Blogs from Saint-Raphael, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe - page 18


Seriously, this is stunning. I hqve never been in a more boring country. It is genuinly absurd. We went out last night to have a look round, and get our drink on. SO many people in the pub, and we were the ONLY ones drinking. We also went clubbing, to find that pparently dancing is outlawed in belgium, with everyone just standing round. Being the men we are, we quickly started to jive...... only to get nasty stares. Alex actually got asked to go and dance somewhere else... On the way out, Carl succesfully grabbed 26 arses, both male and female, almost getting an absoloute kicking. Fun though. The hostel here is awesome, and we've just found we are here for onne more night than we thought, but weùre spending tonight in quiet, hangover related comfort, ... read more
Main Square
A few big beers...
Arrival in Bruge

Just a quick note to tell people where I am, more tomorrow!... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge December 29th 2006

Ahhh Brugge. Every second shop is a chocolate shop and every other shop is overflowing with frilly Belgian lace aprons as souvenirs for the tourists crowding the streets. The whole town is set up to embrace the tourist hordes, from its (minimum) tri-lingual menus, cheesy horse and carriage rides through the cobbled streets and the Belgian chocolate/beer/lace museums. Yet it is easy to understand why Brugge is such a popular destination. We had a marvellous time exploring the charming medieval streets, drooling our way through the chocolate museum and munching our way through the many wonderful eating establishments around town. The highlight was New Years Eve, when the Brugge town council provided our entertainment by removing the barriers to the ice skating rink for the festivities (a better view of the NYE concert stage was afforded ... read more
Brugge town square
Another impressive Brugge building
The Brugge dragon

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge November 19th 2006

A little out of order but here is our entry from Bruges!! What can I say - this place is just picturesque and I urge you all to come visit! Our hotel was a quaint little B&B with the steepest stairs, Nick had to carry my bags up as there was no way I could do it! The owners have this enormous dog, a daschund, which sat in the middle of the dining room and didn't really move, I had to wheel my luggage around him! Nick managed to set the smoke alarms off both mornings due to his long showers... without even realising he was the cause of the noise! Lots of cobble stones, canals, cafes, pubs and churches. I think we managed to do them all. The church bells chimed all day to Beethoven's ... read more
more buildings
more canals

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge November 12th 2006

I was just in the middle of writing an angsty letter to Robert about the distance between human beings. I cited rudeness to strangers in foreign places, religious intolerance and the way that people manage to have glazed eyes on the subway--essentially ignoring other people. I was sick of it. And then came I had read about this website during some of my travel research. It was a way to bring traveling strangers together by linking a traveler with a host who can provide a couch or futon or bed for the night for free. So we tried it--and its been fabulous. Adam had found and been in contact via email with our host, Griet; who we met at the town square this afternoon. She brought us back to her cozy place near the heart ... read more
Belgian chocolates
Griet's map o'couchsurfers
Brugge by night

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge October 30th 2006

I only stayed a night here but it was wonderful! This town is so picturesque -- all the buildings look like Gingerbread houses, they have horse-drawn carriages everwhere, and cobblestone streets; of course the abundance of gourmet chocolate, fries, beer, and waffles don't hurt either ;) I had a beer that was brewed by Belgain monks, so funny! I loved Bruges and I would go back in a heartbeat -- I would highly reccomend it to everyone. You + Bruges = Fat and Happy :) I also met a travel buddy here who traveled to London with me the next day on Halloween :)... read more
So beautiful! They call it little Venice...
Smile already, you're in Bruges!
Government building of some sorts...

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge October 18th 2006

I considered going to Rotterdam before leaving the Netherlands, but I decided on Bruges as my next stop after Amsterdam. I'd heard a lot of good things about the city, so I thought I'd give it a chance. I took the afternoon train from Amsterdam and after another painless border crossing found myself in Bruges at dusk. At the train station I met up with another backpacker from Boston, so we walked over to Snuffels hostel in the city center. It took us a good 40 minutes to get there because we kept getting lost in the dark, winding streets of Bruges. The streets were also totally deserted at that time of night (8!) so it was kind of cool to see without tourists milling about. After getting to the hostel we both went next door ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge October 16th 2006

Brugge was the cutest and most adorable town. It is very romantic...kinda cheesy romanitc but still cute. We went on a bike ride around the town and it was really nice. They also had this raspberry beer that was amazing. Not much to say, the pictures pretty much describe themselves. ... read more
The view from the hostel

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 19th 2006

I caught the bus from Amsterdam to Brussels, very quick journey at only 3 hours. I had not booked any accommodation, which in hindsight was a bit stupid, especially considering there was a major EU conference in town. After being turned away from quite a few places I decided to bite the bullet and head to Brugges, which is about an hour away via train. Brugges was fantastic! A beautiful city and an absolute must visit if you are travelling around Europe. It is a very picturesque, medieval city with a great vibe. There is a bar where you can try over 400 beers, which is a great way to relax after a heavy day's sightseeing! I stayed in Brugges at a hostel for two nights and look forward to returning. ... read more
tower view 2
tower view 3
tower view 4

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