Blogs from Nigeria, Africa - page 7


Africa » Nigeria » Abuja July 4th 2008

How Far Now? (Nigerian Broken English for "How are you doing?") Arrived into Lagos, Nigeria on Monday from Cairo (after going to bed at 1 am to witness the European Soccer Championships and getting up at 2 am to catch a 6 am flight). We took a puddle jumper to Abuja and met up with our man Abbas Abubakar at the airport. That night we ate a traditional Nigerian meal with Abbas' boss at his home. The meal included Mui Mui (pounded yam), Chicken Pepper Soup (didn't affect us then, but our paying the price dearly now), Elephant Fish and potatoes. That night we went to the local nightspot The Clubhouse, smoked a shisha and had a couple Star Lagers (local beer of Nigeria). Tuesday saw us explore the capital of Abuja a little more. We ... read more
Aso Rock
Tucana Club
Fish Market

Africa » Nigeria » Niger Delta June 3rd 2008

Just starting out Actually the location is Bonny Island, just oustide of Port Harcourt and yes it is an Island. I've been working here for 2 and bit years in the Oil and Gas Construction Industry. ... read more

Africa » Nigeria » Yankari January 28th 2008

Referring to the title - well, you could first of all get yourself and your mode of transportation to somewhere in Nigeria where you can fix it.....lets try the capital city of Abuja. After spending the night in Ekom I got up on my Birthday before 5am and walked to the bus/taxi stop (they call them Parks here, i.e. Taxi Park) to organise transport to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. Still with no internet access that was our best guess as to where they might have parts or at least parts could be sent to us. Some taxi drivers suggested that I put the motorbike on the roof of their taxi, "It won't damage it. This roof holds 500kg!" Well, I wasn't going to put money on that one so decided on the next best option ... read more
Birthday fun!
Preparing lunch in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Restauranteurs in Makurdi, Nigeria.

Africa » Nigeria » Calabar January 21st 2008

Overshot the border as there were no signposts, we got to Nigeria without getting stamped so we had to go back. This is in Ilara, a border town, while our passports are being processed we had truck lunch, once through we tried to change money in town but wont change dollars for us so we moved on, Not one minute later we got stopped by Immigration checkpoint and there will be 8 more that afternoon, unbelievable, most of the time we have to show our passports and officials going up the back of the truck to check us out, Sometimes we can still see the last checkpoint and we got stopped by another! We got through that ordeal and bush camped before another checkpoint ahead of us. They also checked for the yellow cards a first ... read more

Africa » Nigeria December 23rd 2007

One of the real bright spots that we encountered in Nigeria was the Drill Ranch conservation project in the Afi Mountains. Drill Monkeys are one of the most endangered monkey species due to hunting and habitat destruction. The conservation project has a breeding and re-hab centre in Calabar and then the Monkeys are taken to the Drill Ranch in the rain forest of the Afi Mountains where they are prepared to be released back into the wild. The project employs local people and interacts with the nearby villages by using local produce to feed the animals. They truely are doing some good work. We began our day with a tour of the larged fenced enclosures where we could observe the Drill Monkeys and Chimpanzees. We then went for a canopy walk in the rain forest, followed ... read more
Guess who?
Tree Climber

Africa » Nigeria November 29th 2007

Welcome to my page. I want to do something different with this page. My yarns would be in pidgin English. For those who will want to learn pidgin English this would be a good avenue. About mysel: Dem born me some 35years ago. I be hussler. I sabi my job well well. I go skool for Unifasiti of NAIJA for Nsukka. I learn Matimatiks n Komputer 4 skool. I dey travel like river. I sabi speak Queens English,small Francais and i fit make some sentences 4 Chinese(shinko),Russian and Italo. I don go China,Japan,Ghana,Togo,Hong Kong. I go still travel this month. 4 Naija where I dey base,e no easy.I no dey sidon one place. I get business 4 Ibadan,Akure,Benin,Lagos,Uyo,Enugu n any place wey clients dem dey. I dey gum poetry well well. 4rm time to time I ... read more

Africa » Nigeria » Calabar May 23rd 2007

Well, this isn’t exactly how I’d planned to write my blog, but unfortunately it’s the way it’s panned out! Lack of internet access, lack of bandwidth when you do have the internet (one dial-up connection shared between four people anybody??), and lack of electricity through constant power cuts over the last 6 weeks or so mean that its been impossible to keep up to date with this blog. So rather than try and kill myself writing up entry after entry now that I’ve eventually found an internet café, I’m going to scrap the hurried bits and pieces I’ve started and let the photos tell the story, while I concentrate on mentioning my highlights and impressions of West Africa! (By the way, I don’t plan to continue like this for the entire trip, but hope - ... read more
Cold beer at last!
Djennè market, Mali
Djennè market

Africa » Nigeria » Calabar May 22nd 2007

It is not a fair reflection on Nigeria that the subject I choose to write about for this particular blog is how I left the country. Yet leaving was the most entertaining part of an entertaining couple of weeks crossing this big bewildering nation. Nigeria was never a country high on my list of places to visit. It has even less tourist sights than its neighbouring West African countries, and even they don’t have many. But the highlight, as for all of Africa, and the reason why I keep coming back, is the people. Travelling through Africa you get used to the shouts of “HELLO”, “HOW ARE YOU?” and “HEY, WHITE MAN”. In Nigeria, at an even greater volume, you get “WELCOME TO NIGERIA!” “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Doesn’t matter if you are standing ... read more
Village Near Makurdi
Common Agama
Friendly Truck

Africa » Nigeria February 7th 2007

Hello all, just a quick entry to let you know I'm alive and well. Having enjoyed the luxuries of air conditioning and pizza at Frankie's in Accra, and then the party atmosphere of Big Milly's on the coast in Ghana, things have been a bit less fun. For a start I was really ill as we left Ghana, I have never felt so sick in all my life. Thank god for all the lovely people on the trip with me who gave me sympathy and medical advice. I think I sampled every petrol station toilet between Accra and the Togo border during two horrendous driving days! I also had the fright of my life at the Togo border when I was searching for the toilet down a dark corridor and came face to face with a ... read more
Off to market

Africa » Nigeria December 28th 2006

some sites on the way to the village of nkwere (oon kwear eh) the christianity in eastern nigeria is total... the churches are huge and tons of busineses have christianity related names. notice things like the "god is good" painted on the motorcycle. the fact im athiest came out in a conversation, and they were nice about it tho totally unable to believe it. theyd go "so wow.... you dont go to church?" " still pray right?" most people had never met a nonchristian in their lives. never met a nonafrican. what a narrow view of what exists in this world! anywhere we drove through, if kids saw me in the car theyd run alongside us, trying to touch my hands, and yelling in wonderment, "onyacha onyacha!" = "white girl white girl!" i was kinda ... read more
nigerian police roadblock - takin bribes

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