Blogs from Namche, Nepal, Asia - page 2


Asia » Nepal » Namche March 12th 2014

We rose early, keen to smash the climb to Namche Bazaar in the face. It would be our first taste of altitude, and a real test of our extensive training! We trekked from Josale, at about 2800m, to 3400m in just a few painful hours - oh the relief to come around the side of the mountain and see Namche nestled on the hill side! We were advised to stay awake for the afternoon (not an easy feat), so we found a bar showing a doco on the 50th anniversary of scaling Mt Everest - hard to believe Ed Hillary and Tenzin Norgay could accomplish such a climb with basic equipment and no path to follow! Nowadays climbers still spend a minimum of 2 months acclimatising from Base Camp up and down the mountain to Camp ... read more
Up and up to Namche
Our lodge in Namche
Village of Khunde, 3800m

Asia » Nepal » Namche March 12th 2014

After safely disembarking at Lukla, a quick stop for a pot of tea and some delicious baked goods (you can't start on an empty stomach) we were off! Day one's aim was to get as far along the track towards the hill up into Namche Bazaar (think hidden stairway into Mordor type of climb), thus in theory making for an easier day the next as we tackled said hill of doom. The track was a breeze to start with, a steady downhill, paved through cute little villages with children running out to yell "NAMASTE!!" We wandered along for a few hours before stopping at the village of Phakding for lunch (buff momos, soup and noodles - pretty much a staple for the whole trek). Feeling satisfied and pretty alive, we trekked on. We powered through the ... read more
Doneys, yaks, dogs, people - everyone braves the heights!
Snippets of snowy mountains as we weave through the villages

Asia » Nepal » Namche March 8th 2014

namaste am welt-frauen-tag (der hier natürlich nicht gefeiert wird, zumal frauen hier einfach nicht sehr viel wert sind… wie so oft!). nach einer eher unerquicklichen nacht - uns war zwar dank super-genialen inlays überhaupt nicht kalt, aber ich habe ordentlich zu schnupfen begonnen, den markus mit meinem schnarchen wach gehalten und eine ständige atemnot hat uns beide zermürbt und das schlafpensum empfindlich verringert. nach dem frühstück geht es im rahmen unseres akklimatisierungstages, ganz nach dem motto der höhenmediziner “climb high - sleep low”, 440 höhenmeter zum everest view hotel und über khunjung zurück nach namche bazar. so hat es unser guide erklärt. in wirklichkeit war es viiiel anstrengender! nach kurzem anstieg erreichen wir also die erste kleine anhöhe mit dem ersten blick auf den mount everest, der von hier gar nicht so groß wirkt, und lhotse, ... read more
green valley, khumjung
yeti scalp

Asia » Nepal » Namche March 7th 2014

5-7 March Days 1-3 Lukla(2840m) to Pakding(2610m) to Namche Bazaar(3440m) It was up early to travel to the Kathmandu domestic airport with our guide Prakash (pronounced pra-kas). We arrived at 7.15am to commence the lottery that is the flight to Lukla. There are so many weather factors that can determine if you will be flying that day or not. In particular clouds, fog, wind, snow, and rain. Today it happened to be quite windy up at Lukla so flights were being delayed. Our flight ended up departing at around 10.30am, flying with Tara Air on an 18 seater twin prop sky bound tin box. The flight went without a hitch and lasted around 30 minutes. There was a bit of sway coming into Lukla from the wind, but the views of the Himalayas were stunning. Stepping ... read more
Everest with the clouds
nepal door

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 25th 2013

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 19th 2013

I'm in Everest trek again :) It's one of my favorite places in Nepal. The best way to get acclimatized before going upper, to Gokyo, Chukhung or EBC, is to stay in Namche for at least a week and make short walks around. I like strolling to Khumjung, Mong, Thame, or climbing up the hills and mountains on the sides of the trek.... read more
view of Himalayas from a plane 2
a small wheat field on the way from Lukla to Namche
Rhododendrons flowering

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 19th 2013

April is a season for trekking in Nepal, with wonderful weather, magnificent mountains clearly seen in crystal air, and rhododendrons flowering. A couple of days ago, on our way from Lukla to Namche, we were stopped by a European woman sitting on a rock at the side of the trek. She had some strange expression on her face - I thought, maybe she needed help. But what she needed was way different. She told the leader of our group that we must dress more appropriately – which means long trousers instead of shorts (it was quite hot, we were walking fast - so of course all members of our group were wearing shorts). She asserted that we were insulting local people by wearing shorts and were showing disrespect to Nepali culture. Such things do happen sometimes, ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 3rd 2013

A wake up call at 0630 with a cup of tea again and we had to have our bags packed ready for the porters by 7 oclock. We then went in for breakfast and were back on the trail by 0740. Todays walk was fairly level and after a good 3 hour trek we reached the village of Samde where we stopped for a 45 minute break and cups of lemon tea. The tea house we stopped at was run by a Sherpa who climbs Everest. He came out to chat to us and we discovered that he has already summited Everest 12 times and was currently preparing for his 13th climb. After leaving Samde, another hours walking brought us to the destination for today, the village of Thame. We are staying at the Valley View ... read more
View from my room
The Himalayan Giants

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 2nd 2013

Today I saw my first view of Everest - fantastic! We are stopping in Namche Bazaar for a second night tonight as today was an acclimatisation day after the big rise in altitude. I have realised that I forget to mention any heights in my previous entry, so here goes: We flew from Kathmandu to Lukla which was at 2880 metres above sea level. On the first day we actually lost height as our first night's stay was at Phakding which is at 2640m. Yesterday we then climbed to Namche Bazaar which is at 3450m. This morning we were woken 5:15 by Tanka, our sirdar, with a cup of tea. This was an encouragement to get up and dressed ready for a short walk at 05:30. We were getting up this early in order to climb ... read more
Solar Power
Namche Hill
Namche Bazar

Asia » Nepal » Namche April 1st 2013

We arrived in Namche Bazaar about 3:30 this afternoon after walking from Phakding. Two days trekking now completed and today was supposed to be the hardest. On Sunday (yesterday) we were all up before 6pm in order to pack, have breakfast and get to the domestic airport in time for a 7:45am flight to Lukla. In fact it was about 8:15 when we actually took off. The domestic airport in Kathmandu was fairly chaotic but we managed to get checked in without much trouble. The plane was an 18-seater propeller-driven type and the flight to Lukla took just 30 minutes. The flight itself was fine with good views of villages, rice terraces etc. below, and views of snow-covered peaks out to the left as we were flying east. The landing at Lukla was everything it had ... read more
Lukla Airport

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