful for the distraction as I wait for the big flight to Frankfurt. It’s scheduled to be 7 hours 20 minutes. I hope I can sleep. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg January 9th 2005

1 hour until I leave for the airport. I managed to get it all in to 2 suitcases and a carry-on but I still think I'm taking too much. I'm exicited and nervous and on the verge of a minor meltdown but I'm sure I'll be ok once I'm at the airport and through security.... read more
Best Cat Ever

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg August 20th 2004

1128 ICE 875   在Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe見到幾名穿深綠色衫或褲的男女,令我想起昨晚在Tegel下車時月台站著一名全副戎裝(連帽也戴了,有徽章的),地上放著一個深綠色的大袋。是不是到了入伍受訓的時節呢?在這一個站有一女子上車,坐在我對面靠門的位子,大家都把腳伸向對面(我只是踩在非座椅的地方而已),各看各的書。又想起昨天乘S-Bahn,隔鄰一排的男人打開重裝甲公事箱,赫然只見一疊疊紙和一本比我的英德雙解字典大一點的小說。 1234 ICE 875   早上喝了一小杯加啡加奶,已足夠我在火車上用了大部份時間讀《檔案羅密歐》。 2323 Haus der Jugend 1/F 露台 外面是冷的   中午在Haus der Jugend卸甲後,便立即出動,1515已到達Heidelberg。我照昨天的想法,先摸上Hockenheim。但這一次沒有地圖,只憑在香港上網時的印象「冒險」,價值不菲,來回巴士各收€4.20。一上車我便不斷問"wie viel",問了幾下才知司機問我"wohin"(要分段收費),一坐便是半小時(回程不是甚麼Schnellbus,更要整整一小時)。進入了Hockenheim後再與司機雞同鴨講,我胡亂堆砌一些夾雜'Hockenheimring'的句子,他倒明白;駛至Rathaus外,他指了指,不知說了些甚麼(不知是叫我在對面再轉車還是回程在那站上車),然後我在下一站下車,步回Rathaus看牆上的地圖,原來依Rathaus側的路一直向前走便是。到達後甚麼也看不到。當時正舉行不知甚麼賽事,只能聽到震天的引擎聲此起彼落。想混進去拍照,工作人員不准,要嗎便買票。我只好掉頭走。   唯有到旁邊的博物館看看,售票處的婦人大概見時間所剩無幾(1630-1700),沒有讓我購票,我便問她可否在附近拍照,拍了幾張她竟然主動放我入內拍,連入場費也省下了(€6.00?)。   雖然後來走得氣急敗壞,但Heidelberg的舊城區的確保留了風味。走過Alte Brücke時幾乎想路過不入,但最後還是上了。從橋上回望Heid... read more
Motor Sport Museum
Another Bernd Schneider

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Stuttgart June 7th 2002

Whilst the UK partied over the Queens Jubilee weekend I decided to miss this oncein a lifetime opportunty and head to Germany for the long weekend. The main reason for the trip was to catch up again with Jeorg, a friend I'd met travelling in SE Asia, but also to try to see a little more of Germany rather than the Bier Gardens and Bier Halls which had so dominated my previous trip. Before Germany however I had to manage to successfully overcome a Friday night in London. I was faced with a dilemma. My flight left Stansted at 6:50am. Stansted Expres starts running at 5:00 and takes 45 mins to get to Stansted......which would get me to the airport about an hour before the flight.....that was tight. The problem I faced though was that Hammersmith ... read more
Jorg & Daggie
Fishmarket - Erfurt
Wartburg Castle - Eisenach

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