Blogs from India, Asia - page 18


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur February 16th 2020

Time to move on from Agra and explore Rajasthan, known as the Golden Triangle. We boarded the train at 2.30 in the afternoon and just like before it left bang on time at 2.50pm. Could teach British Rail a thing or two! Out seat numbers were 34 and 35 so we thought they'd be together but the weren't. A group of Americans got on and their seats were all over the place but in the same area too as was another English couple's seats. Between us we rearranged things so we were sat with our respective partners. When the ticket man came along to check tickets he was totally confused and finally gave up and let us stay where we were sat. Each time we stopped at a station and more passengers got on we pretended ... read more
Elephants carry people up to the fort. We walked
Inside the fort
Amber fort

Asia » India » Gujarat » Rann of Kutch February 14th 2020

You want to know how strong is color WHITE, well visit The Great Rann of Kutch !!!! My wife and me had this Trip in mind from long and we always wanted to visit White Desert and explore the nothingness around us... I made some inquiry about the Rann Utsav which normally starts in Nov and goes till Feb and found that the Tent City which is highly marketed by the Gujarat govt. is definitely an experience to look for but the cost..... Extortionate !!!! So when I checked they gave me a tariff of approx 10K per person per day, which means a 2 day trip to Rann Utsav with a partner would cost you 40K approximately. So, I thought of finding a competitive option to get this trip going. So, here you go..... Trip ... read more

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra February 12th 2020

Travel in India, where do we start?! We'd heard of the numerous scams, people telling you " that train isn't running today " that hotel burnt down last week , I take you to mine " We heard them all. We had our train tickets booked and all the hotels too, we just needed to ' join' everything together when we were here. In Delhi a tuk tuk driver dropped us off at ' the government tourist office' . We hadn't asked him to he just did! It turned out to be an agent. A very persuasive one. He looked at our plans so far. He checked the train times were still on schedule and said it was good but he could help by providing a car and driver at each stop. He would collect us ... read more
First breakfast
Big group of Japanese tourists in front of us.

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra February 12th 2020

The Taj Mahal ! What can I say? It really is the jewel in the crown! We arrived in Agra at 8.30 am and luckily the hotel let us check into our room straight away. After a rest we went out to explore. The hotel was literally five minutes walk away from the West Gate entrance of the Taj Mahal. It was already mid day so we decided we would go the next day nice and early to beat the crowds. The streets here are just as bad as in Delhi. Actually worse but as our hotel was just inside the area that was barriered off and guarded by police it was a little haven. We wandered up and down looking for somewhere to eat. A few places advertised rooftop restaurants with views of the Taj ... read more
Taj Naval before the crowds
Marble archways
Part of the Taj Mahal

Asia » India February 10th 2020

It’s difficult to believe that we have been here already over two weeks and will be flying home at 2 a.m. on Wednesday. We have two more days to enjoy the delights of India - the people, the food, the colours, the smells of spices permeating the air. Up early as we leave for Auroville at 8 a.m. for our appointment at Matrimandir, the place for silent meditation. Auroville is a city dedicated to the ideal of human unity with a population of approximately 2,800 people. It’s meaning is City of Dawn. At its heart is the Matrimandir, a huge gold sphere surrounded by 12 petals. It took 37 years to build starting in 1971 on The Mother’s 93rd birthday. In the centre of the Inner Chamber is a sphere of optically perfect glass upon which ... read more
Pool on 3rd floor
Our big brass room key

Asia » India February 9th 2020

After one of those gigantic breakfasts, there was a need to walk some of it off so Jane & I wandered off to find something interesting. Bharathi Park with a Greco Roman arch looks like a promising walk. It’s shady and inviting in the heat of the morning. Just inside the gate is a naturalist area featuring posts with colourful carvings of different creatures interspersed among the pictures of wildlife and birds in the area. Right smack dab in the centre of the park is the Roman arch with walkways radiating from it which divides the park into 4 equal parts. For our last two nights in Pondicherry we are at the Villa Du Ocean guest house with a rooftop restaurant and a small pool on the 4th floor overlooking the city. We had a fond ... read more

Asia » India February 8th 2020

Well the first thing is to go down and check out the breakfast buffet which can be the eating event of the day. I figure if I eat enough at breakfast, I can have little or not lunch. Sometimes 2 or 3 mini bananas is just enough to tide me over until supper time. At 9:30 we are going Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This is an extension of the Auroville community and is where The Mother’s tomb is located. We must remove our shoes and walk in silence inside the ashram. An ashram is a place of spiritual practices with no need for material things, a place to practice yoga and meditation. In this ashram, The Mother’s tomb is covered in magnificent flower designs and people are praying at her tomb. The enclosure is very reverent and ... read more
French gendarme
Previously the French Embassy, now Indian
French street signs

Asia » India February 7th 2020

Finally we have arrived in Pondicherry where there are no planned days, only what we want to do. Our room last night was not the best so Nancy arranged to have us moved. Hooray! We have the most wonderful room now - view to the ocean, no musty smell and it’s bigger. Helen and I are happy! After a huge buffet breakfast, meaning I ate huge, some of us went walking. Nancy has been here many times and knows the streets well. Pondicherry was a French settlement and the street names are all in French. Flowers abound everywhere, spilling over white walls, climbing through the trees. We watch women creating Rangoli on their doorsteps in beautiful artistic designs. This is to welcome you to their homes. Rangoli is fine sand that is dribbled through their fingers ... read more
Devil who protects against evil

Asia » India February 6th 2020

Leisurely morning at breakfast today. Then onto the bus to aim our sights on Auroville and Pondicherry. Our guide Bridget says we will be in Auroville by 1 p.m. but the main highway is being repaired and we are travelling back roads through many towns and villages. This area is very poor and is mostly populated by the low caste people. The Hindu people here are very faithful to their religion and nearly everyone goes to the temple for blessings in the morning. The blessing powder is evident on the foreheads of everyone from little children to the very elderly. Also there are so many temples and shrines that no one would have an excuse not to perform their duties to their religion. Every now and then we pass a bullock cart. These are wooden working ... read more

Asia » India February 5th 2020

On a day that I don’t have to get up I am awake and showered by 6:15. Have had a coffee already in my room and make it to the breakfast veranda by 7 a.m. There was to be a discussion about what we wanted to do today but I think it was unanimous - a glorious day to do nothing but eat, drink and lay at the pool. The chef served us a massive breakfast which we all felt obliged to partake so it didn’t hurt his feelings. Then we waddled away to our rooms to do what we needed to do before heading to the pool. We’ve been in the pool which was so cooling in the hot air and then sitting on lounges; some painting, some reading, some writing in their journal and ... read more
Jane on the breakfast veranda
Geese looking for a handout

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