Blogs from Singburi, Central Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 6


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi August 19th 2006

Hi all Well I am alive! This is a miracle due to what I have been through in the past week. Treking in Thailand is hard work and like nothing I have ever experienced before (and not sure if want to again). We had a fantastic week but am now completely knackered and looking forward to getting a decent nights sleep tonight. Anway we set off from the Eco house on Monday morning and spent most of the day travelling there, stopping off at Tesco's (yes Tescos has made it to Thailand) for supplies as where warned that food very basic (not sure how you can get more basic than rice and veg but there you go). Spent an hour in Tesco's trying to decipher what was what as their food does not look like our ... read more
treking through the jungle
Looking a state at the end of the trek
One of the camp sites

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi August 13th 2006

Hi all Well I have survived the first week and all good. Have spent a great week out and about seeing the local sights. First couple of days were looking round temples and visiting villages which was good and generally getting familiar with the area. On Thursday the schedule said we were visiting the local school and we assumed this was to have a look round and find out what goes on ready for when we teach, however once we arrived with were split into groups of 3 or 4 and showed a classroom, once we got to the classsroom there was no teacher to be seen just 25 Thai kids all wildly excited to see us and we had to get on with it for 3 hours. Being completely unprepared it was like entering a ... read more
Out at dinner
The whole group
Monkeys taking over the world

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi August 8th 2006

Hi all Met with the group on Friday. We checked into the Royal Hotel and all had our own rooms which was quite good. In the group there are about 25 of us with only 4 blokes. All the group are really nice and we all went out for dinner down the Koh San Road but most were jet lagged so was not a late one. On the Saturday we had an early start and went for a boat tour in Bangkok which took us around the canals for a couple of hours, then went shopping with a couple of the girls. In the evening we went to a night market which was brilliant with loads of stalls and tons to buy. As I am backpacking I have no room for anything extra so have had ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi June 27th 2006

After our usual breakfast of twelve little deep-fried doughnuts (about the size of an apricot, and filled with a delicious mixture of bananas and white pepper - strange but true), we finished packing our bags at the Blue Star Guesthouse. Another feline friend, a very cute black kitten who we baptised Catchanaburi came by to say goodbye and help us with our packing. He was very curious and tried on a couple of occasions to climb into our rucksacks... The guesthouse called a songthaew for us, and we were duly driven to the bus station about 10 minutes away. There we began the first leg of our 3-step trip from Kanchanaburi to Lopburi. The bus was waiting in its bay, empty and due to leave 20 minutes later. We loaded our bags into the rear of ... read more
Catchanaburi comes over to say bye-bye
Kanchanaburi-Suphanburi Bus
Countryside near Singburi

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi April 22nd 2006

This week we stayed with the Buddist Monks in a temple, we collected food with them in the morning and even meditated. Wow, it was just, wow! Thats all I can say. Such an experience. After this we went to an animal conservation thing where I held a massive albino python and fed lion cubs, I also wrestled a tiger, not fully grown but still big enough, amazing! I was completely in ore, I also fed a baby Orangatan with it's mother watching closely, just amazing! See the pics in the gallery!... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi April 10th 2006

So spent all weekend just chilling out at a gorgeous pool and getting drunk on Chang, golden! We went to a crazy festival type show which was really boring as we couldn't understand it however we sat through it and in the end it was okay. Apparently it was the princesses birthday or something! A could cultural experience however the fried cockroach and grass hopper eating was a little strange to say the least, crunchy! The group is really bonding and we keep going to crazy supermarkets buying silly things like water guns and stuff. The mosquitos are loving me, 74 bites on one part of my leg, nice! We were sitting around the other day drinking at the lemon house (the other real gap group house) when a fly infested lavae in my leg, I ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi April 5th 2006

So we are now in our Eco-houses. I am in the Blue Eco-house which I thought was a bit poo to begin with as all the people I met in Bangkok are in the Lemon house. No worries though as we are staying with some Dutch people whio all seem great and a Belgium girl who is just full of life. So we have spent the last few days getting to know each other, learning Thai and generally seeing the surrounding area of Singburi, it's a great little village with no tourists anywhere just the crazy yet very respectful Thai! The food is all vegetarian and the cook Dee is amazing, he especially likes me as I fixed his motorbike yesterday, so the food is flowing and I am loving it! We are learning Thai which ... read more

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