Blogs from Saint-Raphael, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe - page 19


Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 10th 2006

After leaving Southampton on Saturday evening, we sailed north into the North Sea bound for the port of Zeebrugge, Belgium. Our land tour for Sunday was a trip to Brugge. Brugge is a village a few miles inland from the coast and is one of Europe's best preserved medieval cities. The city received very minor damage during the war and as a result contains many very old buildings. Brugge is probably best known for it canals that ring the city. Originally dug as a city defense line they were expanded over the years. We did a walking tour and then had a boat ride along the canals. The city cobblestone streets are narrow and autos must park in a central underground garage. Bicycles are a major means of transportation within the old city and as a ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 10th 2006

Lyon - Brussels - Bruges - Brussels - Berlin (Train) 10-11 September Muslims must make one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime to reach the promised afterlife; Hindus must bath in the Ganges river, so to wash away their sins and be reborn into a better life and Buddhists must devote their life to study and meditation to move closer to Nirvana. If you enjoy beer - then your pilgrimage is to Bruges in Belgium where there is already heaven brewed here on earth. The Bruges Beerje is a small ale chapel discreetly hidden in a quiet lane away from the tourist crowds shuffling along the main street. They can offer a choice of many beers with four local draughts on tap. They have an extensive bound menu of all their beers with tasting notes and ... read more
A Beer in Brugge
A Beerjes in Brugge

Hey friends, I didn’t get lost, just been busy and with little internet connection. Where to start, where to start. Well, we had no problems with flights or luggage, so that was a relief. Annette picked us up at the airport and then the next day we (AO and I, with chauffer Pascal and friend Zahree) left for Brugge Belgium. We had lots-o-fun there, including going up a belfry tower, visiting a brewery (with free beer at the end of course), playing Frisbee in a park while the boys played sticks, eating kebabs- our new favorite Turkish food, and exploring our hostel, Charlie Rockets. We went to the coast one day and had fun looking at the water and all the weird Belsh public art. Driving back to lux was an experience because Pascal got lost ... read more
Pascal loves maps
Giant Duval!

Our first stop was St John's Hospital which used to be run by nuns. It has since been transformed into a museum with lots of religious paintings and relics. Angele takes longer going through museums than I do, so I entertained myself in the kid's colouring corner and coloured some pictures (For days after I had the urge to buy pencil crayons and colouring books!) After, we went into the Church of Our Lady. It is famous for housing the only Michaelangelo to leave Italy, and it is beautiful even though most of the church is under construction. It was the most welcoming church yet, not just another tourist site. It just had this atmosphere about it. We stopped for a waffel with strawberries and cream for lunch then it was off to the lace museum ... read more

Sorry guys for the long delay of updates, and no we are not home yet :P We were in a few small cities and remote places as we got behind. But, here you go, more stories for your entertainment :D There was a beautiful part of Brugge by the Minnewater River. Lots of swans and horse and carriages trotting up and down the streets. We went to the Beguine, which is a small enclosed area where nuns live. Their houses face a small garden/lawn and it was very peaceful. It was so strange how quiet it was being in the middle of a city. We wandered the cute streets of shops before hitting the Beer Museum, De Halve Maan. We had a guided tour through the brewery and learned some interesting facts such as hops (used ... read more

We arrived in the pouring rain around 11am and of course our room wasn't ready. But our hostel was beautiful compared to Brussels. (In case Angele didnt mention it, I will give you a brief overview of it. A crazy drunk man would walk into the lobby constantly - he was their neighbor. Then when we got to our room, there was a dirty Q-tip squshed between the bed and the wall. The place obviously hadnt been cleaned very well. When we checked out the lounge area, there was a small pond that smelt like urine. It was a very special hostel :S ). The Brugge hostel was family run and the son had one of those wrinkly dogs that ran around the lobby and lounge area at its own leisure. We ended up entertaining ourselves ... read more

Hello there. We have got to Bruges in Belgium after a mostly successful ride. We left Cardiff on Simon's birthday, 1st August and made our way to Dover in six days. This involved me getting fit fast but are now both developing good cycling muscles! Mostly things have been good. We have camped in a variety of places, including farmers fields, ministry of defence fields, beaches, sand dunes and a friend's floor. There was a major setback in Folkestone when we were staying in a very un-dodgy capsite (flowers, lots of families and caravans). In the night there was strange rustling by our tent which we put down to an over-friendly badger. However, in the morning we realised that one of Simon's panniers had been nicked, someone had actually reached into the tent and fumbled around, ... read more

Sorry for the obscure title, but it kept popping into my head as i wandered around Brugge, smelling all the waffles. Its from Shrek if anyone was wondering. Brugge was an interesting town, full of lots of different smells...not all good let me assure you. There was a big town square and as we were in Belgium I thought it pertinent to go to a chocolate museum. Found out about the history of chocolate and all that jazz, saw some wicked chocolate sculptures but i was waiting for the end. We watched a chocolatier make some chocolates and then we got to taste them..yum! The hostel we stayed at was pretty ordinary with the toilest being down a flight of stairs and through the good luck to you if had to use the bathroom when ... read more
Puff the Chocolate Dragon
Town Square

David, can you smell the chocolate in the air? It's everywhere here. If you've been good to my Sarah I might bring you back some. Went out to eat after we got here for my anniversary dinner...14 years and now we're going to stuff ourselves with chocolate for the next two days. Brugge is very touristy but still maintains a medieval air. We'll hit the churches and climb the clock tower tomorrow. There'a Michelqngelo statue here too, one of the few outside Italy. Update tomorrow; GARY: Was that package in a yellow box? No big envelope yet?... read more

We had a full day. Another tower to climb, another town hall to look at with another gothic/medieval hall, and more churches. The weather was freaky today, threatening to rain. windy. and then the sun would shine We did a lot of window shopping and of course had to decide where to eat dinner. I found ONE place in all of Brugge that sells about a backward country!! We leave for Switzerland in the's going to be a long travel day, we'll spend the night in Bern and then on to the Alps, don't know when we'll be near an internet again. (9days to go...don't know where the time has gone...I have memories and stories for a lifetime.... read more

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