...and the rain came down/Lon Buri

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May 30th 2008
Published: May 30th 2008
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Since we have been out in thailand all there has been is non stop heat, often above 30 and with little wind you can often feel quite sticky!

the evening after my last post, (3 nights ago i think) we witnessed our first monsoon-esque weather - solid downpour for 30 mins with a little bit of thunder thrown in. To most it was a relief since it was so hot - and a few people went out in it and got quite wet!

the day after we went to a war monument in the morning and a temple in the afternoon, where there various relgious things to do with buddhism. we did various things such as lighting candles and placing a lotus flower by our statue (our statue being the day of the week we were born). then there was this elephant statue, where you would wish for something and then try to pick it up with your little finger. if you could then your wish would come true. then you had to say sorry for something and try to lift the elephant up again. if you lifted him up you wernt forgiven, if you couldnt lift him you were. I physically couldnt lift it the second time, thanks buddha, ill forgive you too when you do something wrong.

yesterday morning we went to the monkey temple where there were lots of fish. (ok, that was another poor attempt at a joke, there were of course monkeys). It was quite surreal, they were just running around the roads and monastery and an old temple (see photos/videos below).

We then went to a really nice restaurant for dinner which was called ;sgjdhgfd. had some pork - first real bit of meat since being out in Thai - it does tend to break up over here or is veggy meat, which to be honest, is just a rip off of the real thing. But at least here i cant be fussy, and you'll be happy to know (especially mum) that i have been eating lots of greens. We then spent the evening going to another temple which was mahoosive with some special stairs which would either give you love, health or wealth depending on which ones you went down. I picked health, because i want to feel good.

Still cant believe its friday already (and i still cant believe your reading this, its been a bit of an essay). We have just spent the morning at a school with some thai children teaching them some english , some games, and the macerena! They were all very pleasant and enjoyed our company.

Just about to go to the pool now for a bit of a chillax after a long week - thanks for all your messages/comments and keep them coming, ill try and reply to them asap. I took Mark's advice and saw Dr Ting Tong and im feeling much better now!!

lots of lovings,
Jon xx

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1st June 2008

Haha, those pictures are awesome, I'm loving that monkey/statue face-off. Looks like a pretty amazing place and I'm well jealous etc etc. Meanwhile, its back to revision for me. Love xx

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