Blogs from Ecuador, South America - page 629


South America » Ecuador » Centre » Riobamba April 19th 2006

Dear all... May we continue the story...when we last spoke I was clinging to the roof of a train... Surviving the Devils Nose... Fear not! I survived to tell the tale! In fact it was not the James Bond style escapade I was imagining. We queued as instructed at 6am; it was a cold and drizzly Andean morning and only the brave boarded the roof. They rented seat pads for 1$ a piece; much needed but not enough! Neither were the 4 layers of clothing, gloves, woolly hat and scarf I was wearing. We scoffed at the rich folk in their $140 heated coach as they scoffed back and took photos of the gringo idiots on the roof in the rain. The weather had finally eased up as we got to the 'nose' and a series ... read more
All aboard!
Preparing for palm Sunday
Crops at the market

South America » Ecuador » West » Montañita April 16th 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen... Hope you have a cup of tea at the ready for the next episode of "HRH in South America". Some accompanying pictures and editorial will be appearing in "Hello" soon. Montañita or not.. Rocked up in Montañita 7.30 on a Friday night after a 12 hour, x 4 bus trip from Baños. Within 10 minutes I'd seen 2 of my friends and dumped my stuff in an overpriced hostel and hit the town! Or actually little village full of bars and shops catering to the gringo taste for board shorts, veggie food and cold beer. Personally I thought it was all a bit fake and commercial and full of wannabes (obviously exceptions there Rebecca chick!) and a drain on financial resources. Decided about 7am that it was time to leave. Had a nice ... read more
Sunsets over the surf
My hut in Canoa
The crater lake

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 15th 2006

Hello folks! Another week has passed, more epic thunderstorms have occurred, more piglets have been born, and here I find myself in Quito to witness the Easter processions and take some time out from the reserve. We had another massive thunderstorm last Sunday night, and woke up on Monday morning to the biggest landslide yet...the old chicken house had fallen into the river below (see picture). I couldn´t believe my eyes when I saw the destruction. Luckily we built the chickens an a new house last week, so they weren´t affected by the rain! Also we are fighting a bit of a running battle with the steps up to the volunteer house, as with every rain storm we lose a little bit more of them. El Maestro, the chief builder on the reserve, has been spending ... read more
The Walnut Trees on the Reserve
The View From the Hill
Bromelia's Piglets

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos April 13th 2006

Don't be fooled by the title, Guayaquil is a huge city which holds 2.6 million people making it Ecuador´s most populated city. It centre is in the mouth of the river Guayas. The city is currently under-going a massive civil engineering project which involves the building of a new metro and new roads. All this buiding chaos just added to the busyness and dustiness of this city. The journey to Guayaquil was hair raising. There was plenty of fog and it seemed the bus driver was in a hurry. We screeched around hair-pin bends as they suddenly appeared in the mist. As the fog cleared we were out of the mountains and into the tropical region again, the temperature increased and the scenery turned from green grass to miles of banana plantations. The only break in ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Riobamba April 13th 2006

Riobamba is an Andean city in the middle of Ecuador. Being 4000m above sea level the climate is a lot cooler and wetter than that of Quito, making the 5 hour journey there quite pleasent. The rolling Andean mountains were covered in every shade of green imaginable and the higher ones white tipped. We passed a disproportionately large number of militaty and police schools on our journey too. We arrived at our hostel mid afternoon, a bit of a dumpy place but no doubt beautiful in its colonial hey day, high ceilings, central enclosed courtyard and much wood. The reason for our visit to Riobamba was a train journey, a very scarey one where you ride on the roof of the train while it ascends and decends the edge of the Andes. The idea was to ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Chugchilan April 11th 2006

Well, we have once again reached Quito, for the fourth and final time, flying back to Lima tomorrow afternoon. The Quilotoa Circuit was safely negotiated, with a lovely two night stay at the Black Sheep Inn in Chugchilán. Now, back to our story. Taking it slowly, we waited until morning to pack and ate breakfast at our hostel. Though we were told to catch an early bus, our desire to do so was tempered by our desire to sleep. The compromise was an 9am bus arriving in Latacunga at 11am for a 12pm bus to Chugchilán. Once again, it seems no one in Ecuador cares to get to the terminal, as there were only 3 others that bother to show up. Instead, we got a whirlwind, 45 minute tour of Quito, driving the street while the ... read more
Laguna Quilotoa with the Polarizer
This Picture
Indigenous people working the land

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 9th 2006

Hi Just a very quick blog to give you a idea of what the week has held for me since I wrote in Canoa. I had a lovely (if very hot and humid) weekend at the beach, with the highlight of the days being the sunsets, which were just amazing. Vocabulary runs out in these situations... but you saw the pictures, so you must have a fair idea what I mean! The bus trip back on Monday was fairly uneventful, with a quick stop-off in Santo Domingo to buy some lunch and get some money. When we got within a kilometer of the reserve the hot, sweltering skies became overcast and the rain began to fall (well they don't call it cloudforest for nothing). As we got out of the bus the thunder began to rumble ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Mindo April 8th 2006

So, for the first time, I have put an entry location as a location we are not actually at- we have regained the high ground, literally, of Quito and ´The Secret Garden´hostel. Though we have decide to head toward Latacunga to check out the Quilotoa loop and the Black Sheep Inn, one of the first places I checked out on the web when planning the trip. Also, if you are among the few loyal readers, there is a bit extra added onto the last entry, so feel free to go back and read about Quito. After dinner and a late night talking with our fellow hostel mates (10pm!), we went packed and went to bed. We awoke early for our 8am bus to Mindo, taking a taxi to the Flor del Valle bus station. After purchasing ... read more
Toucan Barbet (Marcelo Arias)
Guayaquil woodpecker (Marcelo Arias)
Collared Trogon (Marcelo Arias)

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 8th 2006

Well, I had to wait for my last day in Quito, but the weather was finally clear enough for me to consider gong up Quito´s teleferico (cable-car) to see what the view had to offer. From tip to toe, the mountain overlooking Quito is taller than Snowdon is above sea level. The big difference is that this little thing starts at 2800 odd metres, the height of Ecuador´s capital! As a result, the top is at around the 4100m mark. And yet there´s no snow. In fact, it´s not even that cold. It is noticeably cooler than it is in the city below, but it´s a lot warmer than I´ve ever known it to be at the top of Snowdon!! As a result, there´s a lot of grass growing and it´s all quite green. I guess ... read more
Quite a view
It´s nice...

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 5th 2006

Our last full day in the Galapagos, on the island where the most landscape pictures are taken. Matt here again, as Sara is otherwise engaged. Going to bring the blog up to the present, which travelling can aid in as plane flights usually lead to uneventful days. We woke up with Pinnacle Rock, a famous Galapagos site, and the island of Bartolome outside our window. This day was to be occupied with sights in the early morning, snorkelling, hopefully, with penguins in the middle of the day, followed by a boat ride back to the main island of Santa Cruz to visit yet another beach. We ate at the usual time and headed out to the panga to climb up 285 steps and 120 meters to the highest point on Bartolome Island. The climb was fairly ... read more
The view from the top! (Bartolome)
Us at the Top (Bartolome)
Our Room plus Swans

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