Page 14 of Two Vines Travel Blog Posts

North America » Mexico » San Luis Potosí » San Luis Potosí October 25th 2018

It’s another misty morning. We are up and packed by 10am ready to go to the bus station. Edgar has turned up and has kindly offered to drive us to there. He is such a sweetie. At the bus station we check in with no problem - today our seats are allocated. I go off in search of brunch as we don’t know what we will get on the bus. I choose a small pizza and chips from Dominoes, wrongly assuming that it will be fast food. It turns out that the guy behind the counter is not only responsible for taking the orders, but also making and cooking the food. I see my pizza made from scratch and half an hour later it is ready! We wolf our food down as there is a long ... read more
Storm clouds gather
Rain in the distance
Bright sky and black clouds

North America » Mexico » Nuevo Leon » Monterrey October 24th 2018

After a disturbed night - Ian is not feeling well and has been coughing all night - we finally get to sleep and don’t wake until around 9am. We are surrounded with grey mist and it is raining! We wrap up in waterproofs and return to the park as we have decided on an indoor activity for this morning - a visit to Horno 3, a steel museum. On the way we take a short detour to see an area of the park that we missed yesterday. A heavily pregnant bride is having her photos taken in the rain - I am dreadfully worried that she will slip down the muddy bank and spark a miscarriage - it really does not look safe. We reach said area and find that we haven’t missed much! It’s probably ... read more
Climate Change
Neptune Fountain - Macroplaza
End of the day at Fundidora

North America » Mexico » Nuevo Leon » Monterrey October 23rd 2018

I am pleased to report a good nights sleep - I know that I have been snoring loudly as I have woken myself up several times! Unlike an airline, the overhead lights here are controlled by the driver, so he decides when we should sleep and when we should wake! The first six hours are passed in complete darkness, the lights being switched off practically as soon as we stepped onboard! Our first stop is at Gomez Palacio on the outskirts of Torreón, with a second stop in the town centre bus station five minutes later. Both stops are signalled by loud announcements over the tannoy and part lights in the cabin. It’s 6.30am and we have gained an hour, having passed out of the mountain time zone back into central. Now we have a 20 ... read more
Fundidora Park
Fundidora Park
Fundidora Park

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua October 22nd 2018

What to do in Chihuahua on a Monday - the day when nearly everything is closed? We still have the National Palace and the Cathedral to see, other than that it’s a wander around their shopping centre! We are booked on a late overnight bus tonight (it doesn’t leave until 11pm) and we have to vacate our room by midday so I think there is going to be quite a bit of hanging around! We decide to remain in our room till check out, loiter this afternoon and have our evening meal before checking in for our 12 hour bus journey. We have decided to turn up at the bus station quite early to check in as, worryingly, our allocated seat numbers are showing as ‘available to book’ online! There isn’t much we can do about ... read more
Chihuahua Cathedral
Chihuahua Palace
Ian joins the revolutionaries

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua October 21st 2018

We slept well and after a quick sprint to Oxxo for our morning coffee and chocolate doughnuts, we are off to visit the Museum of the Revolution. Originally the house of General Francisco ‘Pancho’ Villa, the building was donated to the State by his widow in 1982 and contains many personal and military artefacts of the Revolutionary era 1913-1916. Villa was just one of several leaders fighting the Federal Government in the period with varying degrees of success. One problem was that the leaders all had differing views of what they wanted, leading to division of effort and even in-fighting between factions. At one stage the US Government even offered a $5000 reward for Villa’s capture. Eventually Villa was paid to ‘retire’, although he was later assassinated in 1923. This was a very large and interesting ... read more
Quinta Gameros
Fun in the town square
Fun in the town square

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua October 20th 2018

So this morning we really are moving on! I have had a bad night with aching arms and wrists - I think it’s a knock on from the mountain biking a couple of days ago! We sleep late! Bags are packed and stacked in the hotel breakfast room awaiting our collection later. Our hotel owner, William, is still marvelling that we made it down to the springs and is now telling us a story about his friend that went down into the canyon bottom to pick oranges. His mission was successful and he had a huge bag of fruit to take home. Now he starts his ascent back to the top which is steep and tough going. As he climbs back up, he meets people coming down and starts to hand out some of the fruit ... read more
Chepe Express arrives in Creel
Creel Museum
Creel Museum

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Copper Canyon October 19th 2018

Our bags are packed and ready to go. Check out is at noon and the bus is booked for 2.30pm. We go down for breakfast - a large one today as the bus journey will be a minimum of four hours. Back in our room, I check our itinerary file for the bus tickets. Glancing at the spreadsheet - something is not quite right. It is the 20th today...isn’t it, I ask Ian. No, the 19th he replies! Well we are not moving on then! Doh! I go downstairs to speak to the owner - yes, we have booked and paid until tomorrow. OK, so we are not leaving today after all...surely he must have known that when he asked me if we were leaving today? So, on the plus side, Ian has not lugged our ... read more
Chepe Express arriving in Creel

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Copper Canyon October 18th 2018

We have woken to another morning of mist but we are getting used to it now. Our choices today are to do nothing again or to make the foolhardy trip out to the Recowata Hot Springs. Yesterday we had ruled it out on the grounds of the reviews that labelled it as fabulous yet dangerous! Should we let this deter us? Yesterday we said yes but this morning I am saying, are we going soft in our old age? We go for breakfast at our usual cafe and then set off in search of a taxi. There is none in sight. Whilst we are waiting, a down-and-out approaches us. His English is perfect. He has just come back to Creel from The States after 18 years and he cannot find his family. We interpret this to ... read more
Descending into the canyon
Memorial crosses
Memorial cross

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua October 17th 2018

Neither of us are feeling great today. We are both suffering from a touch of heatstroke - we hadn’t realised just how hot it was yesterday and though we drank plenty we are still somewhat dehydrated and extremely sunburnt. Ian is looking a bit like a tomato whilst I am leaning more towards a beetroot! At least neither of us feel cold now. We stay in bed until 11am! We decide we will go out for breakfast and both opt for hot cakes (thick pancakes) with maple syrup. Very naughty. There seems to be a bit of mis-communication at the cafe this morning. First our pancakes turn up with no cutlery - I’m sure they don’t expect us to eat them with our hands? Then my papaya juice turns up in, what looks like, a jam ... read more
Sign post
Art in the park
Taramahura Indians in traditional dress

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua October 16th 2018

Today we had a bike ride planned but there are rain clouds looming. Should we take the chance? We go for some breakfast. Today it is me that chooses ham omelette and beans whilst Ian opts for pancakes. The door in the restaurant is wide open and it feels pretty chilly. We have packed our day bag with a picnic lunch but no waterproofs and the sky is still looking decidedly black. Breakfast finished, we walk outside and the sky is looking brighter. The sun is even trying to squeeze through between clouds so we decide to give the bikes a go. Cycling in full sunlight would probably not be such a good idea either so the overcast sky is probably going to be a good thing. We head to the three amigos to hire our ... read more
Useless signpost!
Valley of Mushrooms
Valley of Frogs

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