Blogs from Japan, Asia - page 791


Asia » Japan » Hyogo » Kobe August 6th 2006

We arrived in Japan on August 6, the 61st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Isn’t that ironic? We were on the ship sailing for one day in between our stay in Korea, and our arrival in Japan. That day of sailing might have been the best ever. If you look on a map, you can see all of the tiny islands around Korea and Japan. We had to sail through all of those, and it was so pretty. So we saw land the entire day basically. That day, we also passed under the Kurushima Bridge, which was pretty cool and really pretty to see. The land around it was so pretty. That night, we anchored right in the middle of the ocean, and we could see all the lights and cities of Japan. We ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo August 6th 2006

A few pics from my brief trip to Tokyo. Mainly used as it as a base to go to Disneyland and then to fly out from Haneda Airport to go to Hokkaido. Hiedi and I had a great day riding around on our cheap (200Yen for 24 hrs) bicycles! We rode from Asakusa to Ueno Park, went to the zoo and saw the most stray cats I have ever seen! ... read more
The Golden Poo at night from our hostel
Sumida River at night
Yodobashi electrical store in Shinjuku

Asia » Japan August 6th 2006

Ein Erlebnis der besonderen Art ist eine Besteigung des Mount Fuji allemal. Immerhin ist dieser 3776 m hohe Vulkan im Shintoismus ein heiliger Berg und eine aussergewöhnliche Erscheinung ... er ragt aus einer Ebene heraus und überblickt weite Teile Japans. Warum nicht noch steigern und im Land der aufgehenden Sonne den Sonnenaufgang vom aus Mt. Fuji erleben? :-) Gesagt, getan. Mit ein paar Arbeitskollegen machte ich mich um 21:30 Uhr von 2300 m auf den Weg zum Gipfel. Natürlich hatten nicht nur wir diese Idee. Wahrlich tausende "Bergsteiger" (nein, dieses Wort passt nicht) "strömten" (ja, dieses Wort passt!) in Richtung Level 10 (= Gipfel). Der Grund dürfte darin liegen, dass die Besteigung nur im Juli und August erlaubt ist und das Wetter für einen Sonnenaufgang bei klarem Himmel einfach wie geschaffen war. Stück für Stück schritten ... read more
Wir waren nicht alleine am Berg :)

Asia » Japan » Aichi August 6th 2006

The road to getting settled is coming along nicely for me in Hekinan, Japan. More and more, I'm starting to feel at home. I've finally found and labelled a map of the city. You'd think such a task should be simple, but alas it was not. First finding a decent map and then figuring out where I am and where everything else is when all the writing is in Japanese was actually much more difficult than one might think. With the mission now accomplished, I have found a new shopping mall, the roads to Nishio and Handa (two other cities where I will be teaching), a quicker route to Figaro's (the bar), my orthodontist's office, and a hospital in the event I ever need medical services (knock on wood). So... let's discuss this new shopping mall ... read more
Tanabata Festival
Tanabata Festival2
Tanabata Festival3

Asia » Japan » Kagoshima » Shibushi August 6th 2006

I have officially completed my first week here in Japan and have gone from wild, techno-crazy Tokyo to the calm countryside of Kagoshima. The difference is stark. There are no flashing lights down here, no smog hovering over the city, no sky-scrapers. There are lots of mountains, trees, farmland, ocean and tradition. My first four days here have taken me through a range of emotions, many of which I hadn't expected to feel this early in the game. At first I was ecstatic that my area is so rural, abounding with nature and hiking potential. The people are wonderful. Even if I can't understand most of what is being said at any given time, a smile goes a long way. The food is pretty good too and the foreigners that have already been here for a ... read more

Asia » Japan » Fukushima August 6th 2006

This weekend marked a huge festival in the city. Although I have no idea what the name of the festival is, it revolves around a giant sandal. I'm not sure how this giant sandal fits into Fukushima's heritage, but there are a few festivals revolving around this sandal as it is carried up Shinobu mountain to a shrine. The entire main street has been decorated with paper lanterns and small sandals with prayer plaques for over a week now. At last night's festival, the giant sandal was present for the street parade- tied to a stake and hovering over the street. I met up with friends Corrie and Lauren to watch the street dancing parade- diferent groups of locals dressed in costumes danced to the music while making their way down the main boulvard of Fukushima. ... read more
Giant sandal

Asia » Japan August 5th 2006

2006/8/2 Tomomi cried. I walked into work today, and she said hello like usual. And for a few minutes I worked on preparing my lessons before she asked me if I was quitting the company. She said it in this really casual way, in a really soft voice. And then I said yes, and she started crying. I think was a combination both of knowing that she’d have to deal with angry parents again, and that she’ll miss me (no, I’m not egotistical enough to automatically think everyone will me, but she said she would—in as many languages as she could muster while crying). Anyway, then I started crying, and we were both crying, and I’m shocked. Japanese people don’t cry in public; and usually not about business either—another reason I think she might miss me. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku August 4th 2006

Dear friends: Tomorrow I will begin my new life. *well at least for a year :P* My adventure will start tomorrow with the orientation (Miami) and then in Tokyo for a 3 day training. AFter the orientation I will depart to my new home, Hiroshima. I will update as soon as posible. Expect details and pictures! See you soon! D... read more

Asia » Japan » Mt Fuji August 3rd 2006

At last, it came time for me to face Fuji. I knew it was one of those things that I wanted to do, and I heard that they even have a path up the mountain, which steeled grandmothers and resolute old Japanese men routinely ascend. How hard could it be? It was Aydin's last weekend in Japan, and since I wanted to see him once before he headed back, I decided to go to Tokyo. Of course, I didn't plan ahead, ended up missing both the bus and the train up, and so had to wait for the following morning. Which meant I had to take the bullet-train, at around four times the price of overnight bus. Curses. So I was stuck in Kyoto for the night. I called up a friend and had a nice ... read more
Aydin and I
The Group at the Base
Looking down on cities below

Asia » Japan » Tokyo August 3rd 2006

On Thursday, August 3rd, Larry and I ventured out to central Tokyo to catch a Tokyo Giants Game in the famous Tokyo Dome. We arrived early so that we could spend some time in La Qua first. La Qua is a large amusement park with some very popular rides here in Japan - including the spokeless ferris wheel and a roller coaster that actually goes through a building! Unfortunately though, Larry had to ride the roller coaster alone because I am still getting over a neck injury from my show. After some rides, we had lunch at Bubba Gump and then did some shopping in a nearby complex. Shortly after, we headed to Tokyo Dome. We got there early mainly because we bought our tickets that same day and could not get anything other than 'Standing ... read more
Just going around the buildings
right in the middle of Tokyo
getting ready for some Bubba Gump Shrimp

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