Blogs from Sangkhlaburi, Western Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 4


Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 24th 2009

Dzis mialam srednio pomyslny dzien. Zdecydowanie nie sluzy mi tryb zycia czlowieka pierwotnego, chodzi mi szczegolnie o tryp dzienno-nocny czyli zmierzch o godzinie 19!!!!!!!! Nie moge spac kiedy jest wczesnie a kiedy ostatnio zmusialm sie polozyc o 21 owszem zasnelam ale pozniej obudzona potrzeba fizjologiczna nie moglam ponownie zasnac.Wieczorami nie ma cos robic bez elektrycznosci!Bardzo dziwne uczucie. Pomyslaloby sie ze po calodziennej pracy fizycznej usne jak susel a tu nic - w koncu jestem nocnym markiem;) Mam tylko nadzieje, ze sie przyzwyczaje do tej roznicy albo sobie znajde jakies wieczorne zajecia! Jakies pomysly? Co mozna robic w srodku lasu bez elektrycznosci??? Jedyna rozrywka jest czytanie przy swiecach, gadanie o bzdurach z babami (za ktorym nie przepadam) lub pisanie! (juz kupilam sobie zestaw kopert i papieru!). pozytywna strona - nauczylam sie juz gipsowac ora... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 24th 2009

Life in a middle of nowhere, green around, sun till 18-19, hot 247, basic organic food, no electricity,funny toilets. That is my life now. Everything is so diffrent but somehow also so close to me. Sometimes I feel like on a survival camp. Sometimes when I see how local people live I am wondering how life is funny! Why are we chossing to live particular ways? Is it because of the place where we end up? Is it our choice or just accident or destiny? Since I have been here I was amused when I saw how pinapples grow, when I realised how important drinking water is, when I realised how luxury working toilet is and finally when I relaised once again how important is to understand and respect the nature. People who live in this ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 24th 2009

yestarday I worked hard with Burmese workers. after a while being here I might be educated enough to build a house by myself! yea! I can recomend to google few websites about mud houses - it's really cool idea!!! I have learnt so for how to plaster, how to build walls, i am trying to build some muscles;-) I am sure I am going to loose a lot of weight - beacause of the heat i am not too hungry and also the diet is much healthier in here then back in UK. I have made some great fotos already and going to make a much more couse everything is worth fotographing. One of my dities apart building the mud houses will be to do a research about political situation for refugees from Burma to asses ... read more
Nie ma to jak praca fizyczna;)))

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 24th 2009

Pierwsze wrazenie jakie odczulam po przybyciu na miejsce to ogromne zachwianie czasu - juz o 18 zachozdi zmierzch a o 19 jest juz ciemno!!!!! Moj pierwszy dzien pobytu we wiosce, ktora budujemy przebiegl dosc leniwie, czego sie nie spodziewalam. Jestem przkoana,ze schudne tu znacznie - dieta jest bardzo prosta jakkolwiek bogata w skladniki odzywcze lecz pozbyta jakichkolwiek zakasek czy innych zbednych zapychaczy!! Na terenie naszej osady stoja 4 domy bambusowe zamieszkale przez uchodzcow i dwa domy dla wolontariuszy z czego jeden jest z bambusa a drugi z blota (swietny). Kolejny dwa blotne domy sa obecnie w budowie i kiedy beda gotowe do uzya w nich prowadzone rozne zajecia dla uchodzcow. obecnie sa tu 3 wolontariuszki (lacznie ze mna) oraz koles ktory jest odpowiedzialny za projekt. Wszyscy sa mili, pracowici i interesujacy - z roznych stron swiata. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 22nd 2009

I have had an excellent weekend so far which makes me think that maybe I will fit in somehow after a while. I had some wierd moments especially in the evenings when it is dark at 7pm already and there is nothing to do. Many things make me laugh on here, sometimes I feel like a cave girl!!!!! My feet look so bad and disgusting that I can not look at it while I'm eating!! It is no point to wash it because after few minutes it gets dirty again. Lack of electricity bothers me still. I am still learning how to drive a motorbike and yesterday I had a small crash - nothing bad happened just another lesson!I usually drive to get to the town only so it means that maybe after few weeks I ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi February 22nd 2009

Wczoraj mielismy wielki dzien! Zaprosilismy innych wolontariuszy - z innych organizacji - do naszej wioski. Caly dzien spedzilismy razem - goscie uczyli sie gipsowaca my przygotowywalismy wszystko zeby milo spedzic czas.Jedlismy, plywalismy w rzece, byla gitara (zaprosilismy lokalnego grajka ktory zawital z kolega). Bylo sporo pysznego jedzenie - szefem kuchni byla jedna z dwoch kolezanek.Wszyscy dobrze sie bawili i zostali na noc. Byl ludzi z roznych stron swiata - Egipt, Szkocja, USA,Belgia. Piszac ten komentarz siedze sobie nad rzeczka a pozniej jedziemy z kolezanka do Three Pagodas Pass - przejscie graniczne z Myanmarem zobaczys co tam sie dzieje a pozniej do kafejki internetowej wiec jesli to przeczytacie - znaczy ze dotarlam! Buzi buzi... read more
our plants
A to ja! That's me;-)
Nowy dom w budowie!

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi December 13th 2008

When I left the boat in Kao Lak I was going to head down to Hat Ton Sai Beach, but on the way down it absolutely chucked it down with rain. After a very wet visit to the James Bond Island in Pagna Marine National Park, I decided to give the beach a miss and head back up north. Hopefully, I'll come back and do the beaches after the Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam circuit. Instead I decided to head back north to Kanchanaburi...the weather had been getting better up there, so maybe it was just on and off monsoon still down south. This was the trip I was going to do with Bev from the elephant camp.....hiring a scooter and heading north from Kanchanaburi up to the Burma Border. The weather was good in Kanchanaburi. I even ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi July 23rd 2008

Im Nachtzug von Nong Khai nach Bangkok hatte ich grossen Spass. Schon an der Grenze habe ich Jelle, einen Hollaender getroffen, im Zug dann John, einen schottischen Dachdecker :) mit seiner Freundin Jenny. Die mitgebrachte Flasche Sang Som (Thai-Whiskey) war leider in Null-Komma-Nix geleert, weshalb wir dann zig Bier vom Zugpersonal zu ueberteuerten Preisen gekauft haben. Ausserdem noch Cola, um Johns Duty Free Wodka Smirnov, der eigentlich als Mitbringsel gedacht war zu mischen. Bis auf uns war das ganze Abteil um 10 im Bett, wir haben den Bathroom bis um halb zwei gerockt. Grosser Spass :). Da es mir zu langweilig war, vier Tage in "The Artists Place" rumzuhaengen (wo ich nebenbei Luke aus Ton Sai und Enno wiedergetroffen habe, Luke ist aber am Dienstag Richtung Heimat geflogen), habe ich am Sonntag den Bus nach Kanchanaburi ... read more
Rumhaengen im Nachtzug
Die Grenze zu Burma
Ziegenkopfsuelze :)

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Sangkhlaburi November 15th 2007

Hey so we wanted to get away from the usual tourist route so took a bus further west to Sangkulaburi, we were now close to the Burma boarder, this town had a wonderful mixture of cultures, from the Burmes refugees to the western Thias. We took a canoe out on the great lake and genrally relaxed in this very beautiful town. The only thng was that every night we had to watch a video by the tour group who were using our hotel as lodgings, elephant trecking from 10 solid minets whilst eating a green curry, great entertainment. ... read more
nice hat, nice boat
mon wat

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