Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 517


Some of you have likely heard about the tragedy that has occured here in Monteverde. Shortly after our arrival yesterday, we learned that there had been a bank robbery in the town of Santa Elena, just a 15 minute walk from our resort. The word was that there were hostages in the bank. As the evening unfolded, helicopters began arriving from San Jose and the story was being covered on the national news. Hostages began being released last night, but as the situation has unfolded, the news has not been good. At least nine people have been killed. It is a terrible tragedy and has rocked the people of this remote and peaceful area of Costa Rica. If you read Spanish, there is a paper online which does not seem to require a login, at least ... read more

Buying last minute things, trying to figure out exactly how HAWT its going to be in COSTA RICA! Made sure I had all my shots and vaccinations etc.. Got my HEP A shot today!! exciting eh? Also, got a prescription just in case I get some diarhea trouble!! I'm crossing my fingers that I don;t!! EEK! anyways.. going shopping at MEC this weekend, hopefully, I'll find some bargains. Partaying up at the Pit, if I can switch my work shifts!! Thats all for now! ... read more

Today we left our beautiful accomodations at the base of the Arenal Volcano and departed for Monteverde. Looking at a map, one would guess it would be a quick trip, but in Costa Rica, it is not quick to get anywhere. Get out your map of Costa Rica and you can follow our travels around Lake Arenal and across the continental divide to Monteverde. It was as usual, a beautiful drive and we enjoyed a few of interesting stops along the way. The first included an encounter with a group of white nosed coati, which you see in this picture, the next, a visit to a German bakery and the last allowed us to visit a local grocery store. The rest of the journey followed a gravel road and was quite the ride. We are all ... read more

I finished my first week of school. I’m finally ready to slow down and get back into a routine. The past few months have been a long vacation for me and even though I would love to still be on vacation it will be nice to have responsibilities again. Pretty much everything (with respect to classes) is different from the US. In all of my classes the teacher arrived late and most of them had the window open with either the noise of a jackhammer serenading our lesson or the noise of the busy streets to help drown out the already soft spoken teacher in my Portuguese class. But despite all of these distractions I’m sure that I will love my classes here. I’m very excited for both the material I will be studying and for ... read more

Today we awoke to a lovely view of the Arenal Volcano. It is really spectacular. Our guide informed us we are now one of the 3/10,000,000 people who have seen an active volcano. We boarded the bus at 8:00 and headed to our rafting adventure on the Sarapiqui River. After a brief orientation and lots of sunblock, we were off on a 4-hour cruise down the river. There wasn´t much whitewater, but the forest and wildlife were spectacular. We saw a monkey, a toucan and many other birds. Our river lunch included fresh pineapple, mangos and watermelon - delicious! Our trip back to Los Lagos included a stop in Muella where we saw IGUANAS! Lots of them, including the one in this picture. Wish you were here! ... read more

Refreshed and ready for the day, we boarded our bus for a tour of San Jose. Stops included the National Theater and Museum. Both were marvelous. We dined, outdoors:), at Soda Tapia at Ronald's suggestion. He thought we might see a local celebrity. We may have been a larger spectacle, as we all, 20 of us, dined together at one table! The afternoon was spent traveling north to Sarchi and Zarcero. In Sarchi, we were able to purchase items from the local artisans and see a coffee plantation. Zarcero is famous for its topiary garden which you see in this picture of the group. We dined tonight at our resort near La Fortuna and hope to awake to a clear sky and marvelous view of the arenal volcano. We depart early for whitewater rafting. Stay tuned! ... read more

COSTA RICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW Soo doing my pre travel packing and shopping. I've figured Its pretty darn HOT there soo I better take clothes that will dry Fast. Soo I bought a nice lil 27 dollar dakine day backpack! its pretty nice. That I think was my fav. purchase. Anyways listening to some Damien Rice. ... read more

We arrived in San Jose at 10:00 p.m., after a long day of travel, from MN, MI, IA, ON, MT, ND and IL. Ronald, our guide and Alex, our driver, welcomed us at the airport and delivered us safely to our hotel. A bit weary, but thrilled to be here, we share this picture of the view from our hotel in San Jose. ... read more

Finally we were there! I'm an avid wildlife viewer so i couldn't wait to arrive. I heard and read so much good things about Costa Rica. We stayed at Ciudad Quesada, where a family of friends live there since a couple of months. Because we had to come back to home, almost most of the times, we limited the visits to Northwest of Costa Rica, except, the time we stayed on a beach in Nicoya. Here's a small sample of the places we visited and the things we saw. Enjoy!... read more
Howler Monkeys2
Pacific coast

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 27th 2005

With classes starting tomorrow i though it would be a good idea to write about the last few days which have been very enlightening for me. I can honestly say that i received my first 'American resistance' the other day at a Costa Rican party. The party had about 10 people with our group consisting of two Americans, one Mexican, and one Canadian. As the night progressed it was easy to see their animosity towards America, mostly political. Many students as well as the general pubic have been protesting the TLC (a central American version of NAFTA), they don't want American companies entering the Costa Rican market--one example was with bell south (an electric company). It also seems that almost everyone here does not agree with how America handled the war and what they are doing ... read more

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