Blogs from Yangon, Yangon Region, Burma, Asia - page 12


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon April 1st 2013

Our first 12 hours in Yangon have been delightfully overwhelming, a feast for the senses and almost impossible to describe in just a few words. The city reminds me of Delhi, extremely poor, dirty, noisy and yet interspersed with magnificent golden pagodas, decaying colonial buildings, vibrant street life and above all incredibly friendly and polite people, everywhere we have been. We have only seen a few other tourists and clearly tourism and westernisation have yet to take hold, but construction works on new roads and hotels has started - a few months ago foreign cars were allowed to be imported- things will change soon. Even Eve has been completely taken in by the sights and sounds of the city, especially the golden pagodas, stupas and the huge buddha statues around every corner. Everywhere we go she ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 31st 2013

Depuis que je suis au Myanmar je me demandais comment vous le raconter... Et puis j'ai eu 2 jours de tourista ou j'etais confine a pas tres loin autour de ma chambre. J'ai donc beaucoup lu et decide d'attaquer le sujet... Premiere etape etait d'aller chercher mon visa a Bangkok, ca super bien ete. Ensuite venait la question de l'argent. Au Myanmar, les guichets n'acceptent pas les cartes des banques etrangeres, il fallait donc budgeter mes affaires a l'avance et apporter l'argent comptant. Etant donne que j'avais pris un package deja paye qui incluait la majorite de mes frais, c'etait pas trop complique. Les 2 seuls devises acceptes au Myanmar sont le $ US et le kyat (la monnaie locale). Impossible d'avoir des kyats a l'exterieur du Myanmar je devais donc aller me cherche du US... ... read more
Etat Shan
Inle lake

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 25th 2013

I determined early in the trip that I would enter Myanmar with an open mind, in fact it was almost blank. Er, perhaps that should read ... a blank canvas! I didn't want excessive research to impede a voyage of discovery to this unique travel destination in South East Asia. Of course I'm aware of Myanmar's recent history, as the country has just awakened from forty years of almost total isolation. Nowadays countries like Myanmar are becoming rare as we live in such an interconnected world, so I got to thinking it's time to experience Burmese culture before the country is completely overrun by tourists, as in neighbouring Thailand. An Aussie guy in the Bangkok hostel was stunned to hear I had no Lonely Planet, was completely oblivious to the absence of ATMs, and had not ... read more
Shwedagon Pagoda
Flower seller
Sporting a Longyi

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 9th 2013

Bangkok, Thailand, 10–15 January Yangon, Burma 15–17 January Considering the flight from Bangkok to Yangon took barely an hour, it was quite an eventful journey. After we boarded, a very rosy-cheeked, chubby, 40-something man got on and sat on our row in the aisle seat next to C. By way of introduction, he offered C his hand and said very loudly: “British, are you?” Without waiting for an answer, he then leaned over C and addressed me in a conspiratorial fashion. “Now, you know what would be great?” he said in a creepy and very patronising way, “If I could sit in that seat,” points to my seat, “when we land.” Without missing a beat, he then continued, very self-importantly. “See, I’m a journalist.” He placed great emphasis on the last word and then sat back ... read more
The pagoda roundabout very late at night
Sugar cane juice

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 28th 2013

23 Jamuary 2013 Day two in Yangon and we decide to follow the colonial route. We start with coffee at the Strand and end with lunch at the Governor's Residence, and in between take advantage of the free wifi at the part Junta owned Traders hotel. It is our most expensive day in Burma! You can really lord it here if you want to. The Strand has a colourful history. It's faded glory is still visible in the marble floors in the foyers and the high ceilings. The coffee is proper and so is the milk. We are so tired of three-in-one by now that we will pay anything, even US$5 each, for a cup of decent coffee. The butter biscuits are yum too. The free wifi at Traders is definitely the best in town, and ... read more
Andrew at the Strand
colourful boats at the jetty
old Bombay Burma Press building

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 26th 2013

22 January 2013 13 hours on the overnight bus from Inle Lake to Yangon. It wasn't the worst bus trip ever and someone was managing to sleep - the snoring was majestic! Thank apple for iPods!! We arrived at the Mingalar bus station just north of Yangon at 06h30 in the morning so at least it was light already. We hadn't managed to secure lodgings in Yangon, so we asked our taxi driver to drop us at the furthest out hotel in the downtown area so that we could start walking towards the centre in search. On the very first corner I got shat on by a Yangon pigeon - lucky lucky!! But how we walked! Maha Bandoola Rd runs through the centre of Yangon downtown, and is about 5km long if you are going straight, ... read more
Sule Paya detail
Sule Pagoda

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 20th 2013

Here's how we do a first day in Burma (Myanmar.) Get off the plane after 28 hours plus of travel, stumble out into the unsecured area of the Yango airport, where hundreds of people are waiting and looking. Immediately I'm approached by a taxi service man, who then whisks me off to the "Hotel 7 Mile." Wash and rest briefly, then arrange a taxi with the hotel. Comical, as English is limited, but I do have a map, and they know how to pronounce the names of places. After a round about discussion, we finally have it straight, and I head off with my young non-English speaking escort. Note the crazy driving. Crazy just because the steering wheels are on the right side of the cars, and they're driving on the right side of the road. ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 15th 2013

2013 Myanmar – Yangon We arrived at the airport, Terry certain he could get a visa on arrival until check in when the lady said they cannot let him on the plane without a visa! So there we were I was all checked in and he had to go back into Bangkok and sort his visa out so not knowing if he could get it in one day, or even get on another flight the next day we said goodbye and I was on my own. The flight was not full at all so I was hopeful he would be able to get a seat. I was amazed at the airport when we arrived. Not many planes on the apron but a very modern terminal with sky bridges (we did not have to walk over the ... read more
 Swedagon Paye Yangon
 circular train journey around yangon P1080759
 Synagogue in yangon

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 13th 2013

Sat Jan 5 2013 Set out to arrange our flights from Thandwe to Bagan next week. We had not been able to finalize them by email or online. Had a strange experience in a travel agency which led us to believe that we knew more than they did about the proposed trip. When the agent said we couldn't fly from Thandwe to Bagan-- we'd have to take a private car, we almost laughed. The distance is about 350km as the crow flies. Taxi, anyone? We said our good-byes and walked to another agency where we were successful in getting our tickets issued. Cab to Swedagon Paya. Large, golden most holy Buddhist site inYangon. Rather overwhelming with all its gold and ornate buildings, statues, artwork.To Monsoon restaurant, but full. To Chinatown where we had so-so meal on ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 13th 2013

Mon Jan 7 2013 This is our last full day in Yangon--not a favourite city for me. Very poor infrastructure (buildings, roads, sidewalks are in great disrepair. Garbage collection poor. ) On the bright side, people are very sweet and helpful. Great coffee and ok breakfast at Zawgyi coffee house just near hotel. Off to change money.. Got good exchange 890 as opposed to 800-820 at hotels. But felt like drug deal - done on sidewalk sitting on baby stools on a bridge-3 guys. They count, we count. Fortunately R checked that they had 5,000 kjat notes because we were getting close to 100,000 kjat. Then they complained that we didn't have any $100 bills, just $50s (crisp though). Home to deposit money in safe then back to Ruby Mart shopping centre to buy wine. I ... read more

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