Blogs from Southern Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 17


Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand September 15th 2011

After a sleepless night of scuttling, rustling and chittering, we paid our bill at Lampam with bad grace and headed back over the wooden bridge of doom to a 'bus stop' which was in fact a desolate piece of road masquerading as a pick up point for the half hourly (as if!) bus back into Phattalung. As the rain poured, the gods of mercy shone down on us when a knight in a shining Toyota stopped to see if we wanted a lift. After many conversations over the phone with his daughter (who could speak english) he dropped us off at a table - also by the roadside, in the rain. Although it seemed like a bad joke, this was actually a bus station and the very bored woman at the desk sold us a ticket ... read more
Skinny Cat
Dr Evil's lair

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Sungai Kolok September 10th 2011

As Lonely Planet had specifically, clearly and categorically stated NOT to cross the border from Malaysia into Thailand at Sungai Kolok, we thought this would be a marvellous wheeze and hoisted our backpacks on and trotted off to have a chat and be terribly British with the border guards. Slightly disappointingly, it all went so swimmingly that we were totally unprepared for the fact that Thailand is an hour behind Malaysia (not helpful when checking train times) and that if a Thai person makes a mistake, they really, really, really will not admit it, apologise or try and make amends in any way. We staggered into the train station with visions of a slightly better first class journey than our last and bought tickets for the express. We were told that it was delayed until 2pm ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Songkhla July 6th 2011

We went to songkhla with the whole family on Tuesday morning, all the swimming and beach gear packed… however unfortunately after enquiring at a few hotels (in Thailand you never normally book things) we discovered there was a medical conference and therefore no family sized rooms. Unsure of what to do, we carried on with our day and decided to plan later whether to head back home or find somewhere else, we met Rob’s Californian friend Marlane who is an anthropologist and so knew a lot about the history of the town and had a lot of things to show us. We walked round the town and to the port, before going up ‘monkey mountain’ although Rob said he often used to jog up it, he also said that was how he damaged a tendon in ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand July 4th 2011

This morning we had a traditional thai massage, we thought massages were meant to be relaxing? Well these ones were all bone clicking and twisting pain, it was quite awkward seeing as the masseuses spoke only a word or two of English… we’d prefer to be better acquainted with people before taking our clothes off and having them move their hands uncomfortably far up our legs… We were maneuvered into several different positions, the majority reasonably uncomfortable (glad no photos were taken here) and we were stretched, pulled, pressed and pinched. Lets just go with saying it was interesting… (may opt for a different style of massage next time) After having thai noodle soup- a meal we’re really starting to get used to now, although we avoided the grey lumps which we suspected to be liver, ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai July 3rd 2011

Our day began with a jam packed car – eight people to be precise. We headed to Hat Yai, dropping off three people on the way. After an hour long journey we arrived at one of the biggest shopping centres in Hat Yai called ‘Big C’, where we had a typical lunch (for us, not for Thailand) of pasta… yes it feels like the healthy eating has been ruined, to add to that we’re currently eating a bowl of deformed aero bubbles. At the shopping centre, Hollie bought some oreos for one of her friends, but coming home to a suitcase full of ants, we decided to eat the oreos and buy more substantial presents later on in our holiday! When we had been round the Carrefour in Hat Yai, Jess purchasing some flip flops as ... read more
Photo 6
Photo 7
Photo 8

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Songkhla July 2nd 2011

We started the day by going to Buddhist ceremony at a local temple, there were about 20 monks and we had to be careful not to touch them and not to point our feet at the gold Buddha statue. We then went to pick up Alanna’s babysitter, and her son “Beer” (it’s only a nickname but he doesn’t know how he got it). He is studying English so we had a little bit of conversation with him, though he says we talk too fast for him! Due to weather conditions we didn’t end up canoeing as planned, we instead took a trip to some tunnels built by communist Chinamen, it was so much more interesting than expected and also a lot steeper, we had to climb a lot of steps with only one handrail, sometimes not ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand June 7th 2011

After modern, sleek, air-conditioned Singapore it was some change to arrive in Bangkok – a huge, sprawling, noisy, crowded city, with jam-packed streets full of taxis, cars, tuk tuks, motorbikes and people. Our hotel was in Sukhumvit, which turned out to be an excellent choice as it was close to a Skytrain station – the rapid transit system which speeds you way above the constant traffic jams. We saw the Royal Palace and Emerald Temple in the midday heat (high 90s and very humid), thus confirming that saying about mad dogs and Englishmen. We also went to Jim Thompson’s House (JT was an American who helped to re-launch the Thai Silk trade in the 1960s) to see some stunning antiques in traditional Thai teak houses, moved and re-erected in a pretty tropical garden. We met up ... read more
Bangkok - Royal Palace
Royal Palace 2
Royal Palace 3

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand March 4th 2011

To get from Cambodia to Ko Pha-Ngan in Thailand we travelled for about 35 hours straight and took three buses, a taxi, a train, two more buses, a boat, another taxi and finally a longtail boat. By the time we arrived we were both feeling pretty spaced out, hungry and in serious need of some alcohol. The worst part of the journey was the sleeper train from Bangkok to Surat Thani. We were both looking forward to a good nights sleep in the cosy little beds that they have on Thai trains. Unfortunately we were booked onto what must have been the oldest, noisiest and most filthy train in the whole of Thailand (if not the world). To make things worse it was infested with fearless cockroaches that were literally climbing the walls. I hardly got ... read more
One of the kittens and his tent
Sneaky Great Hornbill
Birthday boy

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 27th 2011

South-East Thailand This is the second of a 2 part 'travel-blog' describing our time in Southern Thailand. When planning our sojourn to Myanmar, we decided to also include time in southern Thailand as we'd not been to this region before. Generally, as we live beside a globally 'world class' beach, we've not gone searching for beach locations to 'adventure'. That said, so many people give glowing reports of southern Thailand, we felt we'd be foolish to not go visit. To keep the 'blog' to a reasonable length, we've made it into 2 parts; this part which focuses on the 'south-east' part of southern Thailand; focussing on Nakhon Si Thamaarat. If you didn't get to read part 1, go click here As always, if you want to 'see' more detail in an accompanying pic... read more
Street entry to Thai Hotel
Thai coastline - near Tha Sala
Sichon harbour

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 24th 2011

The bus was a bit of a mission but luxury compared to some we'd taken. We arrived at the ferry port after 7 hours at 4 in the morning and had another 3 hour wait. Some time was passed by talking to a middle aged Swedish guy who was with his wife/woman from Laos. He had been drinking the whole journey and was mainly complaining about being hungover. The boat took 3 hours and we mainly sat there, mouths wide open catching up on sleep like everyone else. After the mad scramble for our bags (since you just leave them out on the deck) we attempted to find accommodation. After getting a 4x4 to the main accommodation beach we found that it wasn't that easy for our price range as a lot of diving places booked ... read more
Our beach on Ko Tao
Viewpoint on private island
Us on our snorkelling trip

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