Blogs from Southern Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 18


Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 21st 2011

Disenchanted by what Koh Samui had to offer, we looked forward to heading to Khao Sok safe in the knowledge that would find something totally different. To get to Khao Sok we took a rather rickety coach to the port in Samui, where we took a ferry to Surat Thani on the mainland, followed by a minibus to Khao Sok all for around a fiver each. During the minibus journey from Surat Thani to Khao Sok it soon became clear that we would not be disappointed by our excursion; we passed brilliantly disorganised, mpuntain sized shards of limstone covered in dense jungle flora which would not have looked out of place in Jurassic Park. You could almost imagine the giant prehistoric beasts roaming what was to this point the most amazing topography I had ever seen. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 20th 2011

In order to get to our new destination, Koh Tao, we needed to grab an overnight bus to Chumphon where we would "Chumphon" to a boat. To book this, we decided to follow the advice of a drunken, racist australian guy who directed us to a booking agent. The Bus itself seemed ok, however upon arriving in Chumpon at 5am it became apparent the drunken, racist australian chap was in cahoots with some very skilled midget thieves who hid inside the luggage hold of the bus and very adeptly went through or rucksacks (even Jakes which had a combination lock!). Luckily, we kept our valuables on us and continue to do so, so nothing was stolen. Upon arrival into Koh Tao, we were shown some very basic but very cool bungalows right on the beach by ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 20th 2011

All partied out from Koh Phagnan, the lads and I decided that we should take the short boat journey to Koh Samui for some well earned rest... The boat from Haad Rin pier cost around a fiver at 250 baht and comprised of fairly uncomfortable wooden benches, a far cry from the Lomprayah catamaran we used to get from Koh Tao to Koh Phagnan. However, this slower journey suited our stomaches somewhat better than the much faster Lomprayah (Gibbo was particularly thankful!). The journey itself was fairly aside from witnessing a waif-like man risk life and limb to climb down from the top deck to the seating deck just to try to sell me a sex and the city DVD. He really wanted to sell that DVD. Upon arrival into Samui we decided that we were ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 15th 2011

We arrived at Friendly Resort in Koh Phangan, as recommended by my good man Charles and it did not disappoint (although the caves on the roof left a lot to be desired!). I went for a walk and on my return was greeted by Oli Maxey who had decided to join the party and show us all why he is colloquially known as the "man about town". Wasting no time, we hit the beach in the evening for our first buckets and they well and truly did the job! We purchased these from a bar on the beach called Tony's, where we were invited to write whatever we felt like on the bar facade...naturally I scribed the family name underneath the name Tony. Having dodged the bullet being relatively hangover free, we decided to do some ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 7th 2011

Today was worthless. We woke up around 8:30 and went to go rent a bike only to find there were none left. So we rented masks and snorkels and went for breakfast at the only place there is. After this we headed out to sea to find a place to snorkel and ended up walking down the length of our beach and then through the water to another hidden one. Before getting to the second beach we stopped and put our shoes and bag on top of some rocks and when we got back they were all over the place! After picking up all of our stuff we headed to the beach and found piles and piles of trash! There were sandals, cages, buoys, glass bottles, name it and it was there. We tried to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 6th 2011

This morning at 7:30 we hopped in a van to get going. We were lucky and were first because it was the guy's company, so we chose the front seats in the back where there was more room. We went around picking everyone else up (there were 11 of us in total) and then at 8 were at the office of Krabi Morakod, the name of the company. There he told us we would wait for 10 minutes. What happened was that 10 minutes later, he tried to switch us to another van. We took out our bags and walked across the street to where the van was parked only to find that it was full of people and bags. So we went right back to our same van, reloaded our bags, and got back in. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai February 2nd 2011

Enfin arrivé, en Thaillande, c'est le jour de Noël, finit les tracas, c'est un pays que l'on connait L'entrée de la frontière se trouve au milieu de nullepart. Sans guichet automatique ni bureau de change. Nous voilà sans monnaies locales et à 100 km de Hat Yai, notre prochaine arrêt. Nous prenons le premier bus venu, bondé de gens et de marchandise, sans rien dire. Au bout de plusieurs kilomètres, la préposée nous demande le paiement de 90 Bath pour le transport. On lui présente 3.00 US. Nous tentons de lui expliquer que le montant était l'équivalent. Mais elle semblait confuse, n'ayant aucune idée de la valeur de ces billets. Après quelques minutes d'hésitation, elle nous fait signe d'attendre, Ce que nous faisons avec plaisir car l'autobus roule toujours et nous approchons de la ville, Aucun ... read more
Ville de Krabi, en Thaillande
vue de notre chambre, à Krabi

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand January 13th 2011

Koh Tao continued - 7th Jan... We absolutely loved Koh Tao, our resort was great and cheap, and the island itself was beautiful. We booked to stay a few more nights. On Friday 7th we went on the snorkelling boat trip. Bearing in mind the storm was still going on! Was a little hung over from the night before so it was really the last thing I felt like doing, however, so glad I did! We got a "taxi" (pick up truck!) down to the pier and got on a boat with about 12 others. It was hammering down with rain so we got to sit in the 'Captain's cabin!'. We stopped for a bit of snorkelling despite the weather and I did go in the sea, which was realy beautiful. Saw lots of zebra fish ... read more
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Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand December 24th 2010

some dives in similan and surin islands, phi-phi, Hin Muang et Hin Daeng. very nice... read more
puffer fish
Photo 4
decorator crab

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand December 22nd 2010

Koh Tao and Koh Samui: After a rather long bus trip (I know, stuck record) and a bit of a bouncy boat on which Kasia felt most unwell (not quite as unwell as the chap next to her however, as her clothing could later testify) we arrived at Koh Tao, a small island off Thailand’s east coast. For the first few days we relaxed in the warm waters. Unfortunately, these were coming from the sky as early December is the (very)wet season on these islands and the rain really bucketed it down. It made a good Cumbrian downpour look like that fine rain that soaks you through. Our bungalow, on the remote Tanote Bay resort, had superb views over the small boulder strewn cove, and despite the weather, it was wonderful to sit reading in the ... read more
baby elephant

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