Blogs from Majagual, Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean


Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler mes équipements. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, j'adore les sports extrêmes! ça me permet d'oublier le stress et d'entamer chaque semaine dans la joie et la bonne humeur! Vous l'avez deviné ! Je ride, surf ou bien d'autres encore pendant mes weekends! Pendant les vacances, je pars avec des potes qui partagent mes passions. Mais revenons à notre sujet! Comme je l'ai dit, avant de pratiquer un sport extrême, je m'équipe comme il faut pour ma propre sécurité. J'achète mes équipements soit chez , soit chez Decathlon. Ces deux boutiques m'ont toujours donné satisfaction et m'offrent également des prix abordables. Jusque-là, je ne m'en plains pas. Au contraire, je suis même satisfait de tous mes achats. Étant donné que les articulations sont très sollicitées en sport extrême et que c'est ... read more

Since my adventure getting to Isla de Ometepe, I have been all over the place on the south Nicaraguan coast, hanging with a group of other surfers, going from spot to spot. I met a super cool guy from NC, he graduated from UNC and I was sporting my tarheel shirt, so naturally we started hanging out. I took a ferry across the lake with a friend from London and a true, flesh in bone gypsie. I always joke about gypsies and laugh about how they steal everything, but in actuality, I had never really hung out with one. We left the London guy at the port and shared a cab with a couple from Spain over to the port of San Juan del Sur. We got a room at a cheap little hostel and went ... read more

Yikes, how time flies when there are no internet connections around. (I'm backtracking a bit and throwing some stuff in here from my real old fashioned pen and paper journal to keep this kind of up to date, so bear with me if they are kind of lengthy.) The first daytrip to Majagual lured me back for 3 more days of sun and sea, 2 nights of craziness, and 1 new hobby in the making. We ended up staying in the dorms at the EcoLodge since there were no rooms available at Matilda's and in general, the whole place was pretty full. I really got into my next book, Angels & Demons, so I basically sat around in the sun reading for the whole first day. Actually, someone probably could have set fire to my hair ... read more
Wind and waves
My Majagual infatuation
A surfside welcome

I spent one night in a town called San Juan del Sor...pretty disapointing, but then the next morning I took a boat taxi to another beach called Majagual. ABSOLUTLY AMAZING, totally secluded white sand beach...hardly anyone there..palm trees, nice surfing, the works. So I’m hiking down the beach looking for a place to say and I come across this place called Camping Malida (the only house on the beach for as far as the eye can see). And basically it is a little camp area with tents to rent and hammock space. There are about 12 other people there so I find a spot and move in. Only to learn that the closest internet is in the town 1 hour away, and the only store is the one you see a pic of. So I got ... read more

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