Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 72


Last night I went to my first fútbol (soccer) game EVER, like ever in the US or here. What a great place to see my first one, huh? I knew they were serious about soccer here but, was an experience. I went to dance class first, though, which was fabulous. My teacher is so cute and she taught us the cha cha and cumbia. The cumbia is this weird kind of jumpy dance. The first time I saw it, i thought I could never learn, but it's not too hard and it's very fun. The teacher was very impressed with my skills of course, which is always fun :) I went straight from dance class to the game in a taxi by myself for the first time also. I was a little nervous at first ... read more

Today I decided to take it easy and just stay at school and do some work and go home. My teacher is sick and will not be here all week, so I was moved to another class temporarily. My new teacher's nice and we're learning how to better use the grammar, which is great for someone like me! I'm finally in the swing of taking the bus alone, which is really nice. When I got home, mamá, Roberto, and Tatiana (his gf) were watching The Others (some scary movie with Nicole Kidman) in Spanish. I actually followed everything and it was so much fun. I was so proud of myself because there were no English subtitles and I was commenting on the movie with everyone in Spanish too. Tonight, I also decided to go to church ... read more

Reservations were made in December for the Feb 6th hike up Mt. Chirripo. Hiking alongside Bill would be our friends Edgar, Solange and Terry. It was decided Callista & I would drive down with the gang and wait at the hotel for them to return from the two day hike. With Terry and Bill speaking limited Spanish and Edgar and Solange limited English, Callista and I were needed to interpret. Bear, well he goes where ever Callista and I go, besides we’d seen a couple of the hotel possibilities before and felt more comfortable having Bear in case we needed protecting. Everyone arrived at our house early Monday morning to load up. We piled into our car Tico style, five adults, a child and a dog. Anything not breathing was tied on top of the car ... read more
Checking in at the Ranger Station
Heading out
Terry and Bill still smiling

Well, after a very long journey on the buses we are back in San Jose. Tomorrow we fly home and we are very excited to see everyone. We would like to thank everyone for reading our blog and we really enjoyed all of your comments. We had a wonderful trip and are ready to come home. Adios Central America!... read more

I started my first class of this new block and I'm so excited- it looks like we're going to review all the grammar, which is exactly what I need and love. My teacher is really nice and I like everyone in my roomie's in my class, too. For lunch, my mamcita made my atun (tuna) and it was SO GOOD. Everyone ate my mango while I went to the bathroom, though, but I got over it. While we were eating lunch, my friend Sammy screamed...she found this pulpito in her rice, which is basically a small octopus looking thing. To make it even better, when we told our friend from Italy this, he didn't seem disturbed by this...aparently in Costa Rica and Italy, it is not necesary to put a disclaimer on a lunch before ... read more

Our first visitors, during the 8 week time frame, have confirmed flight reservations. YAHOO!We are excited to tour Costa Rica with family members. We've been busy making an itinerary. The excursion will include memorable places we've visited along with a few unexplored areas as well (La Fortuna, Lake Arenal and Manuel Antonio). 26 days and counting!... read more

As I was saying... man it has just not been my time lately. Argh! I was just typing my blog and it got lost. One of those days. I guess I´ll just start off by ranting, because that is what I´m most in the mood for. I talked to my mom last night and asked her if she got the package I sent, and she said, no I got some insurance information...I was like, WHAT? Yes, that´s what she got. I sent my pics and notebooks, and some music books from guatemala. Now it hasn´t come, and I don´t know if it will. I´m most devestated about losing my notebooks. I had over 50 songs in there, about 4 or five albums. I´m really bumbed. Honestly, there is nothing worse that could have happened to me. ... read more

I just got off the bus from the border with Panama. It is around 930 and a horrible time and place to get a taxi is the Terminal Caribe. The taxi driver claimed he could not use the meter and took me to a bus stop for San Carlos not Hotel Don Carlos. They the guard said it was okay to give him 1,000 colones! That is not a good deal it should have been half that price! Hence the title Brava! ... read more

Callista went to parque de diversiones with friends the other day and left Bill and I with a day to kill in San Jose. We decided to head to avenida central and just wander. Bill does all the driving when we're in San Jose so he really doesn't get to see much. You have to keep your eyes on the road or the cars next to you when driving down town. He enjoys walking the streets and seeing what he misses. There are some beautiful buildings in the areas surrounding the National Theatre and museums. We enjoyed a cup of cafe con leche at an internet cafe in the morning above the walking street and watched the crowds. People are fascinating to watch, later we ate lunch at a restaurant above the street so we could ... read more
National Cathedral
Building in San Jose
Music in the Park

Hi Guys, We had our first real day in Costa Rica today. Starting with the fact that we have a great hotel, great food, and an all inclusive little addition to our tour, meaning free snacks, and drinks! Today, 6 AM wake up, breakfast and then off to a volcanoe crater. It´s been cool here, affected by the US weather storms ( think California) but cool here is still 24. GOing up, however, means sinking temps. On thw way, saw coffee plantations ( 1000 - 5000feet)- then they stop and strawberry and fern farms begin, Then dairy cattle up high. Very organized and making the best use of the land. The volcanoes top was literally in the clouds, and so we put on the ponchos and braved 50 mile an hour wind and climbed to the ... read more
Mountain view from hotel in San Jose
National Museum in San Jose.  This used to be the army headquarters

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