Blogs from Souss, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt November 14th 2023

Medina's and souks are all very atmospheric, but it was time to leave the winding alleys behind us and enter the wide open spaces. The mountains and the plains, but mostly the mountains. With its little towns and villages, its sheep herders and friendly donkeys, where it isn't the sound of traders you hear, but of the wind, and goats. The call of a donkey echoing through the valley, a dog barking in the night, and birds twittering in the mornings. Where the nights can be freezing, but the hearth in the kitchen offers warmth and comfort. Thick blankets ward of the cold in the bedroom. The people laugh and smile, worn faces from the harsh conditions, but full of lines of mirth and friendliness. This is a different Morocco. Our first stop was Gite de ... read more
Fes to Boulmane
Fes to Boulmane
Fes to Boulmane

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Tafraoute April 23rd 2019

A stone from the hand of a friend is an apple ~ Moroccan Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling northeast from Sidi Ifni to Tafraoute. We woke early, prepared our packs and headed down to Hotel Safa’s bleak dining area for breakfast, where we were served mint tea, orange juice, boiled eggs, baguettes, croissants and honey. It was a fairly basic affair, but enough to energise us for a travel day. We left Sidi Ifni (a remote coastal outpost in southern Morocco) around 9am and drove northwards up the Atlantic coast. We were heading into the Anti-Atlas mountains, but we were stopping first at Tiznit to pick up some supplies for a picnic lunch. After a quick cafe nous nous (a local cafe latte) in a local café, we picked up some laughing cow cheese, ... read more
ameln valley
ameln valley
chez amaliya and lion's face rock

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt April 16th 2019

Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face ~ Moroccan Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling west from Sahara Camp to Taroudannt. Cramped in the back of a speeding 4WD, we emerged from the stony parched Sahara into the sleepy market town of Foum Zguid. Our minibus was parked at a local cafe (Restaurant Chegaga), so we bid farewell to our Saharan hosts, refreshed with a few cold drinks and continued our westward journey through the sandy Moroccan terrain towards Taroudannt. While the journey out of the Sahara had been breathtaking, it was great to be in the relative comfort of a minibus on a bitumen road. Every so often we’d pass a tiny oasis of palm trees on the side of the road. However, the landscape we were traversing ... read more
goats climbing trees
goats climbing trees
argan tree

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Tafraoute January 23rd 2019

Tafraout, Anti Atlas, Morocco December 2018 – January 2019 “You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” Pema Chödrön “Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you.” Neil Finn, Crowded House “Loneliness is the human condition.. that.. tunnels into you .. and.. allows your soul room to grow.” Janet Fitch “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” Robin Williams Tafraout (30.47028 -8.87695) is a small regional centre in Tiznit Province, Souss-Massa region of Morocco, in the central part of the Anti-Atlas mountains. It is 386 km south of Marrakesh. The population is around 6,000. It's off the main tourist route but is be... read more
Tafraout morning colour palette
Downtown Tafraout
Rock focus on Tafrout

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt April 2nd 2015

Geo: 30.48, -8.88During a fitful nights sleep (the beds were titled on the sand, giving you a perpetual feeling of rolling out of bed, while the pillows appeared to have been constructed from excess sand from the floor,packed tightly into a pillowcase), we took a trip to the outhouse of the camp. The moon illuminated our path, the millions of stars above creating a diamond drenched ceiling above us. We woke again before dawn ready to witness the sunrise in the desert, eager to see and photograph how it would change the faces of the dunes. Grateful for the relative cool of the morning, we mustered our strength and scaled the high dune, settling down on the cool sand to enjoy the sunrise. From where we were sitting, we could make out narrow, twisting tracks in ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt March 2nd 2014

Taroudant from 11/06/2013 to 12/06/2013... read more

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt January 3rd 2013

Renting a car for a day in Agadir turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Because it was a very busy time of year, nobody wanted to give us a car for just one day but eventually we managed to persuade one of the local firms. Morocco's roads have a treacherous reputation and the accident statistics make grim viewing, but it was the only way to have the day out that we wanted. First of all was a trip to the Souss-Massa National Park for a bit of birdwatching. That meant driving out of Agadir and finding the coastal road that runs to the South. The roads were busy and it wasn't easy to read the signposts but eventually we left the urbanised areas behind us and were driving through the countryside and negotiating the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Taroudannt April 1st 2011

Wlasnie przymierzalismy sie do Atlasu wysokiego, ale prognozy mowia nam "Nie jedzcie tam!" Wiec chyba znow nam przyjdzie salwowac sie ucieczka na pustynie. I chodz przed nami jeszcze Marakesz,Fez itd. to coraz bardziej dokuczaja nam duze miasta. Ten orientalny zgielk z upalem i uporczywymi przewodnikami przegrywaja ze spokojem i beinteresownoscia malych malowniczych osad. Wczoraj zabral nas z okolic Tafrautu mily starszy pan ktory nie tylko glaskal piesa,ale zatrzymal sie po drodze rozlozyl dywanik i rozpoczal modlitwe; dzieki czemu moglismy spokojnie sfotografowac kazbe ktora rownoczesnie pelnila kiedys zadanie agadiru tzn spichlerza. Niestety niektorzy ludzie uwielbiajacy podrozowac paradoksalnie cierpia na chorobe lokomocyjna i my sie do nich zaliczamy, wiec liczne zakrety i zmiany wysokosci utrudniaja delektowanie sie pejzazem. / niektore przewyzszenia w tych okolicach to... read more
niedojrzaly jeszcze migdalowiec

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Tafraoute March 28th 2011

Dziwnie tak jechac w strone domu, (Polski) jakos duzo bardziej wiatr wial w zagle jak jechalo sie w przeciwna strone; chodz moze tak zdrowiej puscil juz spid,zeszlo cisnienie i jakis tam stres przed nieznanym. Fajnie jednak ze to nie koniec,moze nawet poczatek bo w sumie Maroko chcialem zaczac przemierzac od Anty-atlasu, nie tylko ze wzgledu na nazwe :) Gory te sa starsze od Atlasu, maja niesamowite formacje skalne, do tego sa barwy czerwonej i jak dla mnie tu sie zaczyna historia Maroka. To jest serce Maghrebu, tu widac prehistorie wymalowana na skalach,to tu mozna znalezc ryty przedstawiajace zwierzyne i ludzi zamieszkujacych te ziemie przed tysiacami lat (w tym slonie i lwy),tak tu byl kiedys raj. I jestesmy,to dzis wwiezli nas do Tafrawutu- pieciotysiecznej stolicy Anty-Atlasu, zlapani na stopie koreanczycy,uswiadamiajacy nas, ze Poludniowa Korea jest kolejnym ... read more
skok na gazele

Africa » Morocco » Souss » Tafraoute March 28th 2011

PIekne jest Maroko. Potrzeba czasu na przemierzanie tych zachwycajacych krajobrazow, poznawanie ludzi i fajnie ze go mamy. Kazdy dzien niesie tyle wrazen, ze zdaje sie jakbym wyjechala z domu pol roku temu. Podroz nie meczy ale wciaga i zachwyca coraz bardziej . Im wiecej roznorodnosci poznanych w drodze, tym wieksza ochota i ciekawosc spotykania nastepnych miejsc, obyczajow, twarzy, smakow. Ostatnie 3tyg spotykalismy tylko miejscowych, w ostatnich dniach widujemy juz coraz wiecej europejskich twarzy( Pozdrawiamy serdecznie Ele i MAriusza;) Jestesmy w pieknym masywie Antyatlasu. Wioska Tafraut posrod skal, okolica robi niesamowite wrazenie. Dziwne, ale pierwszy raz dzis wystawilam sie do slonca (dotad nosilismy wszystko z dlugimi rekawami i nogawkami chroniac sie przed sloncem i tutejszym obyczajem) Wioska niedaleko Agadiru, ale z dala od zgielku i tlumow. Nie mam weny od ki... read more
targ nie tylko wielbladow
uwielbiam je za ich usmiech

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