Blogs from Terelj, Mongolia, Asia - page 2


Asia » Mongolia » Terelj November 26th 2012

23 novembre 2012 Le Trans-Mongolien, c’est 7858km, de Beijing à Moscou, en passant par la Mongolie. Le Trans-Mongolien, c’est 3 pays, 3 cultures, 3 histoires, 3 architectures, 3 gastronomies, 3 langues, 3 visages. Mais je ne peux dire 3 paysages, parce qu’il défile et change constamment, surtout de Beijing au Lac Baïkal en Russie. D’où j’écris, une tasse de thé et un morceau de poisson fumé à mes côté, acheté sur le quai de Slyudyanka. Voici donc comment a débuté cette aventure que j’attends avec impatience, depuis que l’idée de faire ce long voyage nous est venu! Nous quittons Beijing à 8h05 le matin, en compagnie de Liz et Mich, un couple Austro-Canadien, et de Mickael, un canadien de Halifax. C’est drôle qu’on soit autant de Canadiens pour faire un voyage semblable à ce qu’on peut ... read more
La mongolie depuis le train
Les yourtes
Malaxage du sang

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj November 25th 2012

Pour faire changement, cette fois-ci, ce n’est pas d’un train que j’écris. Il est 22h, j’ai un beau feu de foyer à mes côtés et je suis dans une yourte dans la campagne mongole à profiter d’une soirée d’une belle soirée comme j’en rêve depuis longtemps. Le grand air à ma porte, le bruit et le tumulte de la grande ville n’est plus qu’un souvenir. Bien entendu elle reviendra vite, mais pour quelques jours je me permets de l’oublier. Vous vous-en doutez certainement, ce rendre ici ne s’est pas fait en criant ciseaux! D’abord, il fallait quitter la chine et juste d’y penser me rendais plus qu’heureux pour deux raisons. Premièrement, il était plus que temps de laisser les chinois derrière moi et deuxièmement, notre traversée du contient eurasien s’amorçait avec le Transmongolien, trajet de train ... read more
Notre cabine - Train
Paysage mongole - vue du train
Un autre paysage vue du train

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj April 26th 2012

On tour for three days with Red (Singapore), Erica and Sharon (Sweden) our first destination was Kharkorum. This involved a seven hour journey in a delapidated mini bus on one of the few roads that exist in Mongolia. The scenery was superb with a variety of colours, it often looked as if someone had painted the backdrop. The countryside was covered with herds of goats, cows, horses and sheep. On the first day we had a close encounter with a group of camels who were very obliging when it came to taking photos. Thinking that the camels looked a bit shabby Red assured us that's what they always look like. We continued along empty but incredibly bumpy roads arriving at our accomodation - a ger - early evening. A ger is traditional accommodation - a round ... read more
At Terelj
Motorcycle herding
Toilets at mini-gobi

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj January 23rd 2012

Early morning in Beijing, still dark but a smart hop to the train station slithering a little on the icy pavements. The impressive station lit up like a Christmas tree emerging from the night mist. Slowly leaving the suburbs with a red yuan sun glowing over the wintry landscape. Bare trees, frost dusted, icy rivers and snow laying on neglected bare ground. Smog, mist and fog over all. The Chinese seem to have exchanged early morning Tai Chi for patiently sitting in traffic jams on expressways. In the obscene chase for luxury goods the old culture is swallowed up by the ever increasing demand of production at all costs. As part of the world's largest seasonal migration we left Beijing. Over the Spring Festival period the rail will handle 235 million trips averaging about 5.88 million ... read more
As before & Uluru
Train 23
Comfortable madam?

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj January 23rd 2012

The smoky brown haze of Ulan Bator disappeared behind us, trapped in its basin, as we headed southwards to Terelj National Park. The smooth rolling hills gave rise to fantasies of multiple blue runs on the wide treeless slopes. The snowed road unfurled before us and corralled camps of tourist gers (yurts) punctuated the clear white landscape. Eagle eyes spotted two black shapes, wolves we were reliably informed, racing along a hill's ridge, disappearing over the crest in pursuit of unseen quarry. Clumps of firs, possibly spruce, increased with the strange rock formations still visible under their snow caps. The van bucked and bounced over the rutted track as we veered off the road. A black dog wandered out of the trees, curious to see the source of disturbance in this otherwise silent landscape. The crunch ... read more
The view from the ger
The ger
Welcome food

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj November 13th 2011

We spent more than we had to in UB due to my silly eye infection caused by cold wind presumably. But one thing we had to do for sure when in town was a visit to a ger camp. There is plenty of excursions available to choose from and you can be confused about what to do and where to go. If not the cold weather we would have probably gone to many more places actually. Unfortunately the temperatures went way below the typical level for November and we had no suitable clothing for Gobi or Northern region trips. We could visit nearby Terelj National Park though, situated only 80km from UB. We checked few agencies including our guesthouse and we were surprised to see that even winter season pricing was not that low ;-( 40$ ... read more
Fabulous Terelj Park
view from the Monastery
The Turtle Rock

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj July 6th 2011

Sunday June 26th 2011 was the most interesting birthday in my life. I used to dream of seeing Mongolian steppe and gers. On this day my dream came true. Myself and two Australian girls, whom I met at Khongor Guest House, traveled on a one day tour. We left Khongor Guest House at 9am and back at 4pm. Terelj National Park is located 70km away from Ulaanbaatar. If I travel alone, I would have to pay US$80 for renting a 4-seater car with driver. As there were three of us on this trip, each had to pay US$42. I didn't do horse ride, so the guest house deducted US$4 for me. The landscape along the way was amazing. We stopped at the Turtle Rock for taking photos. After a short drive, we got into a group ... read more
Inside a ger camp with souvenirs on sale
A 3-year-old boy at the park
Gers at the park

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj June 22nd 2011

Ulaan Bataar, the capital of Mongolia is a mish match of modern buidings and skyskrapers with very few citizens still trying to hold onto their old culture with having their gers set up in between modern houses. The roads are totally conjested most of the day and there is no driving etiquette, it's every man for themselves here and that includes the pedestrians. In the 2 days I spent in the city I have seen museums, went to a monastery & seen monks chanting, been to a Mongolian song & dance ensemble, see enough pictures and carvings of Ghengiss Khan, had a very good English breakfast and more dumplings than on any chinese menu and a good few beers at one 5 of the Irish pubs here in the city. Oh, and we were shown round ... read more
Ghenges Khan
Turtle Rock, Terelj

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj March 19th 2011

After early breakfast yesterday we met our guide moggie and driver tabat. Then we set off to the the peak of a hill to get a nice view over the city. We then headed onto the national park, our first stop was a cave where monks hid out during communist era for two weeks, we also stopped at a pile of rocks to do a buddhist tradition where you walk round it three times clockwise throwing stones or sweets as offerings. We then set off to meet the first family in the ger camp who made us lunch. There ger was very nice, clean and had electricity. The family had a young girl called anno. After a lovely lunch, I headed to a monastery whilst my mum stayed in the ger. The monastery was very colourfull ... read more

Asia » Mongolia » Terelj September 7th 2010

On the train from Tomsk! Yes the views were pretty and the lake was amazing! This train journey was a completely new experience this time. I think this is the part that is most untrodden! The carriage is really quiet and the woman in charge is really strict - she does not seem to like us and keeps telling us off! We have a constant battle with having the window or the curtains opposite us open! We depart on bad terms as she is going mad about the linen she says (in Russian) that we have not given her enough back but we have - opps so we think! There are some hidden that we did not use! Its sorted and she may have smiled (not at us) or maybe it was just a bit of ... read more

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