Blogs from Singburi, Central Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 4


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi June 4th 2008

So Thailand seems to be very dry in the day... but come the evening its a completely different story. 3 nights we have had consecutive 30-60 minutes bursts of rain. The last one being the worst... all the storms had been the same before this one and although this one started off slow it soon picked up. we had a joke that we would all have to leave and be evacuated and everyones stuff might get wet etc, sad thing is it actually happened! the guys and I were lucky because our room is in front of some grass so it took longer to flood, so we were able to move our stuff. it flooded because the river nearby burst its banks and caused there to be a lot more water in the ground. some of ... read more
ben being cool in a museum (att.)
me and elephant (att.)
me and elephants(att)

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi May 30th 2008

Since we have been out in thailand all there has been is non stop heat, often above 30 and with little wind you can often feel quite sticky! the evening after my last post, (3 nights ago i think) we witnessed our first monsoon-esque weather - solid downpour for 30 mins with a little bit of thunder thrown in. To most it was a relief since it was so hot - and a few people went out in it and got quite wet! the day after we went to a war monument in the morning and a temple in the afternoon, where there various relgious things to do with buddhism. we did various things such as lighting candles and placing a lotus flower by our statue (our statue being the day of the week we were ... read more
day of the week statues
46m buddha!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi May 27th 2008

After a 2 hour journey north from bangkok we ended up in a small town called Sing Buri, which, to say the least, is quite odd! The night we came we just chilled out for the evening, everyone was pretty shattered and it was nice to have a non alcoholic evening! In the morning we went to the town centre (which is where im writing from now) and its quite a strange place. The locals just stare at you if they are men, and if they are women (especially groups) they tend to laugh. I've gotten used to it now. In the evening we had a welcome party and local children came and did a dance for us which was really good. Today we have been having more Thai lessons, which are difficult to understand as ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi May 5th 2008

Arriving at Brown House After our two hour drive from Bangkok, we eventually arrived at Brown House, our home for the next two weeks! We had already been split into our rooms, so in we moved and to my sheer joy I found out that although the rooms can hold 6 people, two people had not turned up for the program so we had two spare beds! Naturally one of those has become my storage space! It was then dinner time and time for me to discover that Brown House is a vegetarian house so I would be suffering a severe meat shortage over the coming weeks! Depressing much! We then found out all about the house rules and chilled out for a bit in the make-shift shack of a bar that existed just for us ... read more
The beautiful pool
Monument of Bang Rachan Heroes
Monkeys take over the town

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi March 21st 2008

This week we have been hard grafting it at an orphanage in Singburi. I joined this programme specifically so I could go and help out in an orphanage for 4 weeks. When I arrived in Thailand in February I was informed that during the time of my volunteer project in the orphanage there would be no children there as it was the 'school holidays' in Thailand(?)...this seemed a little strange to me and at the time I decided to cut my time down to 2 weeks instead of 4 as there would be no children. When we arrived at the orphanage and actually found out more about it, it made more sense to me. There are normally 300 children at the orphanage and they sleep about 20+ to a room (like a bedroom for one back ... read more
Before shot - dangerous metal
Me sanding down my bench
Painting the wood

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi March 9th 2008

Since last I blogged, we've had a pretty packed schedule here. We've been taken around several beautiful temples, some fairly new and still in use, some simply ancient ruins. Some of them I could have stayed in all day and just relaxed, but frankly I'm feeling a little templed out. Still, I'll be spending a couple of days with the monks next week. It's pretty bizarre, seeing orange-robed monks wandering the streets amongst everyone else, or hopping out of cabs, stopping for a pray at an ancient monuments, then hopping back in the cab and driving off. Pretty surreal. Not as surreal as having a foot rub from an old man in a Thai shopping mall (even if it did make me feel rejuvanated, and only cost two pounds fifty for an hour), fighting off dwarf ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi March 4th 2008

As I land in Bangkok airport from a direct flight from Kathmandu, although it is dark I am hit by the heat and humidity of country. I take a taxi and head straight to my hotel and after some confusion I am offered a shared room with the RealGap/Greenway guide leader, a 39 year old Thai guy called June. In the morning I meet the rest of the group over breakfast, all of whom are from England. The program we are booked on promises to give me a glimpse of Thai culture, it's people, Temples and history as well as some volunteer work. The first morning together we head from the official Royal Palace where the ornamental Siam history is in evidence at every turn. The Thai people are extremely respectful and passionate about their Royal ... read more
Ancient Thai Guard
Thai Palace Roof Tops - Taste of Siam
Golden Palace and Stupa's

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi March 1st 2008

Well this week has been a very interesting one. We have immersed ourselves with the monks, so to speak!!! On Monday we got up at 6am to give food to the monks as they walked past the eco house. This is a tradition that happens every day and in every town accross Thailand. Basically the monks gather food such as rice and vegetables, (my favourite food! ha ha), and take it back to the temple to eat it as their breakfast and lunch but they cannot eat after 12pm as this is considered a way to prevent them from becoming greedy, so they stuff themselves in the morning instead! So anyway, we got up and they didn't appear, we had word that they were on the other side of the river so we crossed the river ... read more
Giving food to the monk
Me with my rubber tree
The monk helping me plant my tree

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi February 24th 2008

On friday we got up really early to go and visit a local school. We were then split into 2's and had to go and teach the kids for 2 hours. Oliver said to us 'just sing songs and play games, it'll be fine' but I have never done anything like this and also when there is a language barrier it kind of makes things even harder...I was with Hannah and we had the youngest ones who were so adorable. There were 9 of them and they all stood up and bowed and said 'hello teacher' when we entered the classroom. We started doing numbers one to ten and then up to twenty but we wrote the word on the board and they had to match it up with the number. We then played number bingo ... read more
The kids in our class
Sunset on the river
Baby Elephant!!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Singburi February 23rd 2008

Sawat dii ka!! Still having lots of fun here in Singburi, exploring around the place and visiting temples The things you get used to but feel strange at first are; 1) Walking around a lot bare footed...especially around the eco house...kind of makes your feet very dirty though!! 2) Cold showers...hard to get into at first but then refreshing 3) Gecko's - lizards that are on all the walls around your room and bathroom - suprisingly I am fine with it!! 4) The rituals at the temples...(explained later) The things I am seriously NOT getting used to are; 1) Rice and vegetables for every meal with varying sauces 2) Pineapple and Watermelon for every meal dessert - and pineapple is my favourite fruit so it's a shame I'm getting sick of it! 3) How cheap everything ... read more
Sunset at the lake near our restaurant
Feeding the monkeys
Hannah Cooking at the BBQ meal

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