Blogs from Yangon, Yangon Region, Burma, Asia - page 10


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 11th 2014

+33 today and it felt really hot!! It is amazing how one's body can adjust in a short time . A/C helps though. Thank you for your comments . I can't say this group mail thing works to respond adequately but I'll try. Dan I tried and followed all the steps you laid out and I got near the end and again ran into their notion of a code ... and another address to send the code to...or a text system ... and I surrendered .Thank you for your help . Lionel I have recorded the info you sent for contacts . It is good to have a number here incase I need assistance . I have been taking deep breaths , finding the rythmn of the people and the city and feel more comfortable each ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 9th 2014

Hotmail still isn't working for me . It keeps asking for my code (????).Dan if you can check that out for me I would appreciate it a great deal . I think you remeber my password. Let me know here as it is all I have right now. . At least I got through to Travelblog today . That feeling of isolation didn't help especially since I didn't know what was happening with Suzanne . YEAH !!! She will arrive on Sunday and maybe I can find out about transportation possibilities . I will book the hotel for one more night and be at the airport to greet her. Flying into Burma and Yangon was really interesting. Actually the whole flight was interesting . Southern Japan ,China ,Vietnam , Thailand , ocean ,mountains ,deltas, rice fields ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon December 26th 2013

The internet in Burma is not so good. It is widely available and almost all the places I stayed had free WIFI, it is just that it was basically useless most of the time. At the first place I stayed (Aung Si Guesthouse in Yangon) my laptop wouldn't even connect to the internet. At the second place (Winner Guesthouse in Bagan) the connection was so slow that it kept timing out: it literally took an hour for me just to open my email account on the first night and then I couldn't read more than a couple because they took so long to open that the “try again” message would come up. On the second night I gave up trying to access my emails after two hours. The third place, Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary, didn't have either ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 11th 2013

Don Muang Airport, Bangkok is the second airport in Bangkok. It's an early morning Skytrain to Mo Chit and a taxi to Don Muang in plenty of time to have a leisurely breakfast before boarding our Air Asia flight to Yangon (formerly Rangoon). Immigration is slow, I think they must be use trainees on Sundays, but we clear immigration without a hitch. The money changers are open at the airport and Malcolm and I both change $100 US into Myanmar Kyets (pronounced Chets). I certainly wasn't ready for the wad of money that I received, it's a bit like post war Germany where you needed a wheelbarrow to take the money away. Then it's a taxi to our hotel, “The Windsor”. First impressions are that it is a little bit tired, but we have twin beds ... read more
Buddhist Monks and me
He was using his cell phone

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 25th 2013

Slow afternoon drive to Mawlamyine We enjoyed the drive through the countryside to what was once called Moulmein. Mr Lin, our wonderful driver, told us we were travelling on the same road that many of the Generation 88 protest leaders and participants had travelled on or near as they made their escape to Thailand. Mal got to indulge his love of railways as we stopped and took some photos of level crossings. Also, on the roadside were many piles of rice husks that were to be burnt (I think that was what Mr Lin said). Off in the distance we spotted a very large building at the foot of some mountains. There was nothing else for many kilometres around this building and when I asked what it was I was surprised to find out it was ... read more
On the road to Mawlamyine
On the road to Mawlamyine
On the road to Mawlamyine

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 24th 2013

The photos attached to this blog are of some of the people that asked if they could be photographed with Lorenza on our trip to Myanmar. They were taken at various locations. Lorenza joked that she felt like some kind of celebrity. Many people commented how beautiful they thought she was, especially when wearing the traditional Burmese longyi. A few times she said “Ok, today no longyi, I need a break from all this fame”. Obviously, Lorenza looked much better in a longyi than I did. It always amazed me that often the people asking for a photo with Lorenza had no camera or phone so they would never see the photo, they were just happy to pose with her. Often, once one person asked others would come over and want to pose with her also, ... read more
Former weight lifter
Teacher in village
No longyi

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 23rd 2013

(I published this one a bit out of order) We returned to Yangon after an amazing few days around Bagan. We had a lunch to farewell the folks who were travelling with Sandar, as they were off to meet some other friends for a trip to the beach. The “Ok Team” was now back to its original seven members. We had fun with the bigger group but it was much easier to organise only seven people. Afternoon at the ethnic park Mal, Yong and Mum had a well-earned afternoon break, while Ohnmar, Lorenza and Ohnmar’s brother, Min San, and I had a look around an ethnic minority museum in a park. The park is located in Tharkayta township. Each ethnic group had a display of their housing, clothing and handicrafts. I did make a mental note ... read more
Farewell Lunch
Farewell Lunch
ethnic park

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 13th 2013

2am wake up for Alms Giving Theravada Buddhists observe a three month lent period, which ends on the full moon day in October. In the days leading up to and immediately following the full moon there are many festivals and ceremonies to observe. One of the ceremonies is the giving of alms to monks and nuns who, due to the end of lent are allowed to leave their monasteries. The alms giving in Yangon was a large affair, with more than 400 monks and nuns participating. We had a 2am wake up call and we bundled ourselves into the back of Auntie and Uncle’s small truck for the trip to our designated spot. Even at this time of the morning there were hundreds of monks, nuns and lay people in the streets. Gongs were sounding and ... read more
2am truck ride
2am truck ride
Dana Stall

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 12th 2013

Following an early flight from KL LCCT we were so happy to see Ohnmar’s smiling face at Yangon. Ohnmar's first words to us were "are you ok, you sure?". This small question would be repeated so often it has now become our groups catch phrase. In the car the first thing I noticed as we headed into downtown Yangon was that the driver was sitting on the right hand side and was travelling in the right hand side of the road. Just like driving a R/H drive car in the USA, very odd. It made for dangerous overtaking and lane changing manoeuvres and was doing my head in. Lucky I was only a passenger. We checked in at the Bliss Hotel, freshened up and awaited the arrival of Mal from KL who travelled on a different ... read more
Lunch at Auntie's place
Money matters

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon September 13th 2013

Shwe Dagon is the most important Buddhist site in Myanmar and, I discovered as I travelled around the country, the most recognisable symbol of the whole nation - in tourist shops, on pictures on the walls of guesthouses, and just decorating the walls of shops and cafes, it can be seen on postcards, tapestries, keyrings etc. The best time to go is at sunset, as the Shwe Dagon pagoda, which is entirely covered in gold plates, goes from sparkling gold to an incredible, unreal pink-gold colour. At this time it is possible to see a few monks in the traditional maroon robes climbing up the pagoda and walking around it, part of their studies and meditations. It really is a unique and astonishing site. The temple is not just the Shwe Dagon pagoda - there are ... read more
Shwe Dagon as dusk starts to fall
Monks walking around the temple at sunset
Monks walking around the temple at sunset

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