Blogs from Namche, Nepal, Asia - page 6


Asia » Nepal » Namche October 20th 2012

Namche to Thame We got up early to have breakfast of fried eggs, toast and potatoes. After breakfast we hiked uphill a little to the local museum. We saw a typical Sherpa house and several rooms dedicated to climbing. One room had photos of all the Sherpas, Lakpa was there looking very young and carefree. After that we started hiking to Thame, Lakpa's childhood home. The hike was beautiful, up and down following a river most of the way. We crossed a gorge with the water running very high. It's hard to imagine what it would be like during the summer with the glacier run off. Of course, it was uphill from there. Finally we arrived at the tea house which was owned by Lakpa's sister. After enjoying lunch we hiked up to the Thame Monastery. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche October 19th 2012

Rest day at Namche Bazaar After a great nights sleep and a good breakfast we started hiking up to Everest View Hotel. It was straight up from the hotel but a beautiful hike. After about two hours of hiking we rounded the corner.......Mt. Everest! Oh man, it was stunning! The weather was perfect, sunny and bright. We could actually see the snow being blown off of the summit. Of course we all start taking pictures and guess camera batteries are dead! But never fear we are all taking photos so their will be plenty to share. After getting back we had lunch then headed to town to shop. We are way up above the town, so getting down and back is not fun.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche October 18th 2012

Phakding to Namche bazaar Our second day of hiking started out fairly gradually. I've heard it said that hiking in Nepal is never level and now I know why. It's always either up or down. Down at this elevation there are many rivers, so as we near them we go down a steel incline, cross the river bridge and then up on the other side. I think we did that around six times today. After our last bridge today it was up, up and more up. It was brutal! About two and one half hours of straight climbing. The trail was full of people, so, it really wasn't pleasant. We finally made it to Namche Bazaar at 11,500 ft. Once we were settled in our Tea House we were able to have hot showers. It was ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche October 14th 2012

We are back in Kathmandu after ten days of wonderful trekking to the foot of Everest. Each day we were up early to ensure that we saw the mountains at their best in the clear morning air. Whilst Everest is, of course, THE mountain, we had snowy peaks on all sides. Surprisingly, many actually look more impressive than Everest, with glaciers, overhanging snow cornices and sheer rock faces. From the start of our trek we had good weather with just one afternoon of misty rain. Most days started cold – it went below freezing at night, chilly visiting the outside toilet. By 9 am we were walking in T-shirts but, as the sun dropped in the mid-afternoon, it got cool again and out came a thick fleece, warm hat and gloves. We trekked at 3 to ... read more
Looking up to Everest and Lhotse
Hot shower
Mong La pass 3900m

Asia » Nepal » Namche October 7th 2012

On arrival in Kathmandu, we got the bad news. We were due to fly out to Lukla the next day to begin our Everest trek but Lukla airport had been closed for 4 days due to bad weather. Tomorrow may be OK, they said, but it wasn't. The next morning Kathmandu Domestic Terminal was a sea of would-be trekkers going nowhere. At lunchtime all the airlines gave up and we spent the afternoon sightseeing in Kathmandu. Maybe tomorrow will be OK, they said, but it wasn't. The next morning, the airport scene was nearly the same except some flights did manage to get into Lukla in a short window in the weather. But we went nowhere. Back in our Nepalese travel company's office, we had a robust discussion about the situation. This resulted in us being ... read more
Everest and Lhotse
Sadhus, Kathmandu

Asia » Nepal » Namche February 15th 2012

Everest has always been a fascinating land for trekkers as well as for climbers. Since 1953 when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary crossed the Khumbu Valley for their historic climb to the top of Everest, the trail has remained one of the most popular destinations in Nepal. But not every trekker reach Base Camp and very few still have the strength to climb Kala Pattar to have a wonderful mountain scenery of the top of Everest. Then is trekking towards Everest Base Camp a real challenge ? Your journey starts from Kathmandu where you fly off towards the mountains for a 45mn scenic flight to Lhukla airport. From there, the trail is good track with passing through picturesque villages and crossing suspension bridges over the Dudh Khosi River. It is easy trek with gentle altitude gain ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 13th 2011

Happy New Year everybody! Today is the first day of the Nepalese New Year - the passing of year 2067 was spent back in Namche Bazar now on the way out of this heavenly region. So today is 2068 and a march up the hill to a rather cloudy final viewpoint at the expensive hotel a few hundred feet above Namche (called the Everest View hotel to avoid any confusion). Since I typed last, we crossed the crumbly, rubbly glacier from Dragnag to Gokyo - a wee settlement beside a series of lakes - four of the five are still frozen. The walk across was still painfully slow due to my esteemed walking partners so, on arrival, I decided I was off to see the fifth lake (a fair few miles north - the settlement is ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 8th 2011

Not typing from Namche, typing from the wee seasonal settlement of Dragnag at the western end of the Cho La Pass trail. We crossed the pass today in glorious sunshine but biting cold winds. Truly stunning to be standing atop the eastern end of the pass after a great scramble up a rocky trail from Dzongla early this morning. Where did I type from last I wonder? I think it was probably the second Dingboche visit. Well, since then, we trekked up to Lobuche where I still had just enough energy after a day's trekking and an afternoon acclimatisation hike to the moraine above the serenely violent Khumbu glacier to play the highest game of football I've ever played by about 4,500m. Then up to Gorak Shep and up to Everest Base Camp (as much of ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 4th 2011

Twenty years from now on you would be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the things u did do. So throw off ur bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in ur sails. EXPLORE.. DREAM..DISCOVER. - MARK TWAIN. So lets start. All the things i ve been chasing in this civilized world is worthless. You ll spend half of ur life building up the empire only to find out the rest of ur life protecting it. What we gain? When i'll discover myself? Its the nature we all belongs to and its where happiness lies. Nepal - the most beautiful country in the world. Its where i am born but i have seen nothing yet. Until now i was just a frog inside the pond. Now get out ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche March 30th 2011

I type from a wee room in a wee hotel in the stupendous splendour of Namche Bazar. We flew in to Lukla yesterday and the flight was fantastic. The landing does indeed make you realise you're awake but then flying straight into a mountain-face really should worry the mind slightly. But I enjoyed it immensely. Then pause in Lukla for lunch with the most breathtaking views before plodding 3 hours or so through inspiring gorges and valleys to the tiny village of Phakding. Overnight in a pretty smart lodge by the river. Awake to clear skies and mountain-tops all around (they were hidden in the afternoon cloud the day before). More stunning mountain-tops all around as we trek the six hours up to Namche. Some impressive crossing on swingbridges swung high above the rushing river in ... read more

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