Blogs from Okinawa, Japan, Asia - page 9


Asia » Japan » Okinawa February 20th 2010

Okinawa Peace Memorial Park After visiting the Ryukyu Glass Village, James and I headed a bit further south to see the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park. Located on Mabuni Hill, where the last battles took place on Okinawa, the park is dedicated to the 200,000 people that died in the fighting for control of the island. Of theses 200,000 people, 100,000 were Okinawan civilians caught in the crossfire. James and I went to a lookout point first where we had a wonderful view of the ocean. With such a serence view it was hard to imagine such a fierce battle happening here in 1945. We then walked through the stone monuments inscribed with the names of all those who died during the "Typhoon of Steal". There were 148,289 Okinawans, 75,219 Japanese from other prefectures, 14,006 Americans, ... read more
James and Kim
Kim at Peace Park
James at Lookout Point

Asia » Japan » Okinawa » Naha January 1st 2010

Following my last minute flight on Saudi Arabian Airlines back to Paris, I spent a day with Aude. We saw Avatar in 3-D in English (watching English-language movies dubbed in French is the only option in Douai, and it just isn't the same) and then found an "American" restaurant for lunch. I was very impressed - they served bagel sandwiches, potato chips, and they even had Vitamin Water! For a mere $13, we got a bagel sandwich, tiny tiny serving of chips, a can of soda, and a muffin. It was totally worth it have no idea how much I miss bagels! My flight to Tokyo was long, but uneventful. I had to transfer airports, so I got a nice hour-long bus ride through the city at night. It looks so interesting, and I will ... read more
me at Shurijo Castle Park
Shurijo Castle Park
Shurijo Castle Park

Asia » Japan » Okinawa January 1st 2010

MOS Burger James and I decided to sample MOS Burger on Friday and Saturday this week. Neither us had ever been to a restaurant like this before so we weren't really sure what to expect. Wow...these burgers were simple yet extremely tasty! Additionally, the servings weren't "biggie sized" so neither of us left the restaurant feeling like a total fatty. haha! Presentation points were high...the burgers were brought out individually wrapped, french fries are served on a plate, and soda was brought to us in actual glasses. This is a really upscale "fast food" restaurant. McDonald's doesn't even come close... On Friday I sampled the Veggie Burger with small french fries and James had a Teriyaki Burger and Veggie Burger. The Veggie Burger has lettuce, tomato, a beef patty, and thousand island dressing on it. The ... read more
Veggie Burger
MOS Burger

Asia » Japan » Okinawa January 1st 2010

Snorkeling at Sunabe Seawall James and I kicked off the 2010 by snorkeling at Sunabe Seawall. There were a lot more fish out here than at Zampa Beach and the current wasn't nearly as bad. We also got to see some pretty cool things. There was a very small crab shell that I saw about 15 feet below the surface resting on the coral. I dove down and brought it up to the surface to show James. As we were examining it and taking photos, the crab started coming out of his shell to attack my hand. I had to keep flicking him in the face lightly so I wouldn't get pinched by his claws. Not too nice of me... When we were finished checking him out, I swam back and placed him on the ledge ... read more
James at Sunabe Seawall
Kim at Sunabe Seawall

Asia » Japan » Okinawa December 31st 2009

Snorkeling at Zampa Beach James and I went snorkeling at Zampa Beach this afternoon to test out our new wetsuits and enjoy God's creation. James' wetsuit fit him perfectly and it was neoprene free so he didn't experience an allergic reaction to it. Last time James went swimming he had a pretty severe allergic reaction to the neoprene boots and gloves he was wearing so he had to order a specially made wetsuit from Fourth Element that was neoprene free. There are certain chemicals used to cured and harden the natural rubber in neoprene wetsuits and when the wetsuit is used, these chemicals leach out from it. From the research James did online, he told me it's actually a fairly common allergic reaction. Anyways, his wetsuit was really awesome! It had a fleece-like lining making it ... read more
James snorkeling at Zampa Beach
Picasso Triggerfish
Kim Snorkeling at Zampa Beach

Asia » Japan » Okinawa November 28th 2009

Ie Shima, Okinawa, Japan Today I went bike riding on Ie Jima with my friend James. Despite some slight hick-ups along the way ("adventures", as I like to call them), we had such a great time! We met up a little after 8 am, set up the bike rack on my car, and headed for Port Motobu. We made a brief detour on the way to the island so we could pull out some yen from an ATM. We were too excited about getting to Ie Shima that we didn't bother to do this on base before we left....haha. When we finally got up to Port Motobu there was no sign directing us to turn off of Rt 449 for the port. Because of that we spent about 30-40 minutes driving around looking for signs (asking ... read more
James on the Ferry
James and Kim at Ernie Pyle Memorial
Ernie Pyle

Asia » Japan » Okinawa November 21st 2009

Getting Dirty at Typhoon Motors Today James taught me how to change the oil in my car at Typhoon Motors on Camp Hansen. I'm the kind of person who has always paid someone to do it for me so this was a whole new experience for me. All that oil, grease, crawling under the car...yeah...not really my thing...but James made this a lot of fun. I was a bit hesitant to get involved since I really had no idea what I was doing but James pointed everything out and showed me what to do. We also ended up changing the oil filters on both our cars, pumping up and rotating our tires, and changing the transmission fluid on James's car. By the time we were done our hands were greasy but our cars were running much ... read more
James Changing The Transmission Fluid

Asia » Japan » Okinawa October 23rd 2009

Back in Japan today at their lowest island which is along way south of the main Japanese islands. This island formed an important sea trading port during the early days of both European sailing mid 1500s onwards and also for the local countries of the time. The population is over 300,000 and it was flattened in WW11 when the allies drove upwards towards Japan. Apparently there are still US defence bases stationed at various places around the island. Okinawa is a nice island and very Japanese - by that I mean, after leaving China, order is back everywhere, nice roads, extra clean taxis, less traffic and hassle. We visited the Shurijo Castle, which belonged to the Ryukyu kings from 1400s to 1800 (Okinawa didn't become part of the Japanese empire for a very long time). The ... read more
Naha - Taxi

Asia » Japan » Okinawa June 25th 2009

Host mom had some guests over last night, a man and woman from Okinawa and it made me remember how different Okinawa was from Tokyo. Everything they did contrasted with the proper Japanese conservative of this city. The guy, big, round faced, chubby, guy walks in with a bright hawaiian shirt and shorts. They don't wear those in this city. Shorts are pretty rare although its plenty hot. The woman has her hair cut short and spiky and just kind of crows this excited greeting to everyone, not afraid to call people by first names, and immediately starts going on about how tokyo girls diet too much and are too thin and asked me if I liked girls like that or girls with "pillows." I am a pillow guy and that made her happy. Okinawa is ... read more

Asia » Japan » Okinawa June 6th 2009

Scuba Diving - Onna ToiletBowl Josh, Edwin, and I headed out early this morning to get our dives in before the water got rough. We decided to go to Onna ToiletBowl since it's always a reliable site to see a variety of fish and aquatic wildlife. While suiting up, Edwin realized that he forgot his dive boots back at the BOQ so he drove back to get them while Josh and I did a dive. When Edwin got back, Josh and I had just completed our dive. Edwin and I re-suited up for a second dive while Josh called it a day because he had cut his hands on the coral and his BCD was acting a little weird (deflating for no reason). It seems as though this site just came alive this week. There were ... read more
Tomato Anemonefish
Hermit Crabs (?)

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