Blogs from Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana, Africa - page 10


Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 11th 2010

After our final meeting with the board and manager of the University of Education - Winneba Credit Union, we picked up Anna (a Canadian CCA worker) and headed back to Accra. We expected to be met by Shaun and Lucille (the coaches who remained in Accra as their assignment) and were surprised and happy to see most of the coaches had arrived back at the Central Hotel. Even Damien and Kristen were to arrive soon and they were travelling down from WA (really far north). The only coaches that would not arrive until Thursday afternoon were Larry and Doug who would be coming down from Kumansi. We all went out for great pizza at a place called Mama Mia's. The conversation was fast paced and energetic! We all had such incredible stories to share. It was ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 6th 2010

Westafrica has been a quite impressive experience. It is a truly opposite world compared to everything we know and believe in within Europe. Traffic has been rather moderate compared to some other countries (My personal Top 3: 1.Beirut, 2.Java(Indonesia), 3. Cairo). When I stepped out of the plane I felt like I was entering a hot steamy shower room combined with fumes and smoke. I thought it was going to choke me and I never really got used to it. My friends know me as someone who loves hot weather but this combination of fumes and humidity killed me bit by bit each day so I was more than happy to leave Accra. As soon as you left the capital the climate became a lot more pleasant. Still very hot and humid but at least the ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 5th 2010

We’ve now been in Ghana for almost a week, and it’s starting to feel much more like home. It’s been busy getting settled in and getting started at the hospital. We’ve also had a fair bit of time for sightseeing and exploring. Military 37 is incredible. It was built to care for casualties from the Congo, but is now a military and civilian hospital. Most of the nurses are Ghanaian army officers, but there are also some civilian nurses. They have been very accommodating, allowing us to pick and choose our placements. I will be spending 3 weeks on each of the following units: Trauma emergency/surgery, Maternity/Neonatal ICU, and Psychiatry. Our contact at the hospital is a Lt. Col named Sally, who is a good friend of Bev’s and an invaluable resource. She’s even arranged for ... read more
Our new friends at Labadi Beach
Mine and Jacoba's room
The courtyard

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 30th 2010

What a big day we had. We went to the Art Market after another great breakfast. This time we had butter and Apricot jam with our toast. The jam very tangy and thick. Normally, I'm not an Apricot jam kind of girl, but this was exceptional. We headed out in a convoy of three taxis to the market. The sellers at this particular market are quite aggressive because the competition for the tourists' dollars is very fierce. I was told on more than one occassion that I was the first customer of the day for a particular seller. It is good luck to "make" the first sale of the day and that luck travels with the buyer as well. It must really have been my lucky day. I got some great gifts (I can't say what ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 30th 2010

What a big day we had. We went to the Art Market after another great breakfast. This time we had butter and Apricot jam with our toast. The jam was very tangy and thick. Normally, I'm not an Apricot jam kind of girl, but this was exceptional. We headed out in a convoy of three taxis to the market. The sellers at this particular market are quite aggressive because the competition for the tourists' dollars is very fierce. I was told on more than one occassion that I was the first customer of the day for a particular seller. It is good luck to "make" the first sale of the day and that luck travels with the buyer as well. It must really have been my lucky day. I got some great gifts (I can't say ... read more
Next Door for lunch
View from here
Last night together

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 29th 2010

I am so happy. I figured out how to get my netbook on the wireless network so I am writing from my room. I slept right until my alarm went off at 6:30. I had a warm (could have been hot if I wanted) shower and a cup of Starbucks (the instant kind that they have been advertising - it's pretty good). Last night the air conditioner was too cold. I turned it down and put my winter jacket on while I slept. I know that won't be the case every night. I'll go for breakfast now and take some pictures for later... I'm so excited this morning I almost forgot to mention (sorry Damien) We briefly met the coaches from Ireland last night. We've already had conversations around Irish football vs Canadian football. The next ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 29th 2010

Well, it is the end of a very busy hot day. I slept right until my alarm, which was so great. We all had breakfast of coffee, spanish omlet, toast, cream cheese and orange juice. It was wonderful. We went to the Foreign exchange bureau and got some Ghanain Cedis and went back to the hotel. We freshened up a bit and then were picked up by CUA staff to be taken to CUA House (Ghana Credit Union Association) head office. There were formal presentations, question answer periods, a break for Tea and then a presentation from one of CUA's head officers explaining to us the history and mission of the Ghana Credit Union Association. It was incredible to be back at CUA House again after three years. Some of the staff had changed and many ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 28th 2010

We had such a big day on the 27th. We met with the staff from CCA and we talked about the Cooperative movement through history and what its role has been over the years in Africa. After lunch, we all gathered our bags and hopped the chartered bus to the airport. I’m sure we were all a bit nervous about what security would be like and it was fine. I can’t say enough about the positive experiences I have had with Air Canada! The plane from Toronto to Frankurt was not full so there were passengers taking advantage of rows of seats to lie across to catch a nap. I was not one of those smart people. I tried to sleep but as of yet, I have not mastered the art of sleeping on trips. The ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 20th 2010

Hello! So I’ve been in Ghana for a little over a week now, and its been pretty great so far. We had orientation for Monday to Wednesday last week, and even though it did answer a bunch of questions, there are still a lot of things we all don’t know about our placements… but that’s just how it is around here. No one is really in a rush to give you answers. You will find out when you need to. Ok. Sure. Haha But I am off to Fotobi this afternoon, so then I will finally get to put everything together, and hopefully get an idea of what I might really be doing. But other than work stuff, its been an interesting week! I had my first (of many) bucket shower when the water went out ... read more
the office
the tire stand right outside our hotel

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra January 13th 2010

Hello! I made it! After about 30 hours of traveling with a few delayed flights thrown in, we all arrived in Accra at about 2 in the morning Ghana time(which is 7 hours ahead of Canada), on friday night. There are 8 of us in total that have come from Canada, and while most of the others will be staying and working in Accra, 2 will be going east to a town called Awaso, and I am going alone to Fotobi, and small village just north of Accra, that most of the Ghanaian locals have never even heard of. haha I think that means its small. But, I do know that there are 2 other Canadian volunteers living in Fotobi, who have been there since September already, so I won't be all alone, and it will ... read more

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