Blogs from India, Asia - page 19


Asia » India February 4th 2020

Waking up this morning in the Taj Gateway Hotel is a pleasure. The hotel is an old British Colonial property that has been kept as a luxury hotel. White balconied buildings; our room is a small white cottage adorned with dark wood trims and furniture, large french doors opening onto a balcony with a breathtaking view of the city of Madurai. Coloured houses, the Meenakshi Temple in the distance. Palm trees and exotic flowering shrubs dotted throughout the property. I can see the end of a tennis court from our balcony. On the terrace veranda, eating breakfast there are peacocks wandering close by. These rascals are actually begging for food and if not being given, they will steal from your plate if you’re not watching. Bev lost her doughnut to the peacock because he was quick ... read more
Striped squirrels also known as chipmunks

Asia » India February 3rd 2020

Leaving at 10:30, the hotel staff all line up outside to say goodbye - what a wonderful gesture. After a couple of days you get to know them personally. We immediately leave Kerala and cross into Tamil Nadu which is a predominantly Hindu religion whereas Kerala is Christian. Gudalar is a Dravidian culture which is one of the oldest in the sub-continent. The first immigrants into southern India introduced the Dravidian culture. Going back down the mountain on a narrow switch-backed road. Going slow this time as there are buses coming up and the switchbacks are really tight. Around a bend in the road, there are huge pipes lined up against the mountain slope carrying water from Kerala on the mountain down into the valley. This is a massive agricultural area supplying food to a great ... read more
Spice Village staff
Staff of Spice Village hotel
Water pipes

Asia » India February 2nd 2020

Have to get to the restaurant at 6:15 this morning for coffee and snack before heading to Periyar Tiger Reserve in Periyar National Park. South India’s most popular wildlife sanctuary encompasses 777 square km and a 26 square km artificial lake created by British in 1895. The vast region is home to bison, sambar deer, wild boar, langor monkeys, giant squirrels, Asian elephants and 44 very elusive tigers. We are ready, dressed in long pants, socks, shoes, long sleeve shirts, hats, etc. to trek into the jungle. We’re going on a tiger hunt. Our route is approximately 2 1/2 hours and 5 km. We have two park naturalists with us to sniff out all the animals. We walk quietly in single file while our guide in front is constantly watching and listening for any wildlife and ... read more

Asia » India February 1st 2020

Sadly our houseboat adventure comes to an end and we reluctantly leave our houseboat and it’s fantastic crew behind. Recycling is alive and serious in india. As we leave the boat area, there is a recycling spot with a gigantic bin of plastic water bottles and a lot of other stuff that is being prepared for wherever it goes. If we are given straws with a drink they are simple paper intended to break down quickly. Purchases at stores are always in paper bags. Many places have filtered bottled water in glass bottles instead of plastic and single use plastic is banned. It’s a 4 hour ride to our next destination. We are leaving the sea level and making our way into a more hilly area. Higher and higher we climb past pineapple and rubber plantations. ... read more
Cassava plantation in the valley

Asia » India January 31st 2020

Early morning on the houseboat, it’s still dark and there is really loud music coming from the Hindu temple nearby. It starts at 5:30 a.m. and lasts for one hour. The birds are competing with loud trills, whistles, chirps and squawks. As it lightens, boats start up heading out to their day’s tasks. There are water taxis, buses, small ferries, cargo canoes and many houseboats. There are over 2,000 of these houseboats plying their way through the labyrinth of canals. Sometimes a long low canoe slides by silently, hardly noticeable blending in with the brown water. Only the white shirt of the paddler stands out. Breakfast is ecstasy; freshly blended pineapple juice, orange slices, tiny banana, chunks of juicy watermelon and pineapple, toast, jam and perfectly boiled eggs with coffee to top it all off. Like ... read more
Small immature jackfruit

Asia » India January 29th 2020

I awoke this morning to the sound of birds outside the patio doors and when I pulled back the curtains there outside our window is the Arabian Sea with boats of all description plying their way back and forth among the islands. It is foggy this early in the morning. I’m trying to quietly get up, make some coffee and get outside on our patio so I can enjoy the early morning sights and smells and sounds. Of course when I try to be quiet that is when I make the most noise!! Little fishing boats, tugs, a ferry and the odd ocean freighter are going about their businesses while I sip french press coffee and make some notes on my blog. Soon enough we head over for breakfast. The breakfast patio is outside protected from ... read more

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Tiruvannamalai January 28th 2020

According to our Puranas, one day, Vishnu and Brahma had an argument over their superiority. Shiva appeared in front of them in the form of a raging fire and asked them to each find the tip of the fire. Whoever reaches the tip would be superior between the two. Brahma went upwards and Vishnu downwards in search of the tip, however Shiva increased the length of the flaming fire continuously. After thousands of miles, Vishnu conceded defeat and returned. Brahma was getting exhausted and, on the way, saw the Ketaki flower. He made Ketaki agree to lie that Brahma had indeed reached the top where the flower had resided and got the flower from there. When Brahma confronted Vishnu with Ketaki, Shiva appeared in his true form in front of them. Shiva was angered by Brahma’s ... read more
Arunachala hill - Lord Shiva himself!

Asia » India January 28th 2020

Lazy start to our day as we have nothing on the agenda except what we want to do. I have discovered my iPad is foo full of pictures, won’t share with my iPhone & won’t download pictures from my camera. So my task this morning is to forage in the city for an Apple store. As luck would have it there is one two blocks from our hotel that is supposed to open at 10 a.m. Jane & I head over at 10 but it’s not open. We wait around standing on the street corner like a couple of hookers! We are approached by the first person who is looking for some people he is supposed to guide - not us, we’re waiting for the store to open. Then we are approached by a nice young ... read more

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Kanyakumari January 27th 2020

Kanya Kumari The popular town at the southern most tip of India got it name because of Devi Kanya Kumari (Kanya means – virgin and Kumari means – girl). According to our Puranas, there was once an Asura (demon) names Banasura who was torturing the devas, saints and rishis. The Gods were not able to bear the torture and went to Lord Vishnu (the Protector of the Universe) for help. Vishnu asked them to go to Goddess Parvathi (Parashakthi)- the Mother Goddess as she was the only one who could help them from Banasura. The devas performed several yajnas and Goddess Parashakthi appeared as a young girl in front of them and promised to kill Banasura in her Kanya form. She also asked them to wait until the right time comes and then began to meditate ... read more

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai January 27th 2020

Caring for a rescue dog in India has been a lonely task indeed. Buddy the street dog returned to me from the temporary caretaker, with the report that he had not vomited for two days, and he’d been eating mounds of curd rice. I was skeptical. My doubts were correct. Buddy’s stomach is still sensitive. I need to give him very small amounts of rice and chicken and broth, and an anti nausea drug which he hates me for administering by spray in his mouth. And what about the lonely feelings hanging over this project? If I had a kitchen and lots of supportive friends around things might be easier. But people here just aren’t that invested in helping animals—especially street dogs, since they’re all over the place and seem to take care of themselves. Plus, ... read more
Surveying the new neighborhood
I’m getting attached to a street dog
Out in the village with the temporary caretaker

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