Blogs from Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana, Africa - page 9


Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra March 25th 2010

We are now coming up on the last week of our placement, and beginning to prepare for the realities of coming back home to Canada within the next month. I spent week 7 at Accra Mental, one of the large psychiatric hospitals here. I had requested this placement due to my time at Alberta Hospital Edmonton as an Undergrad Nurse, but found my experience to be fairly useless here. Just like every other area of healthcare in Ghana, psychiatry is very underfunded, although it seems more pronounced there. Some of the acute units have upwards of 150 patients on a 50 bed-unit, and patients are required to sleep outside on mats. The staff ratios are about 1:50 (compared to 1:8 in Canada), which means that security is a serious issue. We were told stories about staff ... read more
In the "cage" on Children's ward
The beach during a downpour
"Big Millie's Backyard"

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra March 11th 2010

Today was a day of endings - my last day of maternity, our last day at Military 37, and, amazingly, the 2/3 mark of our clinical placement in Ghana. Maternity has been quite the experience here. I feel as though I’ve learned a great deal (although a bit of it has been what not to do). The maternity unit (also called Yeboah ward) consists of antepartum, labour and delivery, and postpartum. It is primarily for women with high-risk conditions such as hypertension, or those requiring c-sections. In Ghana, low-risk pregnancies deliver at smaller clinics with midwives. Yeboah primarily uses midwives, with the exception of very complicated births. The staff was very friendly, and always looking for learning opportunities for me. Ghanaians are given names based on the day of the week they are born, so I ... read more
In front of Military 37
One of the maternity nurses
The delivery room

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra March 9th 2010

Hi! Wow its been a while hey? sorry for that, but time flies, especially when internet cafes are few and far between. so what can i tell you about the last... oh 3 weeks? i'll start with the weekend after our adventure to akosombo. all the volunteers that came at the same time as me decided that we should meet up for the weekend, because it had been about a month since we all saw each other, so we decided to go to this beach called busua beach, which was a bit of a trek to get to, but totally worth it! it was beautiful! it was also really nice to see everyone again. most of the afternoon was spent catching up on how each others' jobs were, in between swimming in the ocean. the waves ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra March 3rd 2010

NOTE: no pics due to slow internet, sorry. -RR As I mentioned in a previous blog (9th of February??), I have started my internship at the UN University's Inst. for NR in Africa. Here's a brief account of my most recent activities.... On the trip to the central region, we ended up working with three schools in the area; one in Elmina, and two in Cape Coast proper. My boss (and probably the coolest lady in West Africa!), Yvonne, and Samuel, the director of a partner NGO (Centre for Environmental Analysis) talked with teachers for students as young as 6 up to about 6th grade level. In some cases, we got to speak with the students directly. We talked with them about how to form environmental clubs on their campuses, what kinds of impacts they could ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 27th 2010

So after a long and very tiring journey consisting of many delays and long stops we finally made it to Accra to be greated by the news that it was 32 degrees outside on the tarmac. We were greeted at the airport and taken on a deadly car ride back to the hotel, but don't worry we survived. After meeting one of the tour guides and getting some advice we started to explore! It was going fine untill we met a man selling paintings who decided he would show us around and wouldnt leave until we bought a painting! 'i smile in the mirror and you smile back' was the sweet phrase he used to convince us to buy a painting..... We've got a few hours to kill before we have dinner with the rest of ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 14th 2010

Day 5, Friday, Jan 29st After Breakfast we went to the money changer. I changed $400 at a rate of 1.37. On the way there, my new friend, James, made a ‘free’ bracelet for me. I asked Colleen how much I should pay for it. She said 1 cede. When I came out of the exchange James approached me with another present, a key chain. He asked me the names of my children. I gave him 1 cede and said I didn’t want any more. He was not happy but greeted me later in the day with a big smile and a “Hi Norm”. Around 10:30 we drove to CUA to meet the staff there. The meeting took place in a large room and about 20 CUA people and our 12 were there. We all introduced ... read more
accra 8b
Central Hotel
Central Hotel

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 12th 2010

We arrive at CUA house once more. We mill about until it is time for our presentations. Once these has been completed and questions asked have been answered, we are all presented with gifts. Then it's up to the roof top for a group photo (I'll have to get one of these from someone else in the group as I missed my chance)... read more
Damien and Lucille

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 12th 2010

We're all a bit sad about going home today. I think we all have similar feelings about our experiences and acomplishments while at the various credit unions in Ghana. We have helped and we have learned a great deal. This moring we will present shortened versions of our reports to CUA (Credit Union Association of Ghana). But first we must have a lovely breakfast under the canopy and show off our "Casual Friday" attire.... read more
Damien and Kristen
Damien and Laurie
All Dressed up

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 12th 2010

We're on our way now. Our flight leaves at 11:45 and we have to get to the airport in lots of time. The security is pretty severe. Every bag going on the flight is opened and gone through by the security guards. Then they're weighed and finally checked through. We're all pretty tired by now. 27 hours and I'll be home...... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra February 12th 2010

I awoke at 4 am and was unable to get back to sleep. I started thinking about the last two weeks, the people I've met and the new friends I've made along the way. Today will be a very big day. We have our final de-briefing at CUA House this morning and then spend the rest of the day with the group. The Irish coaches fly out around 10 pm and our flight is at 11:45 pm. Last night we continued with the tradition of going to the Dynasty Restaurant for our last big meal together and what a big meal it was. At one point, for about 30 seconds, the power went out. As we were in a room with no windows, it was very, very dark. I took a picture and the only way ... read more
Collen and Kristen
Pretty hats

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