Blogs from Malindi, Coast Province, Kenya, Africa


Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi July 18th 2018

I was about to board the matatu to Malindi I had got up early to avoid any trouble but because of the early hour the matatu was taking time to fill up. I decided to sit down and have a cup of kahawa chungu at the roadside stall next to the matatu stage. Around the table a few Swahili wazee were drinking their coffee and talking about the election and post-election violence they looked up with surprise to see a tourist as I moved to sit by them. Life was beginning to get back near normal some shops were opening and a lot more matatus were moving on the roads. A phrase the old men kept repeating that reflected the return to normality was “kazi iendelea” (work continues), it was also an election slogan used by ... read more
Ethiopia bar, Haile Salassie avenue, Mombasa
Salambo, Mombasa
Royal court Hotel pool, Mombasa

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi October 3rd 2011

So after some time here we are getting quite use to the idea of haggling for pretty much everything that we need to buy. Of course some things you get the idea that the price is set, grocery stores for example and museums for another. But something strange happened the other day, when we were about to go into one of these museums. We noticed the price for tourists which were 500 shillings and the locals 100 shillings. This difference in price is for every tourist attraction in Kenya and it is something you just need to put up with. Although today when we noticed the difference we were sort of discussing the topic between ourselves and said 100 shillings a little louder. We then got a response ‘400’… We were like what? 400 what? We ... read more
Hells Kitchen
mini-IMG 6864
Morning catch

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi June 24th 2010

We left Nairobi first class (!) on the night train to Mombasa where after having a personal introduction from the train manager, we enjoyed dinner, our very own cabin and after a very bumpy night's sleep, a scrummy breakfast. The train went through one of kenya's national parks, though only saw zebra, and past many villages where the kids came out and ran alongside the train asking for money. It got duller and duller as we approached Mombasa and we arrived in pouring rain, at the place where the sun always shines! Mombasa was great, yet a completely different feel from Nairobi or anywhere else we've visited in Kenya. We could have been in a different country, tuk tuks beeping left right and centre, the call from the mosques every few hours, small streets with beautifully ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi January 5th 2010

Nein, ich bin nicht aus Versehen in Italien gelandet. Ich bin immer noch in Afrika und habe zwei Tage in Malindi verbracht. Dennoch hat Malindi etwas von Italien. Man kommt an und die Kenianer sprechen einen erst einmal auf italienisch an, die Kinder rufen einen "Ciao Bello" zu und an jeder Ecke gibt es eine Pizzeria. Vor Jahren haben die Italiener Malindi fuer sich entdeckt und so trifft man sie auch noch heute an. Wir haben uns total darauf eingelassen und noch am ersten Abend eine Pizza gegessen. Und ich muss sagen, die war mindestens genauso gut wie in Italien. An unserem zweiten Tag in Malindi haben wir einen Auslfug nach Watamu und Gede gemacht. Watamu hat eine schoene Badebucht und Gede hat uns mit alten Ruinen einer fast vergessenen Kultur beeindruckt. Nach diese Programm hat ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi September 14th 2009

In the last two-three weeks in kenya, i participated in a youth day in Mombasa, i was facilitating the football side of things which ended up on a twenty on twenty football match when there was only sixty people there! i also built a school from wooden poles and mud! it was really good fun, when they said the village was abit out of community it was 1 hour from malindi by bus and 1 hour by walking through the jungle!! it was very good fun and very messy! Had my end of programme interview where i got 5 goods and 4 excellents out of nine possible solutions. We went for a whole group dinner at a local swahili restaurant, which was very cheap! the next night i went out with the omari project team for ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi August 5th 2009

Howdy everyone! ive been very busy these last couple of weeks to manage to get time to get onto the internet!! hope everyone is doing fine and dandy. Im having a fantastic time at work, in the week leading up to my birthday, i learnt how to do an indian head massage! well i attended a course for the introduction to an Indian head massage, but thats good enough huh? Do not expect one when i get back by the way!!! For the last two weeks i have been going out and doing outreach work in the local community. During thsi time i have been proposed to twice, been offered to join a tribe as a warrior and been offered to make an African baby!!!!!!! I have also been involved in filling out contact with client ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi July 29th 2009

Nach der Besichtigung der Gede Ruinen und des Gede Dorfes, verbringe ich zwei Tage in Malindi. Nach den vielen Eindrücken aus den letzten Tagen habe ich Lust zum ein bisschen entspannen. Die Sonne scheint ja in der Zwischenzeit und der Strand lädt zu langen Spaziergängen ein.... read more
Coconut Man

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi July 23rd 2009

Mitte Nachmittag beginne ich Malindi zu erkunden, um einen Überblick zu erhalten. Es fällt schnell auf, dass hier viele Italiener leben (und die meisten Touristen Italiener sind): von 10 Einheimischen, begrüsste mich etwa einer auf kenianisch; die restlichen waren "Ehi, ciao!", "Tutto bene?"... Unglaublich. Ich hatte mich schon darauf eingestellt, aber ich hatte es nicht so extrem erwartet. Dazu sind viele Beschriftungen neben englisch auch auf italienisch angeschrieben. Naja, benvenuto a Malindi :-) Ich bin zwar nicht über 6000 Kilometer geflogen um die italienische Kultur kennenzulernen und so versuche ich so gut wie möglich mich auf die Kenianer zu konzentrieren... Ich informiere mich über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Strände, Ausgehmöglichkeiten, usw. und so fügt sich das Puzzle langsam zu einem Ganzen... ein Teil des Tages verbringe ich mit Spaziergängen an den Stränden, welche die Nam... read more
Malindi Town

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi July 23rd 2009

Es ist ein verregneter Tag. Ein Taxi fährt mich in die Nähe von Mombasa, wo ich den Bus nach Malindi nehme. Die Busfahrt führt an Dörfern und Ananas-Plantagen vorbei. Obwohl es regnet, ist es immer ein Vergnügen, die Leute und die Landschaft zu geniessen. Nach ca. 2-3 Stunden erreiche ich Malindi. Muli, ein Freund von Leila und Nuru holt mich ab... Nachdem wir ein paar Unterkünfte angeschaut haben, kann ich mich für eine nahe am Strand entscheiden. Nichts besonderes :-) Nach dem Check-In treffe ich mich mit Leila am Massai Market um später eine Runde trinken zu gehen.... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi July 13th 2009

Hi, finally managed to get to an internet cafe in Malindi, first of all Happy birthday to Dad again. Good to speak to you earlier. From last Sunday to Thursday i was in Mombasa doing my in-country-orientation. I learnt some swahili, kenyan culture etc. We were doing the training on the beach front!! Had our first taste of kenyan travel, going round in a mutatu, which is like a bus driving by boy-racers! quite an experience haha. We spent all day traveling to Malindi from Mombasa where i got alot of pictures of the amazing scenery inbetween. unfortunatly the internet is so slow here, i will have to wait til mid-August to able to show you all, as they are putting fibre-optic broadband in all of kenya. We met our kenyan host home who is called ... read more

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