Blogs from Finland, Europe - page 13


Europe » Finland June 29th 2016

Finland 26th St Petersburg to Haapassari Island to Kotka – 111nm .About a 3hr motor out to Konstatine Island again to clear out...this time Vladimir was there waiting for us. He would've been there on our arrival, but I had sent him a message to the wrong phone number. Oh well, he helped us clear out, then sent us on our way with a hearty handshake. He is an amazing man, so helpful, kind and very humble. It was about 1230 when we departed, had to motor until about 1800 when the wind came in but we expected that. Once again we had to check in at different buoys, but after the roundabout, we were clear to head straight to Finldand. We had a good sail most of the night until we arrived at Haapassari Island ... read more
Top of clubhouse

Europe » Finland June 16th 2016

Geo: 60.1608, 24.9525We hear the ship's engine revving and feel the movement as we roll back and forth. Wanting to savor every bit of rest we can muster before tackling Helsinki, I close my eyes and wait until the engines stop which would signal we're docked. But that never happens and through our room speaker, the captain makes an announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Due to gale force winds and a forecast of deteriorating weather conditions, we will not be docking at Helsinki harbor. Our approach at our assigned birth was most difficult due to its exposure to the Baltic Sea and the decision was made for the safety of our passengers and crew to abort the docking and continue on directly to Stockholm. Thank you for your understanding".We had looked forward ... read more
No Helsinki?  Then I'll Just Shop
Karen Loves "Inch of Gold" Sale
Karen Found a Bracelet.

Europe » Finland » Uusimaa » Helsinki May 29th 2016

We pulled into a cloudy Helsinki, Finland at approximately 8am and were fully disembarked by 9:30am. At the ferry terminal, we caught a taxi to take us to our nearby hotel, Glo Hotel Kluvvi, just off Helsinki's main pedestrian thoroughfare, the Esplanadi. I had figured that at this point in the trip, we would all be tired of sharing the same room in such close proximity. So for our final destination, we all got our own separate rooms! It was still too early in the morning to check in so we dropped our bags at the hotel and set out to explore. We walked over to the nearby Helsinki Cathedral, one of the most visited sites in Helsinki. This Lutheran church is well known for it's tall green dome which is very distinctive in Helsinki's skyline. ... read more
Sailing Along The Finnish Coastline
Helsinki Cathedral
Helsinki Cathedral

Europe » Finland May 1st 2016

My wife and I both yearn for adventure and we planned an unusual trip to Finland. For long, the aurora borealis had fascinated us and we wanted to experience this magical natural phenomenon. We were skeptical about planning this in the month of April. Regardless, we pulled the trigger and we planned the Finland trip. We landed in Helsinki late at night and checked into an airport hotel since we were to fly to Rovaniemi the next afternoon. The airport is rather small as you would expect. First thing you notice when you enter is a board that says “Santa’s Official Home Airport”. That sets the tone for the rest of Rovaniemi/Lapland visit. Rovaniemi is the official hometown of Santa Claus, and a vibrant modern city on the Arctic Circle. It’s quite magical in its own ... read more
Rovaniemi Airport
Husky Ride
Santa Claus Village

Europe » Finland » Northern Ostrobothnia » Oulu » Yli-Ii March 28th 2016

Our crusted and dusty delegation visited Oulu last summer to rock out with our c*cks out and meet up with local DIY activists and event organisers. This is roughly what happened according to my carefully crafted notes and the one with the hat 's recollections. Hässäkkäpäivät , - or Hassle Days in English - is a small-scale hardcore/punk rock festival that took place for the 8th time in 2015. Several local arts & culture organisations (Paskakaupunni ry, Tilaa Kulttuurille and Rotos) are behind the festival and based year round at the same spot putting up smaller gigs and alternative events and what not. On Sunday, after the two-day punk shenanigans, we discovered more on all this and what happens at url= read more

Europe » Finland » Northern Ostrobothnia » Oulu » Kuusamo March 1st 2016

Terwijl het vliegtuig de daling inzet en onder het wolkendek zakt, is er zicht op oneindig wit landschap met bossen en meren. Een prachtige omgeving om een weekje in de sneeuw te vertoeven. Na een dagje vermaak in het uitgestorven Kuusamo, vertrokken we de volgende dag met het lied "Kuusamo" in ons hoofd richting een rendierboerderij. Hier kregen we uitleg over de rendieren en deden we een kort ritje met de rendierslee. Het rendier stond in de maandagochtendmodus en deed het lekker rustig aan. Om even op te warmen schoven we aan bij het kampvuur met worstjes. Die middag stond ook een rit met husky's op het programma. Alhoewel we een "diploma" hadden ontvangen voor ons eerste rendierritje, werd er meer kennis en inspanning verwacht bij het rijden met de slede achter de husky's. Na de ... read more

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Luosto February 25th 2016

Today was all about sledding; getting dragged around by dogs and deers. What a day! We started out at the husky kennels, where the local guide Saara gave us driving instructions for the husky sleighs before we went to meet the dogs. All the dogs were harnessed to the sleighs, excited and ready to go. With about twenty sleighs, and six dogs each, that's a lot of canines, all howling and barking and raring to go! We were assigned our sleighs, two to a sleigh, and met our dog teams. One of us was the designated driver, the other along for the ride and we switched in the middle. Pretty soon we were off! The dogs took off like rockets, racing after the guides on their snowmobiles or the sleigh ahead. We really picked up some ... read more
The Dogs

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Luosto February 24th 2016

We had quite a day today! After breakfast we got dressed in full winter gear and headed out in the falling snow to the snomobile center, just a short walk from the hotel. There, after standing in line in a small, crowded shack we got helmets and face masks. After trying them on, and a final pee break, our large group was divided into three smaller ones. Each group got a local guide and instructions on driving a snomobile from said guide (nothing too complicated), and we saddled up. Soon we were off, driving through the snow. I was very happy to learn that the snowmobiles have electrically warmed handlebars! Ethan, sitting behind me on the machine wasn't so lucky, so every time we stopped on the way I had him remove his gloves and defrost ... read more
Ice Fishing
Deer dogs

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Luosto February 23rd 2016

We got up very early this morning and got on Bus #2. The driver told me 'Kaakse' and raised two fingers. So obviously I said we can't start at two, what is 'One' in Finnish? It's 'Uukse', by the way. By the end of the day I got to three. So, one two three, uukse kaakse kolme! Between my Finnish lessons the driver took us to Kemi, on the Gulf of Bothnia. There we boarded the Good Ship Sampo, a Finnish icebreaker. Sampo was built in 1960 and kept the Finnish shipping lanes opened for many years, until the cargo ships got too big for her. But instead of retiring her they turned her into a cruise ship. She is the only ice breaker in the world used for tourism! We boarded the Sampo and wandered ... read more
In the sea!
The Sampo
Entering the Castle

Europe » Finland » Lapland February 22nd 2016

We got up this morning for some serious fun. After breakfast we went just outside the hotel to their own ski slope. Today, as you've probably guessed by now, we went tobogganing! We got our safety instructions, helmets and toboggans, set up our cameras and got going! The slope is about 800 meters long, with a few twists and turns along the way. What fun! We really got some speed on those things! good thing they have brakes. Ethan took a spill once, into a safety net but all in all we were quite successful. I define success as: "fun had by all". Success! A cable car took us back up the hill for a second and third try. More fun! Eventually our time on the slope came to an end and we got on the ... read more
And now it's my turn
Taliban or just nice and warm?

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