Blogs from Puli, Taiwan, Asia


Asia » Taiwan » Puli June 16th 2018

Vcera ranajky neskoro dnes velmi skoro. Po jedle, odovzdani karticky a docapovany free vody smer vlakova stanica. Chcel som ist skratkou, co sa nakoniec ukazalo ako obrovska obkluka, bo stanicu rekonstruuju, tak prakticky vsetky priechody su zavrete az na jeden. Xinmin ulica kade som sa trepal posiata ovozel stankami. Samozrejme lenivy sikmaci nakupuju na skutroch, ne aby skuter odstavili na parkovisku ale oni sa drbu ku kazdemu stanku na nom. Potom vznika chaos na ulici a pesi ludia nemaju sancu. Ono pesi som bol asi len ja a par domacich. 80percent vsetko nakupujuci na skutri. Slnko opat palilo ako zerave. Na stanici kvanta ludi. Pipam kartu a uz cakam na vlak. Prichadza nacas, narvany ludmi, nastastie vacsina vystupuje o dve zastavky tak si sadam. Stary lude stoja ale deticky pekne sedia. Podla mna by to malo ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Puli April 13th 2012

这个早晨真的有点冷,口里一呼一吸之间,都带有薄薄的气雾,从前几天的天气预测,已经知道这几天会有寒流,不过没想到温度直线下降,会感觉这么冷。我们俩从台北车站的捷运出来,走带跑地赶紧去到隔壁的“客运西站”,准备搭巴士车离开这个“七度”的台北。目的地是南投,行程是从台北往南下,途经台中,然后在南投的埔里镇下车,之后就在那儿转车到山区的清净农场。 南投县,台湾内陆中部,属于山区,有“台湾屋脊”之稱的中央山脉其中一段也在此县境内。农业为主要经济活动,旅游资源大部分都和山林大自然有关,比如著名的日月潭,国家公园或国家森林,如奥万大国家森林,是九月份欣赏枫叶的好地点;而我们这次选择旅游的地点是清净农场和合欢山。 旅游的其中一个环节,就是从一个地方“移动”到另一个地方,通常都是用上交通工具,无论是飞机,火车和巴士等等,还没到达目的地之前都有一段“等待”的时间,相信每个旅人都有自己的一套方法怎样打发这些时间。从台北到埔里,路程三小时,长不长,短不短;从以前到现在,旅游累积成的经验,在这些“移动中等待”的时间,我会选着阅读来消磨时间,昨天在信义书局买的书,特地为此刻而准备。 “喂!起身了啦,要到了”给老婆叫醒。刚才看书的时候朦胧中睡着了,现在起身的这个时候,原来已接近埔里客运站了。 埔里是个市镇,普遍成为出发到南投各个地方的中转站。中午时分,阳光普照,寒流应该没有波及到这里,但风吹来的时候,也会感觉有点凉。下车后就直接买了上清净的下一班车票,,因为拿着行李的关系,不是很方便,所以没有到处逛,只是在隔壁的KFC吃了个午餐,然后等待班车的到来。嗯。。。这个车站规模属于小型,差不多两三间双层店屋般大,保留着旧设计的外观,只有四五个栏杆型的侯车站,两个不同巴士公司的售票台和一些买零嘴的档口,加上人潮,哈哈。。。感觉上,像以前小时候看到的台湾电影里面的情节,很有小镇的风味。 清净农场 离开埔里的一段路程后,巴士速度缓缓... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Puli March 9th 2011

This morning we woke up at around 9:30, took a hot shower, and made some toast for breakfast. We checked out at 11 and headed to Taipei Main Station. Dave had written directions for us on how to get to the bus terminal that would take us to Puli, a little town about 3 hours south of Taipei. It's faster on the train, and more expensive, but we have time and no money so decided to bus it! Anyways, we tried to leave the station through the wrong exit, innocently following the exit signs for the Taipei Bus Terminal, but as we were leaving we decided to ask at information and the woman told us we needed exit Z5. This meant going up a level and exiting through the metro shopping mall. When we got to ... read more
Nansing street in Chinese

Asia » Taiwan » Puli March 23rd 2009

Sun Moon Lake, i never been there before, is the most famous and populous touristing place in Taiwan. It is the place surrounding by mountains and used to be destroyed at 921 earthqauke. But now, most of the hotels reconstructed and get welcome again by tourists. There are many hotels and B&B around the lake, but i still booked in advance on the net with tour package including bus fee and hotel reservation with dinner and breakfast, it costed around 5000NT/per , not too expensive, and accpetable for me. we rented the electronic motorcycle to explore around the lake with NT$500 per day. As to foods, not too many shops there, but still provide some interesting aboringial foods there . Taking the boat to visit the lake is the most populous must to do thing ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Puli May 27th 2007

This weekend I was up in the mountains. Friday night Muoy and I headed to Puli, which is the geographical center of Taiwan, to spend the weekend hiking, paragliding and whatever else came our way. There is a hostel run by foreigners and they also take the guests river hiking, paragliding, kayaking and whatever else they choose to do. Yuri picked us up at the bus stop and we went to the hostel. I felt right at home when we got there. There is a bar and cafe downstairs and about 6 beds upstairs and Yuri lives on the 3rd floor. We had a great time hanging out on Friday and just talking. Saturday we headed out in the morning for a river hike. I wasnt sure what to expect but we certainly were not ... read more
Woo Hoo
The Waterfall
Puli Bound

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