Blogs from Beijing, China, Asia - page 444


Asia » China » Beijing August 16th 2006

Noah, an American filmmaker who lives here in Beijing, advised us last week not to shoot Tian'an Men Square with a digital camera, and "never ever take a tripod." Well, today Wednesday, August 16th, after buying several small red People's Republic of China flags, the three of us: Christy, my DP and Ren, our Williams-educated translator, walked onto the Square and shot the dynasty gate with Mao's portrait and several soldiers/sentries looking on. We shot Mao's Mausoleum and the Monument to the People's Heroes, all with the tripod. We got it done. Fuck no ballsNoah. There are names for guys like him. The one I'm thinking of starts with a "P." We then went to a new art colony on the outskirts of Beijing called Arario. Arario houses several galleries and work spaces and the art ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing August 15th 2006

The Temple of Heaven represents the highest development of religious architecture in China. Though religious rituals have been held on this spot as far back as the 11th Century B.C., this temple of perfection and harmony was constructed by the Ming Dynasty in the year 1420, some 70 years before the liberation of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella from the Moors, and the sailing of Columbus from the Sevilla. The temple was vitally important to the imperial universe, as it was the link between emperor and heaven. From here the emperor would make his report to heaven. The altar was acoustically designed to help the emperor's words reach the cosmos. The altar magnifies the voice of the speaker standing in its center, but only the speaker can hear this magnification. The altar was built with rows ... read more
The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests
The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests...
The golden finial on top of the hall...

Asia » China » Beijing August 15th 2006

Today is another picture day because I do not have anything new to talk about. Right now I am just trying to wrap up things with work, as I only have two more days. The internship has been a good experience, but I would have liked to have had a more closed ended project. Instead I just leave hoping that someone else will pick up where I left off with the company's marketing. Tonight several of us went to a spa and got massages. It was a very Chinese experience and I feel rejuvenated for the rest of my stay here in China. You do not realize how many muscles you have, and use, until somebody starts pressing down on them and moving them in ways you do not usually :)... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City August 15th 2006

We last left you guys with us bustling our way through busy Beijing. So far Beijing had been very exciting; we had eaten far too much food, shopped like maniacs (cheap clothes!!), and spent far too much time trying to figure out the public transport system... so it was time to get on to the real things we were there to see! The Forbidden City was one of the first stops. It's situated smack bang in the geographical centre of Beijing, which also means it's smack bang in the middle of the traffic and smog!! Thankfully on the day we went out to see it, we had beautiful weather; blue skies and all!! Little were we to know this was going to be our ONLY blue sky day. Anyway; let me set the scene for you ... read more
Tiananmen square
The countdown to the Olympics
Queue to Mao

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City August 15th 2006

Beste iedereen, na lang te hebben gesukkeld met my space overgegaan naar deze site... en nu kunnen jullie tenminste al onze foto's zien! Je krijgt er ook een korte opsomming bij, de uitgebreidere uppdate komt er later maar zeker, beloofd! Dit was onze start: 15/8 Vertrek LHR 16/8 Landen in Bejing, China! onmiddellijk naar Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Zhongshan Park 17/8 Summer Palace, Hutons, Yingshan Park 18/8 Bezoek Great Wall, 's avonds Opera/kung fu/acrobatie 'show', hot-pot 19/8 Vlucht van Beijing naar Xi'an, Mosque, Bell Tower, Drum Tower 20/8 Chaing Kai-Shek Garden, Terracotta Army 21/8 Gewandeld naar Big Pagoda en dan shopping! Slechts enkele foto's hier... overige 68 werden gewist bij het overzetten op Dan's account... taalprobleem met niet te voorzien gevolg! Als je ons wil volgen, onderaan is een wereldkaart te ... read more
Entrance Forbidden City
Forbidden City

Asia » China » Beijing August 14th 2006

Beyond the Tiananmen Gate, in the heart of Beijing, having passed under the portrait of Chairman Mao, lies the Forbidden City. This was the imperial heart and soul of the Chinese civilization. Between 1420 and 1911 it was the residence and the court of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, and is the largest palace complex in the world. There are 9,999 rooms throughout this "hidden city". 10,000 rooms would have been exaggerated pride, since heaven is reputed to have 10,000 rooms, and the emperors didn't want to tempt fate. Besides, the number 9 is an especially fortunate number. The doors used by the emperor usually have 81 very large brass studs. (9 x 9 = 81) :-) A massive gate, called the Meridian Gate refused entrance to all but the most privileged. For others, ... read more
Crossing the  7  marble bridges behind...
Supreme Harmony
close up and details

Asia » China » Beijing August 14th 2006

Through the course of our stay in Beijing, we have had language/culture classes every Monday and Friday afternoon. Mondays we had a student named Tim as our teacher and on Fridays we have Lynn. So since we leave Beijing on Sunday to go on a week long tour of China and then go home on the 30th, today was our last class with Tim. However, we talked him into not even having class, but rather taking us on a field trip. Imparticular we wanted him to take us to a bookstore where we could get materials to help us learn Chinese when we go home. I am so glad that he was able to take us, because otherwise we would never have come across this particular bookstore. While we have been to other bookstores that were ... read more
Last Day with Tim
Last Day with Tim

Asia » China » Beijing August 14th 2006

It had been a harrowing and difficult time getting out of the UK, and I was glad to be finally leaving the country!! Even more exciting was the fact that I would FINALLY get to see my girl!! It had been far too many weeks of just phone calls, the odd video call, and countless emails! I was also looking forward to Beijing for lots of other reasons of course :) To start with, it was yet another new place that I hadn't been to, and had lots of cool things to see, like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Then there was the fact that after 3 weeks of travelling for work, I was finally done and this was going to be pure fun yay!! Finally, I was very much looking forward to seeing ... read more
I give up
Old guys watching the traffic
dave and Kit entertain the crowds

Asia » China » Beijing August 13th 2006

Yesterday (Saturday) I interviewed Meg Maggio, the founder of the Courtyard Gallery in Beijing. She has been living here since 1988, and she's an incredible resource. She speaks flawless Chinese. Today I am interviewing Wang Qingsong and Zhu Ming, two of my personal favorites, and Meg has arranged for two more interviews on Monday, one with Liu Zheng and Ai Wei Wei. Zheng has an incredible book called The Chinese and a more recent series called Survivor. I had been trying to contact him, and Meg represents him, so there you go. It's been like that with Meg and this is an incredible city for art. Survivor is part of the Santa Barbara show. Ai Wei Wei is an avant-garde photographer and curator. He organized the controversial and well-recieved FUCK OFF show in Beijing in 2003. ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing August 13th 2006

We were supposed to go to the Forbidden City today, but it was raining and some of the people I was supposed to be going with from work were not able to come, so we cancelled our plans. So instead Diana and I went to another Chinese market, called Xidan. It was not as much a touristy place so it was a slightly different atmosphere than some of the other markets to which we have been. For lunch we went to McDonald's there in the market. It was quite similar to those in the U.S., from what I can remember, I have not been to one in so long. Although I think the prices were lower than at home, Diana said the servings were smaller than what they serve in the U.S., but I really could ... read more

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