Blogs from Kunming, Yunnan, China, Asia - page 25


Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming August 19th 2008

Hey Everybody! So, I'm here in Kunming, pretty much settled into my apartment. The apartments for foreign teachers are gigantic! We get a huge living room (which is completely empty, of course...who'd have though I should have brought a rug and random wall hangings?), a nice bedroom (with two beds! So come visit me!), a bathroom (currently suffering from a cockroach infestation), and a silly kitchen (it is silly because it contains neither kitchen utensils nor any sort of cooking device). We don't start teaching until August 25th (or maybe later, who knows?), so Barbara and I have been spending lots of time reading in our apartments and wandering the city. The other day we went on a huge expedition to the city's Catholic Church (they get exactly one). The people we met were really friendly, ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming July 27th 2008

Blog Kunming We are in Kunming, a town in the South West of China. We are in a Chinese Youth hostel called “the Hump” where a large wall is decorated with pictures concerning the epic effort by American Pilots to fly supplies in for the allied forces in China who were engaged in the repulsion of the Japanese forces who had invaded Burma. The year was 1942 and just a week ago I read an article in the e-edition of the New York Times that finally, after so many years, an effort was to be made to recover the remains of pilots and crews who had crashed their Dakota’s or C46C’s amidst the peaks of the Himalayas, referred to then as “the Hump”. It is difficult to explain why a simple and seemingly out-of-place reminder of ... read more
Romantic Hanzhou
Great warrior in Hanzhou
Terracotta army

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming July 21st 2008

(Day 108 on the road)22 hours on the train and a few instant noodle-pots later ("Have instant noodles, will travel" as Karen called it) I arrived in Kunming. I also managed to loose another hat on the train, the 4th one since I set off for this trip, perfect Ben. On the plus side, the Lonely Planet had said the trip from Guilin to Kunming was 26 hours, so I was positively surprised when the train pulled into Kunming station after only 22h. What is strange about these night trains is that all the Chinese travellers sleep fully dressed. In Russia and Mongolia, people would go through proper preparations to go to bed, i.e. changing into their pyjamas and so on before going to bed. In China, the people just flop on their bunks, not much ... read more
Kunming downtown 1
Kunming downtown 2

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming July 4th 2008

Hello, Here are some highlights of our time in China - mostly Yunnan province - in the month of June. Our first day in China and going through the border was not much fun (I was still recovering from a nasty "cold") and that day I just wanted to "go home". The officials on the China side of the border (crossing from NW Vietnam) confiscated our Lonely Planet guidebook for China (a huge book) of which I had painstakingly torn out the sections we needed knowing it might be taken. When they x-rayed our luggage they were mainly looking for books and this specific book! A woman official flipped through the pages trying to determine which guide book it was...unfortunately, I made the mistake of leaving the front cover of the book stuck in the pages ... read more
Dancing In The Park Kunming

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming July 2nd 2008

Dear Patrons Welcome to our weekly news letter. The Staff at Different Perspectives try to bring a clearer picture of current events effecting China and Asia. Although we believe the international media driven primarily by western worlds interests, is bringing the public events as they happen, we at Different Perspectives are independent and non biased without an agenda for prestige or monetary profit. We simply feel the western world may be somewhat isolated from news that is local to our office here in Beijing, China. Thank you Different Perspectives Staff Edward I've been in Myanmar since July 1st. I came across the border at Ruili about 500km southwest of Kunming, China. A brief background on the logistics of arriving in Myanmar via a land border crossing. I had visa's in hand prior to leaving Beijing. ... read more
Border China side
My Border Guide
Border Myanmar side

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming June 30th 2008

Kicked around here for a day or two, but didn't find it to be a particularly interesting place. Met a few people and one evening three of us went to have the local specialty, Over-The-Bridge Noodles. It's noodle soup with a bit of chicken and vegetables, so-named because the wife of the man who ate it had to carry it over a bridge in Kunming daily to where he worked. In the restaurant we me a local girl who showed us how to put the various elements together, then sat with us and chatted throughout the meal. She's a pharmacist working in a hospital here. At the end we exchanged email addresses and I wondered if this is like giving your cell phone number in India: polite but meaningless. Anxious to get further south to my ... read more
Tea shop

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming June 22nd 2008

Hejsa alle Vi takker igen igen for de mange mails, det er altid dejligt at horer noget hjemmefra. Nu har vi taget hul paa vores fjerde uge (det gaar bare alt for staerkt.) og inden vi forlader Kina vil vi lige give lyd fra os igen. Efter vi skrev sidst havde vi en endnu en dag i Lijiang, som blev brugt paa en cykeltur udenfor byen. Vi cyklede ud sammen med Daniel, britten som vi ogsaa var i Tiger Springskloften med. Da vi havde lidt vanskeligheder med en af cyklerne, maatte vi vende om for at bytte cyklen og Daniel cyklede videre, saa dagen blev paa egen haand. (jacob kunne ikke lave cyklen selvom han laante en svensknogle af en kinesisk lastbilchauffor :-)) Naeste dag tog vi tidlig om morgenen til Lugu Lake, som ligger 7 ... read more
udsigt ud over lugu lake
solopgang ved lugu lake
solopgang 2

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming June 16th 2008

From Mohan, on the border with Laos it was an easy bus ride of about 4 hours to Jinghong the capital city of what is called the Xishuangbanna region of southern Yunnan province. The name actually comes from Thai language: Sip Sawng Panna meaning 12 rice growing districts. Remarkably for Chinese standards, only one third of Xishuangbanna's population consists of Han Chinese, splitting up the rest in one third Dai people and another third in a variety of minorities, that can also be found in parts of northern Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. Unfortunately for me, the rain was relentless, so a lot of exploring was out of the question. I got as far as the bridge crossing the Mekong, which made me really wanting to explore the whole length of it once. It's pretty amazing how ... read more
Bridge over the Mekong in Jinghong
Jinghong restaurant

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming June 15th 2008

After finally leaving my hotel room having not eaten for two days I passed on my bug to Steve leaving him bed bound. I'm a bad wife I know. I went for a walk having not seen any of Kunming. Getting down the road I saw loads of commotion, people waving flags and shouting "China". Without realising it I'd caught on to the tail end of the Olympic torch relay coming through the city! It was really exciting even the little kids had China t-shirts and stickers on their faces (they really know how to do merchandise over here). I followed it for a while but sod's law I didn't have a camera on me. I ran back to the hotel, got the camera and two of the girls who were on the tour with us ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming June 9th 2008

We arrived in Kunming at about 2pm. Kunming is 1890m above sea level so already you find yourself adjusting to the changes and notice the mild temperature compared with Hong Kong. We negotiated for our taxi at the airport and headed straight to the Camelia Hotel, which was the meeting point for our Gap Adventures - Southern China Adventure around South West China. Can't say it was the nicest place to stay and rooms were big enough but it is drak, old and drab and just needed a good clean & paint. Other than that, we were excited to finally be in China! So rather than waste another minute, we decided to take a stroll around town before we had to meet the tour leader at 6pm. We headed out, walking along past the Government Square ... read more
West Pagoda
Old City Gate

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