Blogs from Sri Lanka, Asia - page 163


Asia » Sri Lanka January 23rd 2006

HOME At this point, there's nothing fun left to describe, and once again the utter miasma of airports, planes, time zones, date lines, security lines, customs, luggage, tickets, Passports, ad infinitum takes over. Suffice to say that many hours later, we arrived home safely. Of the jet lag, the less said the better. I think that we slept about 22 hours out of the first 24 hours we spent at home. After that, maybe only 20 hours a day. Every journey you make changes you. Part of every country you ever visit stays with you forever. Part of every person you have met stays with you forever. You never return as the same person who left. Sometimes it takes a while to sort through your experiences, to see just what's changed, but one thing is sure. ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka January 23rd 2006

It is the end of our trip. We had a great end! We stayed in a real hotel, with hot water and comfortable beds and air conditioning! That was a really nice treat. And we were able to stay there for 2 nights! While we were in Colombo, we met a Sri Lankan lady who was actually of dutch decent but she spoke full Sinhalese. She talked us into going out in the town and she recommended a great place to eat! This place was really chic, I believe it was called The Gallery. It was a place straight out of Santana Row, very chic, very sophisticated, and expensive (like $7-10 a meal) but very worth it! Nora and Allegra ordered a banana milkshake, and I wanted to go back to get one but we never ... read more
Tsunami Damage
Tsunami Damage
Tsunami Damage

Asia » Sri Lanka January 23rd 2006

Monday was our last night in Mahakande Bungalow. The saddest goodbye we had to say was to our cook, Siri, who added significantly to each of our waist lines. The second saddest goodbye was to Stompie, aka Bodhi, aka Pumpkin Doodle. Stompie is the mangy kitten that ran up to us in Polonarua the week before. The girls let out a collective "Awww," scooped him up in their collective arms, and the next thing I knew he was on the bus with us. There was much arguing over who would get to take him home to America. I finally insisted that Stompie not return with us to America when I had a vision of him spending the rest of his life at the Colombo airport. +++++ We spent the rest of the week in the Sinhraja ... read more
Nimal and Savi
fishing fleet

Asia » Sri Lanka January 22nd 2006

WILDLIFE SANCTUARIES AND ECOTOURISM The next day, we left Colombo and drove north along the coast. We stopped at Negumbo, a polluted fishing village. We walked along the bridge, and looked down into the rather foul water below. It was afternoon when we toured the fish market, so most of the fish had been sold, and most of the 2,000 people who were there in the early morning were gone. Some venders were still hopeful about selling their catch, as they waved the numerous buzzing flies away, and poured warm seawater over the fish to keep it wet and shining. Many other venders were spreading the unsold stock out on the ground to dry. This goes on day after day, and I have to say that the smell was incredible. Not good. Very bad. Fresh fish ... read more
Anawilundawa Sanctuary
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Dinner Table

Asia » Sri Lanka January 22nd 2006

STOP PRESS: Finally managing to do a blog. Turns out that Sri Lankan web technology is not as advanced as India's...or indeed Bolivias !! Anyway...enjoy our adventures from a few weeks ago...and I'll see how much I do today before I get piss'd off with the dial up connection and go back for a swim on the beautiful crystal clear waters of Unawattan bay :o) Well...Sri Lanka... Didn't that used to be Ceylon?.. isn't that just an Island near India?.. Isn't there a lot of fighting there? Didn't the Tsunami hit it? Yep to all of the above...but probably like most we were fairly ignorant as to what all was really meant by the questions posed above. We had decided to go for a holiday within a holiday (god - we are soooo lucky), and after ... read more
Cricket Mad
Hindu Temple
Sri Lankan Land Freight

Asia » Sri Lanka January 22nd 2006

Our Last Day in Sri Lanka Our bus took us on our way to the Ranweli Resort and our final day in Sri Lanka. This day was a microcosm or our trip. The morning started with a ceremonial lighting of the brass lamp to drive out darkness and ignorance. This was followed by lectures on Eco-tourism and Sri Lanka's environmental future. We then had a tour of the grounds and a nature walk by one of the guides. Lunch was a large buffet in an open air restaurant next to the pool. After lunch we bought a few last minute gifts and then headed for a boat tour to do a little bird watching. We figured it might last a half-hour. To our surprise and delight it was over two hours long. Our motor boat cruised ... read more
Adele At Sunset

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo January 21st 2006

We will be spending two days in Colombo. We check into our hotel. Adele needs to make some calls so we leave her in our room. She's also going out for dinner tonight and would love a hot shower - we have plenty of towels. Go for it! Victoria and I join the others to hit the mall. It is a four level complex with lots of stores. The basement is the food court; pizza, Thai, Chinese, Indian, KFC, and a few others. The same fast food and steam table fare you can get in San Jose. After a snack we go check out the shops. Again mostly the same stuff you can get in San Jose. The loudspeakers are playing music - The Eagles, "Hotel California." We did find a DVD of the Kandy Dancers. ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo January 20th 2006

SINHARAJAH TO COLOMBO As we descended the mountain and left the tranquil forests behind, we traveled through rural areas for several kilometers. But all too soon the road got wider, the buildings got denser, and we reached the Gaul Highway. Wow! Many lanes of traffic. What's this? A traffic light! Soon we began to notice piles of garbage in front of many buildings. Apparently this isn't normal; there seems to be some dispute about municipal garbage pickup, with the result that the garbage is not collected too often. On the way to Colombo, we stopped at a Buddhist Temple which is unique because of the hollow stupa (domed building). Most stupas enclose relics. Inside of this one, the walls are covered with a series of paintings depicting important events in the life of Buddha. It took ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka January 20th 2006

THROUGH RATNAPURA TO SINHARAJAH Morning found us loading our gear, and facing another long bus ride. Siri met us with a box breakfast, and we bid him a fond farewell. No mango ice cream in the boxes though. Shame. I suppose it would have melted. Our first target destination was Ratnapura, which is one of many gem mining areas in Sri Lanka. We had hoped to "observe gem mining" at Ratnapura, but the recent rains ("NOT the monsoon!" the gem-cutters said) had transformed the open pit mine into an open pit filled with water. Basically, a large puddle. So we skipped the mine part of our tour. We certainly got to see everything else though. We saw the gem testing equipment, and were allowed to fiddle with it. We saw the trainee gem cutters, who were ... read more
Spider Web
Sri Lankan Blue Magpie

Asia » Sri Lanka January 19th 2006

Sigiriya and Dambulla were AMAZING. Our professor(Indiana Jones) took us to a few of his sites. Right now he is in the process of restoring the largest brick structure/ stupa in the world. We got to see it being restored. Pretty amazing. I also saw my three legged monkey there. Dad, you should be proud. I took an awesome picture of that monkey, you'll see. Our professor took us to many archaeological sites. It's hard to fathom the idea that you're standing where an ancient civilization once existed. He also took us to drip caves where forest dwelling monks used to live. I touched some ancient writing. I think it was from the 3rd century BC. Pretty cool!!! We went to Sigiriya. It's this huge rock/mountain that one of the king's sons made into a resort. ... read more

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