Blogs from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Central America Caribbean - page 2


Yesterday I talked on the phone with my mom for about an hour and she just kept telling me that I needed to post on my blog as soon as possible because my fans were getting antsy. Well guys, I’m sorry I haven’t been writing as much as I would like but it gets pretty busy down here in Haiti. Since my weekend “gateway” in the Southern part of Haiti, there are many stories I would like to share with everyone. Thursday night was Gina’s birthday so we decided it was time to find some American food (something other than rice and beans). Everyone got as dressed up as they could as the days just keep getting hotter and hotter. We ate at this place near the airport called the shack. Brittany and I shared the ... read more
Community Health Day
Community Health Day

It's been way too long since my last blog post so I hope you didn't forget about me!! So much to tell you guys since I last posted so I am going to try and remember everything to the best of my ability. On Thursday night we lost power and didn't have it for 48 hours. You are probably wondering what I did during that time… Well……. I did so much. Friday morning I woke up, took a shower and then we "tried" to fix the broken printer. The only way the printer would work was if you held the power cord in place while we printed. We had to print 70 copies of the instructions we made on how to work the water filters and it took us over an hour (I am grateful for ... read more

Yo, I wish everyone could experience what the daily struggle here is each day. Who knew I was so American and had to have internet 24 hours of the day. Life is quite strange without it. As I sit here cuddling with the cat at 5:24pm, it is the first time we received power since last night. Ah you're probably wondering like what the hell is this girl talking about!? Well see, the government has the power to shut down the power in Haiti whenever they "feel like it" (how absurd). Now that we do have power we are all glued to our electronics (obviously). Besides this funny dilemma, today was the best day yet. Who knew painting could be so hard. Well maybe it isn't hard but I also have the arm strength of a ... read more
New little friend
Just your average day

So the heat continues to blaze over Haiti on this summer Wednesday afternoon. We practically didn't have power all day hence why I am just writing. Since yesterday was left off with my call for coffee, shortly after we tried the best coffee I have ever had in my entire life. I am making sure it is the first thing I purchase to bring back to the states (it's heavenly). I also have found the best running route with a view to die for. Waking up at 6:45am to run almost seems easy because the view I get to experience looking at the mountains in the distance is incredible. Casually I run by every farm animal there is (horses, cows, pigs and chickens). The shower is still brutal and so are the roosters constantly making noise ... read more

I’m back, It’s crazy how much I wish I could write down in words but my words don’t even do it justice. Day 2: When the roosters finally stopped and I was able to doze back into sleep I woke up around 8:30am. After that I took the quickest and coldest shower I have ever taken in my entire life. I don’t think I will ever be used to how cold the water is and how I still manage to sweat right after I get out. Breakfast was served shortly after and consisted of mango, pineapple, banana and pancakes. When I say pancakes I mean a very thin fried piece of dough. Orientation started at 10:00am and I am super excited to start working. We have training today, which consists of learning how to teach the ... read more

Hi friendzz, Who ever thought I would ever come to a third world country? Yeah I didn't. Well I want to keep everyone updated on this amazing trip I have been blessed with. Okay so yesterday started off with a 6:20am flight to Port-au-Prince from JFK. So the early wake up call had me extremely nervous as I went to bed that night. The flight was an easy 3 and a half hours and then I had finally arrived. Standing through customs for an hour when I got off the flight wasn't what I expected and losing one of my bags definitely wasn't in the plan either. I had tears running down my face when the bag incident happened by the way (classic Sarah move). Besides those two rough patches I had finally started my 5 ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Port-au-Prince December 20th 2012

Déjà 3 mois que je suis en Haiti et pourtant je n'ai toujours rien écrit. Ce n'est pas facile de trouver le ton pour décrire ce qu'on voit ici ; et surtout ce qu'on ne voit pas. Dans les rues de Port au Prince, c'est le chao. Les égouts n'existent pas, des montagnes de déchets s'entassent à chaque coin de rue, des centaines de personnes vendent leur bric à brac dans des brouettes, des « containers boutique », des petites valises, des marchés de fortune... Les autres cherchent à entrer dans le transport en commun local : les « tap tap », ces pick up sur lesquels sont soudé une armature métallique dans laquelle s'entasse une vingtaine de personne. Le trafic est infernal, non pas parce qu'il y a beaucoup de voitures, mais parce qu'il n'y ... read more
Passants, abris et riviere de déchets a l arriere plan
Après le passage de Sandy
Tap tap colore

Resumo:Ultimo dia na Escola/Orfanato; Choro pela 2 vez desde que estou no Haiti; Estou bem. Foi o meu ultimo dia na escola e no orfanato. Achei que seria mais fácil dizer tchau para as crianças. Na escola nao tive problemas, pois foi também o ultimo dia delas ate setembro (ferias). Assim, nao sinto que eu os abandonei. No orfanato que foi a minha surpresa. Pensei muito hoje sobre como foi o meu período no orfanato. Conclui que eu nao posso morar com elas todo o tempo. 1) porque eu acabo nao tendo tempo para mim e consequentemente nao tenho tempo para pensar no que fazer com as criancas e qual projeto quero desenvolver com elas. e 2) porque elas se apegam de mais. Chorei porque eu nao achei que as crianças fossem chorar. Eu nao fui ... read more

Resumo: Ficando louca com as criancas; Boas fotos, mas nao fui eu; Estou bem. Esta semana foi muito dificil para mim. Estou agora com uma turma de pestinhas entre 8 a 13 anos. Terca e quarta eu fiquei meio brava/chateada com elas. Tive que chamar a Natacha para por ordem na 'casa'. Eh muito difícil manter a atenção deles. O nível de inglês também eh bem diferente, assim eu fico super cansada. No orfanato, as vezes eu tambem fico chateada com as crianças. Intimidade eh fo_a!! Apos 2 semanas aqui eles começaram a pedir presentes, e presentes mais caros. Ontem de manha um deles me pediu para comprar um radio, a outra me pediu um celular. Sem contar eh claro comprar doces, bebidas e dar minhas coisas pequenas, como brincos, relogio de pulso, colar, etc. Nao ... read more
Through The Lens of a Child
Through The Lens of a Child
Through the Lens of a Child

Resumo:Sem energia, sem noticias; Estou dando aula; Estou bem! Bom, falta muita coisa no Haiti, alem da agua que vem no orfanato 4 dias por semana .. fiquei sem luz durante 3 dias. Na verdade acabou de acabar novamente (consegui recarregar um pouco o meu notebook) so para dizer que estou bem. Esta semana eu sou a professora AMY, com sala de aula e tudo! Estou na escola que a Natasha possui, que eh do lado do orfanato. Gente, nao nasci para isso nao!! Ficar numa sala de aula durante 4horas com criancas de 6 a 10 anos eh dureza, viu? Agora descobri que os creditos para usar a internet estao no final. Comprar creditos tambem nao eh facil aqui, eh capaz de eu sumir por mais alguns dias. Rs. Como faltou luz neste tempo, ... read more

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