Blogs from Morocco, Africa - page 183


Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Marrakech April 13th 2008

When you’re about to land in Morocco and you’re still not sure if you need a visa to get in ... ”always look on the bright side of do ... da da da da da da”. When you’re luggage still hasn’t arrived an hour after your flight has landed ... ”always look on the bright side of do ... da da da da da da”. When your arranged transfer isn’t waiting for you after you finally get your luggage ... ”always look on the bright side of do ... da da da da da da”. When you realise your sim card doesn’t work so you can’t call the hotel about the missing transfer and you have no idea where you are ... ”always look on the bright side of do ... da ... read more
Djemaa el Fna (Main Square in Marrakech)
Us on Djemaa el Fna
The Souks just off Djemaa el Fna

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat April 13th 2008

OK, Cheryl is here now so we are uploading photos: Sorry for the delay!... read more
Arch site of Sala
Sala arch site
Sala site

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Marrakech April 12th 2008

It's only been a few days since I've written but I have much to say and not quite enough time in which to say it. To begin with, on the plane ride here I decided to try to turn over a new leaf and start focusing on the present, instead of dwelling on the past - why did I let that camel rider talk me into giving him so much baksheesh?! - or planning for the future - where will I be having dinner after the museum this afternoon, and where will I get stamps for those postcards? This appears like a good idea, and undoubtedly it will be when I get to France and back to San Francisco, but attempting to fully experience Morocco can be a bit overwhelming, to say the least, and I ... read more
Andalusian Gardens at the Kasbah

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat April 12th 2008

Hello; it is now Saturday and only two of us volunteers are here; the 9 others left for various trips: Mary and I are tidying the resource room, which needs it badly. Our country manager kindly let me use his computer, with a French/Arabic keyboard, so it is slow going. There may be some mistakes so bear with me It takes 40 mins to get to our school; which is just inside the Medina. There three classes, the first are 3 to 4 years old; then the next 4 to 5, then a 45 mins breakfast break where all kids recite Koranic verses; other stuff; sing songs in Arabic and French; then eat bread with jelly and drink either water or milk. The maitre de ceremonie for this is very forceful and loud, And runs the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Marrakech April 11th 2008

After we returned from south of the High Atlas to Marrakech so Kate could travel back to North Carolina for a family gathering, she spent a furious last day of shopping around our neighborhood in the Ville Nouvelle looking for gifts for the folks back home and then trying to pack up all her spoils. Hassan, our innkeeper at the Hotel Toulousaine, was kind enough to take her to the airport for her 24-hour, 4-flight, 3-airline marathon, which she survived without a hitch. On the other hand, my incipient Marrakech Hack developed into a full-blown upper respiratory case complete with ear infecton, and I spent the two weeks she was gone trying to shake it while moping around the neighborhood from cafe to cafe, too enervated even to wander the medina, much less make good on ... read more
Clivias in bloom at the Jardin Majorelle
Kate and musician, Marrakech Medina
Watersellers, Place Djmaa El Fna, Marrakech

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira April 11th 2008

A blast of wind welcomes me as I open the van door. Sand whirls across the dusty car-park where we're stopped forming miniature sand-banks in the corners of the low surrounding wall. The wind blows the sand with such force that as it hits the wall it ricochets upwards in a fountain of dust that gives the violent air visible form. Its windier than normal, here in Essouaira, otherwise known as 'windy city' and along the sea-front is where it is most ferocious. But there is respite. The medina is a hive of activity, a hotch-potch of vendors selling everything you could possibly need. Fancy a pigs leg to suck on, complete with trotter - look no further! There is a thriving cafe culture here, not least because of the hundreds of tourists that flow through ... read more
Rug Souk
Our Mate Ahmed

Africa » Morocco » Souss-Massa-Draâ » Ouarzazate April 9th 2008

Jonathans fast time - the truth We in the tent believe that Jonathan did not actually run the race; he studied the map book really well and then got a lift in the jeep! Shocking I know, but it is not possible for an Irish man to run that fast! (Apart from my brother stubbie who is running Boston the weekend after next!) Team Naïve Team Naïve were housed in Tent 63, the name came about on the first day given that we were all new to the race. It was made up of six persons, me and Jon (designated team photographer), Alice (our in house Doctor) Mark (our interpreter), James (the Hedge trimmer) and Jes (who still managed to pull the French doctor even though he smelled like a goat!). The Tent Jonathan’s experience ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat April 8th 2008

Here I am in Rabat. Got picked up Saturday a,m, in Casablance. Our homeb ase is quite differenty from the one in Ayacucho, it is in a very affluent suburb and aa nice villa with each room looking onto a big tyerrace and garden. We are close to embassies an one of the king 's palaces, with lots if police surrounding all these gated properties. Here are some pictures. We began our assignments Monday, and I and another go to a school for street children. We spend half an hour with each classroom, so far ages 4,5,m and 6,and the classes habve anywhere from 15 to 39 kids. Two days we will be working with three classes of 7,8, 9 year olds, also huge classes. It is going to be very difficult a) to teach anything ... read more
The orange tree in our backyard
Neighborhood houses
Lounge/dining room

Africa » Morocco April 5th 2008

Found it really difficult to motivate myself this morning, perhpas I lost the momentum with the really nice rest day yesterday, or that mind tiredness is a result of physical tiredness. Everybody seemed to be taking tody really seriously and looking for a time to compare to road marathons. Today was my most difficult day so far and I really struggled at half way. Helen and Maria: thanks so much for the handwritten letters, they were 100 percent responsible for getting me going again. I set some targets, to be the number 1 Irish person in the race, and also in the stage. Poor Alan Lafferty stormed off today and must have been devestated when I passed him with just 3km to go, but it gave me a real lift. Seppy and the rest of tent ... read more

Africa » Morocco April 4th 2008

well i had my race strategy all worked out, run until the big jebel climb jebel and cross dunes then run walk the rest of the way, My day did not quite work out like that, i arrived at the mountain feeling great, but somehow on my way up the mountain i started to feel really bad in my tummy , mqde it to the top where i promptly got sick, felt aa little better so i started down and then disaster struck on the side of the mountain, i was deathly ill to the extent that i did not think i would make it off the mountain but a lovely american man helped me down and to the check point where the doctors gave me antinausea meds as there was a bug going around. So ... read more

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