Blogs from Paris, Île-de-France, France, Europe - page 360


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris February 4th 2006

Well I finally made it to Paris. Lugging 6 months worth of stuff around the airport was kind of tricky but it all worked out.... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris February 4th 2006

Well, after about a two and a half hour sleep. Liz and I got up, we decided to get up later than planned because we weren't going to shower. Now, that may sound gross to some of my American friends, but it is customary over here to go a few days between showers. Although, it is different and I embrace and can tolerate it. It is not something I would ever choose to do freely. But, anyway (did you see that mom? ANYWAY!!!!), we got up very early to catch the metro to Lille Flanders. There we bought tickets to Paris. Are reasoning for leaving for Paris was two-fold. 1. Gives up the most time in Paris 2. it is cheaper. I think the latter outweighed the former though. So, tickets in hand, we waited for ... read more
Louis XIV

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris February 1st 2006

HELLO! It has been far too long and I am very sorry. That just means I have much to fill you all in on. It also means I will most likely just skim over a lot of the past few weeks and make some sweeping generalizations. At any rate, here we go! December, the good, the bad, and the wonderful Schoolwork was in abundance before our winter break but I made it! I wrote many a paper and even did a few oral presentations. I wish I could say my French was amazing but…. I went to the doctor in order to get my Student Visa to stay in France and had quite an experience! First of all it was bizarre being herded like cattle from one room to the next with complete strangers in a ... read more
Family at the ballet
Opera House
line at the bakery

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 30th 2006

This will likely be our last entry until we get back to the states and I can update it with what we did in Madrid the last 2 days. Just wanted to let you know that we are currently in Paris after another night train and just walking around gathering last minute souvenirs. We will both be home tomorrow evening and likely sleeping for 18 hours. Thanks to you all for reading and sharing your comments. It has been fun to read them all and keep you all up to date. Sorry this is so short but we are hungry! Talk to you or see you soon. Au revoir! Heather and Jenn... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 30th 2006

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 28th 2006

Bonjour! Before I begin: A word of warning. This post contains hideous & dreadful generalisations that are truly an outrage. It dribbles on and makes tonnes of condescending statements. Read on only if you have thick skin and a sense of humour. So after 3 months pluggin away in Reading working for the man (billg), I finally got the opportunity to pack everything into the backpack and head off for a much needed Holiday. Destination: Frances & Austria And boy oh boy did it feel good to get the backpack on again. I felt truly liberated as I started heading through the thick early morning fog towards the train station knowing that ahead of me lay nearly 3 weeks of stress free holidays. The first stop in my travels was suppose to be Biarritz in the ... read more
St Martin
St Martin
Bordeaux at Night

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 25th 2006

Paris Trip #1 I suppose I should start off this entry by stating that I love Paris! After we got a hang of the metro system (which is really not too complicated once you know where you're going), getting around the city was simple. Okay, I'll start from the beginning. We got to the train station later than expected (due partly to Erin running late, and then the bus taking a while to pick us up), probably around 8:30 for our 8:48 train time! The line for tickets went pretty quickly, and we got tickets for 13.50 Euros (because the office was not open to get the youth discount pass). We immediately got on the train and I was quite happy to be going somewhere (you can tell by the picture). We got to the Paris ... read more
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower 2

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 18th 2006

YeaH, so for Chirstmas break I was able to hope a short flight to Paris and spend a few days toursiting around the city till Christmas eve when I met up with Elodie. SO this is the story. I arrived after a lovely short flight into Charles De gaulle Airport. And took the Metro straight to Montmartre where I would stay in a hostel for the next few days. I had heard about a free christmas concert that was to occur that night at Notre Dame and I was determined to get there in time. So I hopped the metro after dropping my bags and headed straight to Mile zero France. (I was told later that all distances in France are measured from a point directly in front of Notre Dame.) When I arrived, I found ... read more
Eiffel tower from top of the Arc de triomphe
the Arc de triomphe
Luciano and Nier at Place madeline

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 16th 2006

Paris has been great! I got here at 11am yesterday and walked around (with my huge backpack) for 5 hours until Bret came in. My shoulders hate me. So to ease the pain Bret and I figured we go to a local bar and have a drink. Well we met three french guys who quickly became friends. They knew very little english but some italian. So, with our spanish we could kinda communicate. We sat and watched a soccer (i'm sorry... football) match. It was the bartenders home team. Thank God they won b/c I think he would have closed the pub had they lost. It was fun to watch since they were so into it. After that they taught us a very complicated dice game (especially since we couldnt really talk to each other). No ... read more
Eiffel Tower #5
Our hostel

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris January 15th 2006

Another early wake up - as is the norm (7ish) - and then an entire day wandering the streets of Paris, trying to avoid the language barrier and eating at a little cafe. Saw all the big sites, including he Louvre Museum, which everyone agreed you could spend weeks in (it has 18km of corridors). There was some amazing artwork and sculptures in there, including the infamous Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo statue. We then headed down Champs Elysees, an amazing and rich main street (which looked unbelievable at night), towards the Arc de Triomph (massive arc structure thing). Climbed that 284 steps for more great views. Then it was on to the Notre Dame, which had another 200+ steps to climb for more views. All in all a completely packed day, which by the ... read more

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