Blogs from Kunming, Yunnan, China, Asia - page 27


Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 24th 2008

TO THE WARMER CLIMATE Today we were hoping to go to warmer part of China Kunming. How little did we know. But first we thought we should really see at least some of Chengdu's Temples so we GREEN RAM TEMPLE won our votes. Managed to find it with out any major problems, only we were not exactly sure that the temple we have found ourselves in front of was the one we wanted, but hey we were there so in we went. It was very beautiful temple, however we were still puzzled which one it actually was, until we met two people from our hostels who confirmed we were in the right temple. And to our tradition we got stop by Chinese family who wanted to take a photo with us. We think we are most ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 24th 2008

STONE FORREST Great start as we were leaving the hostel it started to rain... determined not to get on the tourist bus we were left with no other option than get on the minibus and even we have asked if it goes straight to Shilin and were reassured that it does we have made one decoy stop trying to get us buy souvenirs, but as we knew what was happening we have stayed in the bus and did not get commission sticker like all the other tourist that got off it and got most probably dragged round some temple and lots of little shops... Getting the ticket to Stone Forrest was interesting as Mike has advised us to use our driving licence as student card so we did, however we did not pull it off, the ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 24th 2008

HEADING TO LAO BOARDER As we had to leave China by the 03.03 we knew we have to head down to the boarder so the plan was to pick our visa today get ticket and cross the boarder. Buying ticket was not that difficult, sleeper bus to Jinghong than change to Mengla, then to Laos easy peasy... You would have to see the sleeping bus, me and Reni knew we would get quite close on this trip, but never realised how close that would be until we had to sleep on this bus with other three Chinese people at the back. 10 hours on this bus was a killer but we have arrived at 6 am next day to Jinghong and than caught MINI bus to Mengla. When we say MINI bus we mean exactly mini ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 13th 2008

The trip to Kunming was (once I'd got the ticket) probably the easiest so far. I think this was largely due to the fact that I met an American guy, Canadian girl and a Chinese pilot, who was on vacation, on the train. I believe that they had already been on the train since it set out from Beijing, at this point well over twenty four hours into their journey. Boredom had obviously set in with them and I could sense that they were grateful of some fresh blood. Without further ado we made our way to the restaurant carriage where my new Chinese friend proceeded to order what seemed like all the food they had on the train. This in turn was washed down with a steady flow of beer. It wasn't a surprise therefore ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 13th 2008

The trip to Kunming was (once I'd got the ticket) probably the easiest so far. I think this was largely due to the fact that I met an American guy, Canadian girl and a Chinese pilot, who was on vacation, on the train. I believe that they had already been on the train since it set out from Beijing, at this point well over twenty four hours into their journey. Boredom had obviously set in with them and I could sense that they were grateful of some fresh blood. Without further ado we made our way to the restaurant carriage where my new Chinese friend proceeded to order what seemed like all the food they had on the train. This in turn was washed down with a steady flow of beer. It wasn't a surprise therefore ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming March 4th 2008

While Kunming seems to have done quite a good job of tearing down its old buildings and recreating itself as any other modern Chinese city, it still offered a few tidbits of fun for Craig and I as we began and ended our trip in this ancient city. Our hostel was located downtown, very near Green Lake, which is a large water park with walkways and pavillions. It's a fantastic place to wander in the evenings as every space is filled with performers practicing Peking Opera or other traditional music. Dancers fill the square with their choreographed moves to traditional music with a techno beat. Ducks and swans swim in the lake and street vendors offer you everything you never knew you wanted. Any extra time was spent exploring the happenings at this very busy park...a ... read more
Green Lake Park at Night
Geese swimming in Green Lake Park - Kunming
Lion biting oxen butt

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming February 27th 2008

Aujourdhui on quitte la Chine pour le Laos. On a passe des mois supherbes dans ce pays extraordinaire. Les dernieres jours on a eu dans le sud de la Chine, a Guilin, Yunhshou et Kunming. Le soleil et la chaleur arrive et avec le paysage vert. Notre dernier jour en Chine est consacre a la bouffe et .... La suite viendra du Laos. Bisou Nathalie, Sara, Lisa et Heiko... read more
En bateau
Personal guide

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming February 27th 2008

Arriving back in China at the end of the Lunar New Year celebrations I found Kunming familiarly strange as I was re-assaulted by the smells and sights of China. I've never seen a runway like this one - 5 and 6 storey apartment buildings huddle on the edge of the grass surrounding the tarmac, and the plane descended straight into the centre of the city... Tegan and Mick met me at the airport, after the inevitable Thai airways delays, and we walked straight out of the airport and onto a bus. The grey concrete matched the grey sky perfectly, and the sun's warmth was illusionary and quickly blown away by the icy breeze. However, I was pretty excited to be back and the catchup and cerebral challenge of changing my brain's language settings again kept me ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming February 27th 2008

hallo euch allen, einigen haben wir erzaehlt wie befaenden uns quasi auf dem weg nach dali, einer alten und vermutlich sehr schoenen stadt in west-yunnan. nun ja, die plaene haben sich mal wieder spontan geaendert aber diesmal aus freien stuecken. haben nochmal ueber den aufwand und die zur verfuegeung stehende zeit nach gedacht und kamen zu dem schluss, dass sich 10 stunden busfahrt nach dali und dann weitere 17-22 stunden busfahrt zur chinesich-laotischen grenze fuer volle zwei tage stipvisite nicht lohnen. wir merken wohl langsam alle, dass auch das reisen anstrengend werden kann. also... wir sind nun quasi auf dem weg nach laos. nicht zu frueh und nicht zu spaet, genau richtig also. die letzten wochen (wohl eher tage) in china haben wir im sueden verbracht. zuerst guilin, dann yangzhou. einige wenige eindruecke koennt ihr dem ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming February 23rd 2008

Xi Shan, or "The Western Hills Scenic Area" stretches along steep (straight up and down) cliffs near Kunming. There are giant pines and many ancient temples. Old narrow pathways, all built along rising slopes, twist around to places surrounded by ancient trees and shrubs. Covered stone corridors connect each pavilion and room, so one has the feeling of coming indoors and outdoors, again and again. The whole place seems to reflect a combination of Buddhism and Taoism. It took 72 years for stonecutters and artisans to build this hillside combination of grottoes, walkways, pavillions and mansions, during the Qing Dynasty, from 1782 to 1854. To get there our guide took us in our bus up an extremely narrow and winding road, filled with foot, bicycle and car traffic, for about 5 km (yes everything here is ... read more
Gondola view
don't tell me there's a pagoda up here!
I got there!

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