Blogs from Japan, Asia - page 787


Asia » Japan » Tokyo August 17th 2006

Este blog estaba publicado antes en blogger, pero aquí puedo publicar más fotos, sin límite y de una forma más cómoda. Esperoque os guste el nuevo formato. Desde aquí me disculpo por los errores que pueda haber en las entradas, pero escribo rápido y a veces las letras del teclado bailan. This blog was first published in blogger, but here I can post more pictures, there is no limit and it seems easier to use. I hope you like the new format. Forgive my English and any typos there might be (and there are some), but I usually type fast and it's easy to make little mistakes ;) Un beso, Diana ........................................................................................................................ El sábado por la tarde salgo de Vancúver rumbo a Tokyo, acabo de crear este blog para mantener al día a familiares y amigos ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku August 17th 2006

We arrived in Tokyo on the 1st August, with a quick transfer in Hong Kong on the way. We had already booked a hotel on line, opting for a one in the area known as Shinjuku, the heart of modern Tokyo, where the nightlife, red light district, and shopping is centred. It cost a bit more than the less central hotels, but was obviously better situated for checking out the city at night. On the first night however we just went to sleep as we didn’t make it to the hotel till after midnight. The next day was a bit of an organisation mission, deciding on an itinerary for our travels, so reading the guide, checking out dates for festivals and travel time etc we came up with a plan. Then it was off to brave ... read more
Shinjuku, Tokyo
Shinjuku, Tokyo
Local restaurant

Asia » Japan » Aichi August 16th 2006

Yes, some days do have more than 24 hours. I have to say, changing my flight was a pain in the ass, but in the end rather charming. Let me explain. My original flight back to the states was scheduled for December 13th from Nagoya to Las Vegas via San Fransisco. I called ANA, my airline, told them there was a death in the family and that I needed to change my ticket to leave the sixteenth. They said there was nothing available, but that if I wanted to buy a new BUSINESS CLASS ticket for 3,500, I could get on a flight. Right. So, I cried. And then I called again, and they said the same thing, and I said “Is there anything at all available? I just need to get to Las Vegas. It’s ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo August 16th 2006

This weekend was particularly fun because we had another visitor to entertain - Larry's cousin, Krissy! She was visiting Japan with a couple friends, Dave and Roseanne, and so we showed them around during our couple days off of work... On Tuesday evening, we decided to go to a really cool, themed-restaurant called NINJA. Although a little on the pricey side, this restaurant was recommended to us from many people in Japan, and so we had to try it -and were REALLY glad that we had!! Here, as we waited at the front of the restaurant to be taken to our table, a ninja waiter mysteriously appeared out of a trap-door in the wall and led the way. Before getting to our table though, we first walked through small, dark tunnel-like hallways, with low ceilings and ... read more
Having dinner at "Ninja" restuarant
Our Ninja getting ready to cook
Our magical Ninja

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 16th 2006

Last night I went to my first Japanese baseball game. This guy I knew got four tickets to the game provided by the manager of the home team. The home team around hear is the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters. So all I knew was I was about to cheer for a team who loved there ham and wasn't afraid to fight for it. I hopped in a cab in order to meet them at the stadium. I said that I wanted to go to the Sapporo Dome and said baseball while I did the universal bat swinging gesture. We were off and away. Apparently the Sapporo Dome is close to my place. When I pulled up in the evening twilight I could see this futuristic marshmellow looming in the sky. I have always liked the Sapporo ... read more
Game Action
Beer girls

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 15th 2006

I'm really digging it here in Sapporo. I've been very busy the past few days trying to figure this place out. I am hardly ever in my apartment because I am constantly going out in an effort to meet new people, both Japanese and foreign. When I am at home I'm usually studying Japanese. I have a TV, but I don't plan on getting it hooked up anytime soon. There is a VCR that plays VHS tapes. Hopefully I can get somebody to tape college basketball games and send them over to me. Saturday morning definitely was interesting. I woke up and walked over to the school. Everything was going great, but when I got into the building the door to the office was locked so I was able to deactivate the security system. You have ... read more
Japanese Statue
Bar in Sapporo

Asia » Japan August 15th 2006

Ja, natürlich. Es ist schon einiges wahr, was man über die Japaner sagt. :-) Am besten, du liest dir meine großen und kleinen Dinge durch, die mir aufgefallen sind und entscheidest dann, wie sehr das deinem Bild der Japaner entspricht. Viel Spaß ... Ja, also bisher war ich die meiste Zeit in Yokohama (wo ich arbeite), hab aber auch schon einen Abstecher nach Kamakura (Tempel, ...) gemacht. Egal, wo man ist. Man wird dauernd von irgendwelchen Lautsprechern aus mit Warnungen, Hinweisen, Werbung oder Musik berieselt. Gottseidank versteh ich nicht alles, was im Fahrstuhl und in der S-Bahn erzählt wird. Dazu kommen noch lustige Verkäufer mit Sprachrohren oder Megafonen, die vor Geschäften die aktuellen Sonderangebote (ich vermute) in die Öffentlichkeit schreien ("Hey, kommt rein, wir haben die neue Toilette mit Sitzheizung und Internet-Zugang heute zum Bestpreis von ... read more
Feuerwerk in Kyoto

Asia » Japan » Hyogo » Kobe August 15th 2006

It´s the most glorious time of summer in Japan right now...summer vacation! My schools are closed for two whole weeks which meant that I finally have some time to explore Japan for an extended period of time. Last Sunday night I left Kobe on the night bus bound for Tokyo. The bus ride was an experience in itself. Highway buses are outstanding in Japan, seats that recline almost completely, complementary blankets, slippers and coffee and curtains on all the windows to keep out the glare from oncoming traffic so you can get a good nights rest. I imagine I would have slept quite well had I not been sitting next to a man who snored non-stop for the 8 hour ride. Even a few suddle whacks from my water bottle couldn´t stir him! Bright and early ... read more
Shinjuku at Night
Imperial Palace Gardens

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Machida August 15th 2006

WOW!! Two blog entries in one day! We just LOVE using this travelblog! Hope you've all bookmarked this page by now.... Anyway, had an interesting, "only in Japan" experience today and wanted to share..... We went into Machida to run some errands. First stop was the ATM to get money (15th of each month is pay day for NOVA teachers). Then we went into the SMBC bank to apply for international ATM cards for when we leave Japan. There were heaps of people there as this whole week is "OBON", a national holiday period in Japan - so everyone decides to get there banking done at once. Anyway, we were first greeted by a lovely lady who claimed to speak no English (as they all do), but then ended up speaking it near perfectly (as they ... read more
Cool "cooking cup" and zip lock bags
Super dooper cooking cup!!!

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Machida August 15th 2006

The weather is bloody hot and humid. Thank goodness we live and work in airconditioning!! Getting to and from work consists of a mad dash in and out of airconditioned flats, trains and workplaces. You also have to deal with the number of sweaty Japanese men clogging up the trains - Japanese deoderant is terrible. Cam's Australian supply ran out about a week ago and the Japanese stuff is just useless. Luckily, my parents Eddie and Valerie will be here tomorrow night with a fresh supply from Oz. Apart from the horribly hot weather, Japan really comes alive in the summer time. There are festivals going on all the time. There are big summer festivals around the major spots in Tokyo, which pride themselves on their amazing fireworks displays. These festivals are called "Hanabi" (which directly ... read more
bon odori in Yabe
circle dances and taiko drumming
busy making lots of yakitori

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