Blogs from Yangon, Yangon Region, Burma, Asia - page 13


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 12th 2013

Fri Jan 4 2013 Up very early (4.20) to catch 7.15 flight Taipei to Yangon - 4 hr+ duration; 1 1/2 hr time diff. Lots of room on 737. Cab to Clover City Center Hotel. Hot 34 degrees. Clean spartan and very small room. Nap. Went out to change money. Found 3 different rates: 800kt=1$, 820, (hotels) 880 (man on street). Took latter. Hilarious procedure: he walks us to "office" which is kiosk against building run by 3 men. They have bundles of 100- 1000kt notes. R asks for $250USD worth. They want to change more. - 220,000kt. R counts out each stack. Then when he produces 5 crisp $50 US bills, they want $100s. R insists- dont have anything else. Has to give them 3,000kt back (about $3.50). Done. I put the huge wad of ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 11th 2013

A Ásia que permeia o imaginário dos viajantes ocidentais é repleta de povos e vilarejos parados no tempo, campos de arroz a perder de vista, templos perdidos no meio da floresta, vegetação tropical intacta e nativos hospitaleiros e surpresos ao primeiro contato com os estrangeiros. A Ásia real é um pouco diferente desse cenário. Ainda que seja bastante plausível encontrar lugares idílicos e remotos no continente, do norte do Laos ao centro do Camboja, ou mesmo em uma ilha turística na Indonésia, a realidade é que a região, guardadas as devidas proporções, ja é tão moderna quanto qualquer canto do mundo tido como exótico. Isso se traduz em megalópoles que não deixam nada a dever a cidades como São Paulo e Nova York, adolescentes vestindo grifes internacionais e trocando mensagens de texto via aparelhos Apple e ... read more
Calçada e "vendinha"
vendedor mirim
"Hi Speed"

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 6th 2013

We arrived in Myanmar to cooler evening temperatures but hectic traffic to get into downtown Yangon (in fact it look longer than the flight from Bangkok!). Yangon’s most famous structure is the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda, which has a huge golden spire that dominates the skyline. It was truly the outstanding highlight of the city. We arrived very early in the day (we were officially told that we were the ‘first foreigners of the day’) and enjoyed seeing all the families praying alongside the many monks; some of the monks were very keen to have their photos taken with us. There were also several colourful ceremonies being held for the young boys about to become novice monks. Despite the numbers of people ... read more
Shwedagon Pagoda
Bagan temples
Bagan temples

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 3rd 2013

It was an early start to the day as we were dropped off at the Mawlamyine bus station for our trip back to Yangon. The bus station was very different this morning then when we had been dropped off in the very early hours a few days before. The bus station was bustling with travellers, motor bikes and vendors selling all types of products. Our taxi driver made sure we were at the right bus company before leaving us. Unlike in Yangon when our bus was called the local passengers were kind enough to make sure we got on our bus. The trip back to Yangon was very different also from the previous trip in the opposite direction. The previous one had been at night and the sights during the day were nothing like I had ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon December 28th 2012

We had arranged a car to take us to Heho Airport for our flight to Yangon 15,000 kyats but when it came to pick us up we found there was another passenger so we only had to pay for two thirds of it. The drive was very uneventful. When we turned off onto the airport road at Heho we saw the wreckage of the Air Bagan plane that had crashed at Heho three days earlier. From the ground there didn’t seem to be much left of the aircraft. It was amazing that only one passenger and one person on the ground had been killed. The aircraft looked like it had misjudged where the airport was and landed too early. From the sky the amount of wreckage was more obvious and pieces of it were strewn for ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 26th 2012

My very first sight of Burma was its modern steel and glass airport, an ominous sign that I might have arrived too late. Burma, or should I say the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, was clearly ready to welcome the fascinated world it shut out these last fifty odd years. But as I scanned the width of the tarmac, I realized that there was just one other airline and it was a local one. Perhaps I am late but not too late after all. I filled up the disembarkation card in the pristine white arrival hall, having slept through most of the flight, and found a young Burmese teenage girl sidled up next to me. I handed her my pen thinking it was what she needed. As it turned out, she hardly knew a word ... read more
A typical street in downtown Yangon
the palm reader at the Sule Pagoda

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 21st 2012

A quick visual summary of our time in Yangon, Myanmar. This video acts as a visual aid to my Yangon blog entry. ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 21st 2012

11 days in beautiful, unspoilt Myanmar... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 20th 2012

Welcome to Myanmar, the golden land. The anxiety and excitement leading up to this adventure has been overwhelming, in both not knowing what to expect and finally seeing our plans come through after so much hard work and preparation. We begin in Yangon, which holds the largest population and was the former capital city of Myanmar. It takes a 45-minute flight from Bangkok to travel back 40 years in time; no ATMs, no 7-11s, no place to buy milk and cookies. Among the great number of intriguing aspects upon arriving in Yangon the first thing I notice after landing was the sincere display of kindness, warmth and welcoming, a characteristic I expected, but not to such a degree. The next thing I notice is the vast diversity—a demographic consisting of over 130 different ethnicities, religions and ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon November 14th 2012

Wow oh wow...Myanmar, where do I even begin! First off, google map where it is and if you still don't know, it used to be called Burma (I had to do the same so...). Ok, I normally don't do a ton of research of the history of a country before I arrive (lets be honest here...I never do research before). I just sort of learn along the way, but imagine a mix between Asia and India that has been practically blocked off to the western world till only two years ago (apparently CocaCola just started being sold here 3 months ago). Now imagine every rich, ugly kaki wearing, retired person thinking 'Ooooh we have been everywhere else in the world, lets go there and bring thousands of dollars to spend!' Basically, there is a massive flood ... read more

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